/meg/ - Military Enlistment General

"David Goggins was the 42nd black person to make it into the SEALs" Edition

Previous LIE

>Do your own research to start, then come here for clarification.
>No vague questions, like "What job is best?"
>IRC Channel
>implying anyone uses IRC
#MEG on Freenode
If you're on mobile look up AndroIRC for the app. Any questions, ask in the thread to get you set up.

Guides to prepare for high-speed shit. (SEAL, Ranger etc.)

For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

>Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

US Army High school to Flight school

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
tl;dr: Long hard school, to do shitty work, and the job prospects are a lie.

CG info

ASVAB for Dummys


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Other urls found in this thread:


Tell me about 0861.

Tell me why I should just join AF, instead of getting character references for my NG recruiter so that my waiver statement may or may not be processed faster

What job?

Not qualified for Army Special Forces or EOD but am qualified for Air Force EOD and Pararescue

Also 35F vs Air Force Intel?

I don't even know. Considering my ASVAB scores I can pick pretty much anything

You might want to focus on choosing a specific type of job before choosing a fucking branch. Most jobs are the same shit, branch per branch.

Make a list before you end up fucking yourself.

No, you can't pick anything in the AF.

You make a list of a few that you want plus an aptitude area category that covers dozens of jobs, and you get given something from that.

>you can't pick
You can if your recruiter isn't an asshole, don't fucking sign the contract unless it has the AFSC you want on it.

To caveat on this, if you want a specific afsc even if your recruiter isn't an asshole you may wait in DEP for a while

How does the contracting work? Are recruiters really going to put “you’ll be a cook actually” in fine print?

>No, you can't pick anything in the AF.

-signed, tard who went in Open General

Well yeah, but it's (usually) worth the wait.
If you're indecisive or have a room-temperature IQ (i.e. a sub-90 ASVAB) you can take an "open" contract where you go through basic and then get assigned a job based on the needs of the Air Force. It can be something like "open mechanic" where it'll be SOME kind of mechanical job, or "open general" where you'll be a cook, because nobody fuckin' joins the air force to flip eggs, so the air force needs a LOT of them.

>should i do this thing for the ng or join air force?
>gets asked what job
>haha idk like lmao i can get anything
job > branch you dingus, it's the next 3-6 years of your life minimum.
Generally speaking active duty is very different from the guard so you need to sort yourself out before you go trying to sign stuff.

Asked in the other thread: is it possible to get 1B4X1 guaranteed before shipping to BMT? How long might I have to wait in DEP? someone brought up needing to get a security certification before they'd let me go, anyone know about that?

Which branch has the most weebs in it?

Which occupation has the most weebs in it?

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>is it possible to get 1B4X1 guaranteed before shipping to BMT?
Yes, tell your recruiter that's the job you want and that's the only one you'll ship for, they'll put it on your contract. Don't sign shit unless it says 1B4x1.
>How long might I have to wait in DEP?
Depends on Needs of the Air Force and how many other people you're competing with, potentially quite a while.
>someone brought up needing to get a security certification before they'd let me go, anyone know about that?

Make sure you're clean before you start aiming for shit that needs a clearance. If you do meth, might wanna give that one a miss. Have names/addresses of friends/neighbors/employers handy when you ship. You'll need employment/residence for a few years, have those handy, too. Not the WORST idea to clean up your fb/social media. Make sure your friends/neighbors/employers know not to fuck you over. Otherwise, you'll only start getting that shit done in the latter part of BMT.

I have a clean background criminally, but I attended Navy OCS in the past and DORd so my recruiter is going to have to probably help me with waivers. I'll contact a recruiter, thanks

Air "Force."


