Be Jow Forumsommando

>be Jow Forumsommando
>love guns
>love war-related autism
>oppose military industrial complex
How does one achieve this level of retardation?

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Easy. Anything beyond the limits of my property can fuck off.

Until fucking off becomes nuking your property

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Companies can still make guns and sell them to citizen without a system pushing unnecessary wars.

There's nothing wrong with being interested in warfare but not liking it

Sorry, I don't see the conflict. The state is a necessary evil at best. War for oil, empire, and Israel does nothing to make my life better. I don't fucking care who runs Crimea, or Syria, or Libya, or Afghanistan. I see no reason to send American soldiers to put their lives at risk to make the world safe for Samsung, Hyundai, and POSCO to drive RCA, General Motors, and National Steel into bankruptcy. Frankly, all 50 million Koreans, north and south, could get raptured up into Heaven tomorrow, or the whole place could slide into the sea, and I couldn't really tell you how my life would be much different for it. Red Dawn fantasies aside, a military invasion of the United States would be so difficult that (a small punitive expedition here or there aside) nobody's ever tried it, and nobody's likely to in the future, either. And as long as they don't, well, I'm not the world's dad; I'm not here to turn them over my knee and spank them when they're naughty. They can figure their endless problems out on their own. Or not. I don't fucking care. It's not my problem.

Build the Wall, keep the subs, the air defense, and the nukes, and let the rest be handled by militias if need be, just like the founders intended.

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America tried to be isolationist before and we had a second, unnecessary, world war happen because of it.

Global politics are only becoming more and more complicated.

>America tried to be isolationist before and we had a second, unnecessary, world war happen because of it.
Nope. The Second World War in the Pacific happened because we provoked the Japanese with oil and steel embargoes. And it happened in Europe because Jew bankers and Winston Churchill wanted it, and because FDR was another liberal world-saver like Woodrow Wilson with a utopian "war to end all wars" fantasy. We should have minded our own business.

>provoked a country with trade sanctions that invaded another country and was committing horrific war crimes

Shit, I'm not even going to touch on how deluded your thought process is on the European theater. Get a grip, man.

>invaded another country
Not my problem.
>and was committing horrific war crimes
Not my problem.

I stuck my peepee in ur mum and 9 months later you arrived.

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Did you absolute madman just post a hoers on Jow Forums


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Ya goddamned right I did.
I've got balls of steel.

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>War, war never changes.
Seriously though it sucks and I hate it. I dont know if there is a way to get rid of it though. One producer disappears and another will replace it.

>All those that came before us, the flower of our ancestor's youth so energetic and full of life sent to the slaughter house in the name of international Jewry every other generation failing to learn from the past
And yet I can't stop loving them.

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Unless you're a teenage edgelord or a retarded boomer you should oppose the military industrial complex.
Starting conflict for profit and sending boys to their death is an evil thing.

Agreed 100%.

Dubs of truth.

Nah I disagree. If you fuck over a country economically then they have every right to retaliate. For example, I dont give a fuck what Iran does, we have nukes, they should be able to get some if they are smart enough to.
Very good. We've been having a fucking pain dealing with Afghanistan for 17 plus years and people think our government or any other could just roll over America.

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I don't oppose the military-industrial complex, I oppose the amount of retardation and pork barrel that could be used to buy and develope more shit

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>Love guns, because they're fun
>Love guns, because I can use them to prevent Jose, Jamal, and James the Junkie from stealing my shit or taking my life
>Recognize that fighting is integral to human nature and is inevitable. Not only is it inevitable, but fighting also produces virtues like honor and courage. Fighting, when done for a just reason, is one of the most important things that can be done.
>Also recognize our boys either dying for a few fat cats' greed or for israel is a bad and tragic and p r e v e n t a b l e thing, and is not just in the least.

Also I just remembered that war produces most of the new technology used for everything everywhere all the time. Nothing like the threat of annihilation to kick the old evolution of things into hyper drive.

Fuck off Kikenburg. It’s completely possible to be a weapon and military enthusiast without supporting unnecessary political wars and military lobby jewbaggery.

