German occupation of Norway

Why did the Germans waste 300,000 troops occupying Norway until the last day of the war?

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>why did the Germans do (stupid thing) during WW2?
Because Hitler and his Yes men were fucking morons

Hitler was so fuckin idiot

Bad meme, Hitler was a great strategist during the early war. Rommel was a shit general

lol you couldn't force me to leave Norway for endsieg Germany
maybe Bjorn and Lief will take pity on my conscript ass and treat me better than Ivan

It had important harbors that Germany wanted to help control the northern atlantic ocean. This was critical for their uboat campaign
There was also a lot of iron ore in nearby sweden that they wanted.
If Norway fell to the allies, it would be another potential point of invasion into Germany.
Also, Norway was considered part of the greater gemanic culture.

Nevermind these tards

Hitler's strategies early in the war worked, later in the war they were full retard but that's attributed to the man himself becoming delusional
Rommel doesn't have much to do with it. He was given the task of trying to defend the Atlantic coast and that was a big job. Leaving an area without adequate defense would have been noticed and exploited.

>Lose Norway
>RAF and USAF now have bases within spitting distance of northern Germany

It's about the same distance as from eastern England.

>He was given the task of trying to defend the Atlantic coast
The only reason he had to defend there was because he overextended in Africa against Hitler's orders and lost Africa. The myth of Rommel the Superman is a fiction generated by Seidl.