That boomer on the range that literally won't say a word to you

>that boomer on the range that literally won't say a word to you

Attached: 1529895746866.png (380x349, 70K)

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one time i took my black female coworker shooting with me and a boomer aged dude regarded me like i was the lowest form of trash

Attached: 1523301726863.jpg (633x438, 85K)

A black chick at the range? I can hardly imagine it.

If he was a boomer he would approve of your degenerate racemixing.

>be me at local range
>shootin muh glawk (Hi Point C9)
> guy with actual Glock one lane over sees
> says, "People who own Hi Points should be shot"
>challenge him to a test of accuracy and speed
>first to put 5 hits on the 8" gong @ 25 wins
> first 4 of mine on target, 2 misses, and finally the last hit
>he still shootin
>he runs out before 5 hits
>he gets aggressive
>i move to far end of stalls
>he yells, "What are you, a pussy?"
>i yell, "No. I just know you cant hit anything this far away."
>he mag dumps his last mags, packs up, and tears out of there with all the fury of a 7 cylinder F150
>i actually receive range blowjob and take my leave as well
>It Was a Good Day.wav

tldl: Don't fuck with fixed barrel pistols.

Opposed to figuratively won't talk to you? Nice one millenial.

Attached: sexual tyrannosaurus.gif (400x215, 667K)

>Boomer with a 7mm magnum, and 2 other obscure magnums all set up identically
>Boomer firing a 1911 off a sandbag

Attached: 1527529170950.jpg (234x215, 9K)

Boomers are the degenerate pro race mixers though

>Guys, look, my first "shit that never happened greentext"
And everyone stood up and clapped afterwards right?

You’ve never so much as held a firearm, have you