Isolationism only works if all the other major powers are isolationist too


It would be nice if this wouldn't have any consequences but it certainly would. Ground surrendered is ground permanently lost on the international scale. Withdrawing from anywhere leaves a power vacuum that other parties will rush to fill and we cannot trust our weak ass allies to hold their own individually or collectively. Sure the wide reach of America is invasive and unjust at times but there's no guarantees that it would be better under anyone else. Furthermore, our holdings overseas act as a protective barrier to the US itself and the US is not exactly popular on the international stage. If another potentially worse power fills the world domineering void left by America's absence, China for instance, there are no guarantees that without our international assets they might get ballsy and actually bring about a ching chong red dawn scenario that will almost certainly affect you. Trade with America means jack shit if their reach is far and wide enough to be economically fully self sufficient and that's the one thing standing between peace and war.
>inb4 nukes
If a world spanning Chinese empire comes about it will simply be too large of a target for nukes to do anything meaningful.

So we have to bomb ourselves back to the stone age to work senpai.

What is even going on in Afghanistan at the moment? Am I putting a drop in the bucket of billions so that some people can have a participation deployment medal?

Davinci apperently hated war but was fascinated by how it worked. Half of his designs were intentially built to fail.

Being interested in weapons doesn't mean you have to approve of war for ((profit)).

I find all weapons interesting. Medieval, Nazi WWII, Russian cold war, modern westerm fighter jets, muzzle loading muskets, it is all interesting to me.

Die you fucking Barneyfags

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I just went to Kandahar in September last year as a cheery fuck. It was all just training Afghans while they get blown up. The fight is still as intense but we just let them duke it out while going to gym and jerking off. At least I got to help draw blood for some Romanian guy that survived after his liver was exploded. Also thanks for the extra money tax niggers.

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Because the military industrial complex is controlled by (((them)))

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Thanks for wasting your time & our money, moron.

Not a waste of money for me and army allowed me to grow up so I win sort of.
Id also like to remind everyone about the 94% of the worlds heroin production that starts there and we defend their fucking opium fields.
Afghanistan can seriously be glassed, what a cia nigger waste of America. Fuck them.

>It would be nice if this wouldn't have any consequences but it certainly would. Ground surrendered is ground permanently lost on the international scale.
The "international scale" is not my problem. Call me when they're on the Triborough Bridge, headed west
>Withdrawing from anywhere leaves a power vacuum that other parties will rush to fill and we cannot trust our weak ass allies to hold their own individually or collectively.
Not my problem.
>Sure the wide reach of America is invasive and unjust at times but there's no guarantees that it would be better under anyone else.
>Not my problem
>Furthermore, our holdings overseas act as a protective barrier to the US itself
We did fine without it for a very long time.
>and the US is not exactly popular on the international stage.
That's because we incessantly fuck with other people's countries. If we stopped doing that, people would stop hating us so much. The Empire solving a problem that it caused in the first place doesn't gibe it a lot of credit in my book.
>If another potentially worse power fills the world domineering void left by America's absence, China for instance, there are no guarantees that without our international assets they might get ballsy and actually bring about a ching chong red dawn scenario that will almost certainly affect you.
>If a world spanning Chinese empire comes about it will simply be too large of a target for nukes to do anything meaningful.
They know we can make Beijing and Shanghai into radioactive slag heaps, and that'll be enough to dissuade them.
>Trade with America means jack shit if their reach is far and wide enough to be economically fully self sufficient and that's the one thing standing between peace and war.
No, the one thing standing between peace and war is that war would be suicide for both them and us.

I'm down, just let me book a flight to Vegas first.

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Have fun with all the paper when that has no meaning in the fall out.

>Eisenhower acting he didnt love every second of it

>poppy fields

You are basically advocating for MAD. How many times has the U.S. almost gone to war with the Soviet Union because of a miscommunication or misunderstanding? I mean I agree that we shouldn't fuck around in other countries, but we should develop other ways to deter war.


It's a fucking New Vegas reference user.

Soiboi lel
Nah just let it happen senpai.

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>You are basically advocating for MAD.
Your absurd hallucination of my opinion is noted.

Who could be behind this post?

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Well fucking said!

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>implying Japan wouldn't have invaded all US territories in the pacific and eventually the West coast if we let them build up and grow strong enough
>implying hiding your head in the sand makes a problem go away
>japan invades china "not my problem"
>japan invades guam "not my problem"
>japan invades hawaii "not my problem"
>japan invades california "not my problem"
>japan invades your mom's basement
>"oh geez maybe we should've done something to stop the japanese before they came this far"

>Based Ike

Last president we had that actually gave a fuck about the wellbeing of the American people.

Since fucking when is being evil a thing not accepted here?
I came back today after I called it quits since the end of the klankenning and I'm fucking shocked at the sheer fucking pussification of this damned place.

