Russia’s ‘stealth-killer’ fighter project has been abandoned


>RUSSIA sent its secret new stealth fighter prototypes to Syria to see how they performed. Now, the whole project has just been dumped.

How could have it gone so wrong Jow Forumsomrades?

Attached: screenie.png (1009x647, 322K)

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As had been said many times, the SU-57 was always planned to be the prototypes for the future 6 generation aircraft.

But sadly Russophobia media has spreed this lie, like small pathetic britshits have announced there fighter project and continued to kill their own citizens with novichok (very much of desperation).

Thankfully our based president has made much effort in improving Relations with Russia.

They don't pay you guys enough to get your talking points out this fast.

You should move to america, we pay our shills much higher wages.

Says the literal russian bot.

But back on topic the PAKFA was a complete piece of CY trash, it's just dying a slow death.

I can smell the rotten teeth from here.

>this mad at bongs
Armatard...Is that you? Where have you been buddy?

Aw man, is Armatard back?

>small islander's confusion and insecurity

Attached: british navy.png (320x863, 37K)

Don't you know? Su-57 is so great Russia doesn't even need it!

Russia shall have fleet of 5,000 Su-67's in a mere 5 years

Except if you can’t produce a working fifth gen, you don’t have a hope of producing a sixth gen.