Answering marine/officer questions for the next hour or so

What's your favorite mre flavor

Have you ever “kissed” a girl

I mostly munch in crayons. The blue ones mostly

Why is kissed in quotations?

post your badges

>but I attended Navy OCS in the past and DORd
omg... you cant get ts anymore... wtf... why are you even in this thread... fuckingg neverserved...



youd think that comms or signals or something would have more weebs and bronies and shti but no. i think iis because they know to hide their powerlevel and have hidden it so long theyve become normal people but with a kink. it's always the sea ninjas who run arouond with pinkie pie coffee mugs and hang wall scrolls in their mess

Was it hard to tell your Dad that you are gay?

Can anyone tell me what its like to be a combat engineer? I'm not sure if I should choose that or a combat medic as a I want to larp in the dessert.

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So I found this vid confronting a fat fuck stealing valor. Wanted /meg/ opinion on it.


>Why is kissed in quotations?
if you don't know you're not a real Devil Dog.

its like Dilbert but in a warzone

I've never read Dilbert user...

Why would you DOR from navy OCS? It was a joke after the first few weeks.

NPQd from the job I wanted

I shot myself on purpose to get out.

I don't know if anyone remembers me from six months ago, but this scar user speaking. I realize I can't enlist and even if I did I'd be a liability to others in a combat and non-combat role.

There were other things I was withholding from you guys.

>Three heart attacks
>PTSD from actually shitty experiences with shitty family

I'm a liability to anyone I work with, and am an even larger liability to anyone who has to drag me out because round four decided to happen.

Thanks for the help in the first place though.

Yes he can, what are you talking about? The only thing dropping from OCS affects is your chance to apply for another commissioning program immediately afterwards

i'd agree, you are indeed cancer. feel free to keep posting "Answering marine/officer questions for the next hour or so" in every thread though you canadian piece of cucked trash

Wrong person?

I posted in November looking to join the Army infantry, but okay, sure.

Have a good one.

where is your ts clearance... fucking neverserved... idiot...

>>Three heart attacks

He's Canadian.


What is the best job I could get as a non-citizen to work in 2 years? I've read I need to live and work in the USA 2 years before I can enlist in the military as a non-citizen so I'm looking at my options. I'll be graduating with a degree in criminology so that's why I'm confused on what I could work as besides LE

so this is the face of the neverserved who keeps telling us to wear socks lmao

all nato countries are property of the US so if you are from a non-shithole country, you can join the Marines.

Nope, shitholer here :^(

I’m almost insulted you confused me for a Canadian.

Of course I’ll lurk for Marine/Officer questions for a few hours. Btw, Your mother and I are disappointed in you.

Paris Island at the end of August

What's the weather like from September through November?

kys for the good of the world. your country Doesn't Matter. you will never be a Devil Dog.

same for you. you don't matter. you will never matter. you will always be a canadian.
>he capitalized 'canadian'
fucking commie trannie cuck. go suck off JUSTin truDONT some more.

Seem a little upset there bud

Is there a reason that you posted a pic of the family that died in the duck boat accident?

kys fucking leaf. kys yourself.

>a niggerlover has entered the thread
Mods, can we get this chucklefuck out of here? THanks.

You’re not me, nor would you want to be.

Did I ever tell you where this name comes from? It's from the M203 which I fire every day in the Marines. Oorah.


Can you gtfo the fuck out of here? Thanks.

You have some issues friend


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If I wanted to do cocaine and torture enemy combatants what would be my best choice in the armed forces?

>inb4 35L

If you’re going to go illegal, might I recommend the Kurds in Northern Iraq.

>If I wanted to do cocaine and torture enemy combatants

Get a job in Hollywood and make pro-Jewish films

stfu false flagging canadian

What 5.11 stuff should I bring if I want to Gray Man my way through BMT? I want them to think I'm just some civvie contractor and then BAM! I'm actually top student and never got jacked up even once. 100% on every test and all the Liberty I could want because they don't even know I'm an Officer and just go home on weekends to study... and do other things... Lol. :)

he is absolutely 100% definitely a Canadian false flagger terrorist.

