Post rifles, argue about the difference between G1 and G7, ask why .308win is dead, etc.
I'm getting a TBAC Ultra 9 for my 300 win mag next week. TBAC guys say their COMB system is rock solid, but I'm told by PRS shooters that DT is the only way to go. Who is right? Should I go DT or COMB?
Its not, 308 is perfectly fine out past 1000 yards with proper tunes, and proper loads.
Jose Gutierrez
fat boomer round, its the .45 of precision rifle rounds
Liam Diaz
It's not dead, it's just outclassed by current standards and measurements. To be competitive, you need to shoot a flavor of 6mm. The 6.5mm loads are great, but they lack the speed that current trends are favoring.
Wyatt Torres
Is that a CA mesa?
Zachary Johnson
This is true unless you shoot in the f/trclass or palma. But for non competitive shooting 308 is fine