Post rules you live by

Post rules you live by

If you can buy itnlegallynin california, I dont want it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Always Wash Your Penis

Only masturabate to 2d cowgirls and never leave your house unless absolutely necessary and heavily armed

>never hide my powerlevel about guns because I like pissing off impotent basedboys
>never drink more than 7 beers at a time
>never let yourself get friendzoned
>always be confident and proud
>strive to do what you love
>around blacks never relax
>with jews you lose

If you are gonna stick your dick in crazy, put it in her butt.

Post cowgirls you like.

>>refuse to buy anything legal in cali
>cant buy any shotgun
>cant buy any revolver
>cant buy an milsurp
You played yourself

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Recognize that everyone else is absolutely fucking braindead, but that you know even less than they do.

Don't start shit, give shit, take shit, or talk shit, and things will be great.

Mmph, thank you babe.

dont call me that

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So basically just be an apathetic non-confrontational pussy?

Sure thing, sweetie buns!

or that

Attached: 1502835168983.png (1280x1150, 804K)

You got it, snuggle snookums!

>dont take shit
Kill yourself

Never relax around blacks

I engage in consensual interactions only, unless forced to do otherwise by state actors.


When life hands you shit you have to roll up your sleeves and make brownies.

Trust no one, question everything.

Never go ass to mouth.

Never ride behind a logging truck.

Never get behind a wheel drunk or trust signal lights.

Do not marry a redhead or believe that any Latina is sane.

Don't ask permission to do the thing ou really want to do, just do it. Apologize if you get caught, not to yourself when you regret missing an opportunity. Fortunately I'm not on any lists yet.

Being part of the problem is usually the fun choice.

Attached: madbunny.jpg (288x355, 22K)

If I lick it, it's mine.

>gat in wall at local LGS
>produce at grocery store
>door knobs
>more pussy

>If I lick it, it's mine.
thats a NAP violation right there

Don't shit where you sleep is an important one.

The ar15 is disqualified then

Doesn't know how guns work.

stonerfag cope

Still doesn't know how guns work.

Still coping

Still doesn't know how guns work.

I can go on forever, you legit dont know how guns work lol, every gun shits where it eats newfriend.

Literal cope. Only direct impingment designs do.

Aww shucks partner, we're all out of time. But yall come back now ya hear? Yeeehawww!

Something is wrong with your video

>can literally see the carbon coming back into the receiver

You aren't the smartest. I'm not either, but I know certain cameras seem to pick up the smoke and others dont, but you legit can see it coming back out of the chamber. Those glistening specs aren't metal shavings bruh.

Every single semi auto dumps crap into the reciever.

Example of what I was talking about here
Not sure what causes it in the camera, but it's the same ak, in some views you can see the smoke, in others you cant.

Whoops forgot to post video lol.

Not nearly as much in that other video
It is true that there is always going to be a bit of blowback, that is unavoidable, but that does not mean you have to make it tenfold worse by purposefully dumping even more gas into the receiver.

ARs don;t dump it into the reciever though. It vents out the side if the bolt.

The majority of the buildup in an AR is from the backdrag out of the barrel.

Gas is expelled out of the side of the BCG. Does this cause internal buildup in the BCG? Sure, is this a problem of some kind? No, not really.

Not true
Some if it is vented out of the side, but a lot of it still ends up in the receiver.

I switched up the replies here, first reply was ment for the second guy and second reply was ment for the first guy but whatever you get the point

The point being you have no experience with semis and have no actual clue on how actions get dirty.

>but a lot of it still ends up in the receiver.


Nice argument you got there
The source is the fact that gas is still blowing into the receiver as the bcg moves backwards

If you actually owned and used a variety of firearms you would not be parroting fuddlore like a retard.
By the time the BCG has moved backwards enough to clear the gas tube the bullet has left the barrel and the pressure has dropped in the barrel and also vented out the BCG.
The majority of crud entering the reciver is from the extraction of the case. This is drawing gases back from the barrel directly into the reciever. this happen with every single semi with systmes using earlier unlocking and fluted chambers being significantly worse for fouling.

>you disagree with me this means you're noguns, fudd, newfag and whatever negative meme i can think
If you knew you were right you wouldn't have to lob ad hominems at me.
>By the time the BCG has moved backwards enough to clear the gas tube the bullet has left the barrel and the pressure has dropped in the barrel and also vented out the BCG. The majority of crud entering the reciver is from the extraction of the case.
There is still a lot gas left in the gun which will blow into the receiver well after the bcg has moved backwards. If your assertion was true then piston guns would run just as dirty as DI guns which is obviously not true.

Many piston guns run much dirtier than ARs. Try running an SVT or SKS without cleaning.
This is shit that becomes obvious with experience. Your comments echo popular fuddlore that is quite easily disproved by direct observation hence the comments on your lack of guns and experience with them.

The real question that needs to be asked is how many rounds he actually carries on his person at once and why any rifle that he owns can't easily fire that many rounds without malfunctioning due to being "dirty."

>I can't shoot 20000000 rounds without cleaning. I must have a shit rifle.

Piston ARs run noticeably cleaner than an DI ARs. This easily disproves your assertion.

>Your comments echo popular fuddlore that is quite easily disproved by direct observation hence the comments on your lack of guns and experience with them.
Actually the observations disprove your assertions. Your lobbing ad hominems at me because you can't prove your assertions right, so the next step is to attack the person you're argueing with.

>anything classified as an 'assault shotgun'
>heritage rough rider in .22lr with a 12 round cylinder, lol
>ishapore 2A1, vetterli 1871, schmidt rubin 1889 that all have 12 round magazines

Soooooo the same thing that happens on all guns.