Does your mother know you're gay?

whats air force/navy boot camp like? only reason im hesitant about joining is because im worried that boot camp will be too much for me

might want to check out 35L

its super easy its actually just day camp you get to go home at the end of the day not like in the marines at all it''s actually full canadian tier

I'm Dep'd in to the AF and am currently awaiting a job. Currently I want something to do with computers either as an analyst or as some sort of cyber security. How thorough is the Top Secret background check? What do they look at? Are they gonna search like my Google Drive and shit or just like criminal history?

>tfw the only other person choosing infantry out of 60 kids I went to MEPS with was some 4 foot 9 asian chick

I think she is going to have a bad time

calm down.
stop asking dumb shit and maybe go read an sf86 to get an idea of what they look for. you did, or will, sign one anyway.

Why are people eager to leave the military once they enlist?

is it basically like jail? also, you don't get to keep your service rifle once you finish your service like in Switzerland.

Attached: i just hit my cat because she chewed my charger cable What are some movies to make me cope with this (1000x1000, 456K)

it sucks and if you're willing to put in work there are better prospects as a civilian

Navy is the only branch where eod is spec ops. Go that route

Ask a guy who does VIP airlift anything

350F hher.e please never drink tooo much. It bring too many feels and memories. Keep it in moderation or else you will regretit. Rough times when you meet up with friends and reminice about shit and lost buddies.

Don't get too hammered, who else are we gonna ask about how to be a spooky 35L?

Lots of shitty times. Your overworked, constantly told what to do, have assholes for superiors and dipshits as subordinates.

Especially for single soldiers, you're subject to have your living space inspected at any time, and if you just happen to have it a bit messy(meaning it looks like someone lives there, but it has to be perfect all the time) you're cleaning the entire barracks on a weekend.

What's the comfiest mos in the US military? Asking for a friend.

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88K/L gets shilled a lot here. Watercraft operator/engineer, you chill on a boat chipping paint and transporting supplies to dozens of countries. I heard they do humanitarian aid and such too but don't quote me on that. Really can't say much else considering the population of that MOS is probably in the hundreds in comparison to the million soldiers in the Army so info is limited but everyone who talks about it seems to love it.

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Might as well be in the navy

>I heard they do humanitarian aid and such too but don't quote me on that
this is what's wrong with this thread. people who don't actually have a clue shill stuff because it's been parroted.

Welcome to reality

Not at all.

should I leave my gf and comfortable but incredibly boring and unfulfilling dead end job? I've always wanted to be an aircraft tech

suddenly ignorant posts are ok! thanks man

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True. Army "sailors" are hot garbage

U new to the internet?

You'd think that but the Navy has hundreds of thousands of people in it, a good chunk of jobs in it will almost never set foot on a boat like Corpsmen and Master-At-Arms, etc. Army's watercraft operations are a fraction of a fraction of the Army.
I'm not claiming I'm in or anything, it just pops up enough that I thought it would be worthy to mention. There's like one 88L who ever posts here, can't just pretend the MOS doesn't exist until they say something.

I have the score for Navy EOD, am hoping to either do Army intel and branch into sf afterwards or try out for Navy EOD. any pointers?

Naw. Army sailors are shit and horribly lack any real skill as a sailor

Professional mariner

>almost no chance at sea duty
Where are you getting this?
>it just pops up enough that I thought it would be worthy to mention.
agreed but just say you hear it's comfy and let them ask the questions and do the research.

Also, just started to look into navy stuff because I've been set on Army stuff and only payed attention to those scores

I also have the scores for Navy Seals, realistically, what would I need to look out for and what should I do to even make it?

Also can I be 18 at the time of enlistment? Army told me to wait til I'm 20

You wont make it. Dont bother

>what? Where are you getting this?
An user a few threads ago made it apparent that Corpsman are overstrengthed and said ascension to E-6 was single-digits at one point. Too many of them to fit on a ship so a good few end up in hospitals.

So don't join the military unless it's last resort?