>and eventually the West coast if we let them build up and grow strong enough
They could barely hold down Manchuria which was right next door to them. How do you expect them to reasonably project, land, and support an invasion of the mainland United States? The same country that went full autistic REEEE and shit out 143 aircraft carriers and god knows how many other ships in less than 4 years because some nips bombed a few of our battleships.

So you're in the first category: edgy teenager
Good to know.


This has to be the most Jow Forums tail I have ever seen on an F-15.


It can work if you maintain a focus on defense.

you're the reason was made

and I suggest you learn history from somewhere other than Jow Forums

Maybe that money could be better spent. Okay, I agree. However, when we invest a gorillian dollars into a piece of military hardware, the money has been spent. I might as well appreciate it.


There's no such thing.

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Yes there is, it's always been a pretty solid thing for all of human history. Atleast untik before the past modern cancer we live in now.

You believe that because you are programmed to. Also, I think you mean post-modern, which I agree is cancer.

Shut the fuck up, this is a pointless debate, the worst kind: labels and semantics. When that poster said something was evil, he didn't mean it was caused by a nefarious force, he mean't it was a thing that is mostly universally agreed to be bad thanks to its abominable effects. You swishing your cape and explaining "Actually evil isn't real" just outs yourself as a stupid asshole.

he could have just said "really really bad to a degree that its abhorrent". Would you have replied to him that "bad is a meme, abhorrent isnt real". shut the fuck up

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anti state shitters need to die. like 99.9% of them come off as sovereign citizen tier retards who have never read a history book.

everything freedumb-niggers think America is is a myth I made up so they didn't get spooked
that America was an Empire and has been since the days of their great great great great grandfathers

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>When that poster said something was evil, he didn't mean it was caused by a nefarious force, he mean't it was a thing that is mostly universally agreed to be bad thanks to its abominable effects. You swishing your cape and explaining "Actually evil isn't real" just outs yourself as a stupid asshole.

When I find a wasp trapped in my house and near death, I nurse him back to health and release him back to the outside as soon as he's healthy enough to fly, all on the off chance that he might eventually sting someone.

You are the reason why.

>he could have just said "really really bad to a degree that its abhorrent". Would you have replied to him that "bad is a meme, abhorrent isnt real"[?]

Yeah, probably.

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>is is a myth I made up so they didn't get spooked
okay, who are you then and how are you still alive after two and a half centuries
>smug anime girl pic
kill yourself

>he doesn't like smug waifus

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Yeah, boys that volunteered knowing they can be sent to the battlefield. If you made big bucks off war you wouldn't say shit.

>I don't have an argument anymore so..
>What you're saying is (((some retarded shit that was not said)))

The US and Soviet Union were also fighting proxy wars and shit. Cold war was nothing like user's ideal foreign policy scenario.

Non-interventionism works even if all the other powers in the world aren't though

>Confusing war propaganda with actual history or logic.

>Isolationism only works if all the other major powers are isolationist too
Nope. "We won't fuck with you, so don;t fuck with us. And oh, by the way, if you do fuck with us we'll turn all your cities into radioactive slag" is a message that works surprisingly well.

Pretty much. But remember, neocon WWII revisionists would have you believe that even though the Nazis couldn't successfully cross the 35 miles of the English Channel and invade tiny, underpopulated Britain, they would have ended up crossing the 3000 miles of the Atlantic Ocean and successfully invading America one of these days.

Can't turn their cities into radioactive slag without the military industrial complex.

privately owned nuclear militia?? Jesus Christ you're dumb, infringer.

Ah yes because the US has never had a problem with private companies trying to monopolize and fuck over their customers......You would end up with mega corps fighting it out and making life extremely shitty for the average human who they see as merely a dollar sign.

Libertarian need to eat a bullet

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>libertarians are anacaps
kill yourself my man

"The military-industrial complex" as Eisenhower meant it is not the same as the capacity to manufacture the modest amount of weapons that will be needed by a limited republic that minds its own business in foreign affairs.

>privately owned nukes
Thank you for reminding us that memes exist.

>hey japan stop killing chinks
>no more oil then
This is provoking?

>haha how can you like guns and the idea of war/battle but hate hypocritical jews and/or politicians raping a generation of young men by starting useless wars in irrelevant nations that they make you pay for so they can drum up business for their companies, you cant have one without the other, lole!

OP is a fucking bundle of sticks

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until you realize those companies manufacture the arms for unnecessary wars


Well yeah, because that system is still in place right now.

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>wants recreational nukes
>opposes “unnecessary war”

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