Post good looking uniforms.
Post good looking uniforms
Damn for future narco thugs they look good.
>inb4 butthurt jews
Good meme
The armed forces are literally the only branch of gov. people trust not to be in bed with the narcos.
t. Mexican
I know im just fucking with you Jose. I hope you guys manage to get your shit together for both our sakes. Also post more Marines please.
The Marina uniform is really cool too
Yeah, because young narco gangbangers would never want to infiltrate the armed forces, right?
Delusional pancho
they are. they are shipping their problems and refuse north.
I assume he meant the leaders/administration. Even we (assuming your a burger) have gangs sending new members into the military for training.
if youre just going to act like a hostile autists, do it somewhere else.
The Spanish Foreign Legion’s parade uniform is fucking great and you all know it
You first.
Those guys look hella gay.
Now user, think to yourself, can I outrun this guy? Can I out wrestle this guy? If any of those are no, they will penetrate you in those gay little uniforms.
Real men wear olive drab
Real europeans wear grey. Fuck off goblin
>wear grey
>lose two world wars
>wear green
>win two world wars
America should have given all of our leftover MRAPs to Mexico to fight the cartels instead of giving them to eight man sheriff's departments to bust pot farmers.
This is only tangentially related to the thread but it's been bugging me for a while now.
You really think america played a crucial role in that do you. Ok.
>what is lend lease?
>what is D-day?
>what is the pacific war?
man, German education must be really bad these days.
Unironically yes.
There's a reason Stalin publicly said that he couldn't have won the war without Lend-Lease.
Thats a factor. Not a crucial role.
And Im not german
>And Im not german
Either way you're definitely autistic
>supplies 6 armies
>fights across two oceans
>builds literally the largest navy and air force in the world
>has a GDP so large that it's greater than every other combatant combined
>"hurrrr america didn't play a major role"
>providing arms and munitions to everyone fighting and invading half of germany is just a "factor"
>be queermo dressed in olive
>big boss man tells me I need to go fight europeans they're being naughty and not playing the game.
>throw enough shit at the wall together with russian queermos
>some of it sticks and we eventually won. Look down at german soldier, better than me in essentially every aspect of discipline, education, conviction, loyalty etc
>mfw one of the big boss men says we killed the only decent people living in europe
Where the fuck you've heard that shit? Because over here in the south is the total opposite
>invade and subjugate half the continent for no reason
>decent people
if anything the germs deserved to be genocided after the second failed attempt.
>for no reason
What is life even
>hurr day da same race az us WE WUZ KANGZ
nigger tier tbqh
Not really though.
it was though. none of those countries besides austria wanted anything to do with germany but germany still chimped out anyways. if you ask me thats reason enough to fuck them back
If you call systematic conquest chimping out. Hmm
Just another time the American citizens got tricked into going to war. Sigh.
>If you call systematic conquest chimping out
yes, it is. just because you take over a country doesnt mean you are absolved of consequence.
>get attacked by axis powers despite not being in the war
>this is being tricked according to whereboos
Fucking love French BDUs
>Largest economy in the world
>Literally saved Britain from the U-Boats starving them of supplies
>Captured a U-Boat, got the enigma machine off it, reverse engineered the enigma machine
Thats what civilizations do. They conquer. Had europeans not conquered your continent, the US of A wouldnt exist. Rise and fall, conquest and destruction are normal.
Yeah you're a faggot.
>be OP
>leave thread for a couple hours
>come back
>there’s only one more uniform posted
>tons of autistic arguing
I fucking hate this board
It isn’t the best looking, but some of the old style calvary uniforms look pretty comfy.
It's called "drab" for a reason mutt
FFL > any other legion
>attacked by Japan alone
>invade Europe
>little boys dress up as girls everywhere now
th-thanks guys
That was against backwards ass tribals who did almost nothing with the land. WW1 & 2 were against countries of similar technological development. After the first world war Germany should’ve realized what era it was in and not sperged out. But on a lighter note their conquest gave the US o A something to do, which in an ironic turn of events actually made the USA benefit from an archaic concept. Not all wealth has to be conquered.
>olive drab
>not pink and green
Yet it looks better than the Kraut shit
Yes because grey is just such the bright color. I’d rather be a mutt than an inbred tard.
I love their pants style, that tapered jogger fit. I'd buy some.
For me, it's the Type III, the best digi uniform
Spanish legion looks like a bunch of Peter puffers
Literal fagoos
NVA is p. aesthetic
nothing tops hugo boss
>inbred tard
>what is the american south?
digital is just... just the worst...
Slava Serbiji.
what the fuck? where the hell in Mexico it snow? is this some sort of joint op with another nation?
In the high parts, the really high parts.
>north Vietnamese army
The north and high parts of the centre, I've heard about SF soldiers being trained on top of a volcan in snow ops
Hugo Boss didn't design the SS uniforms, retard
>what is Nationale Volksarmee
Where did I say he designed them? He manufactured them you butthurt burger
arditi are fresh af
this looks pretty cash desu
Me like.
>After the first world war Germany should’ve realized what era it was in and not sperged out.
the Jewish era, keep worshiping you masters
also like vietnam's uniforms.
also note that all allied powers wore green at some point.
the soviets had green to khaki uniforms, the english did too, the french had green, the americans had green to khaki
Why don't the generals overthrow the government? Military dictatorship is better than narcos running the country, right?
They wore grey uniforms.
>Let me tell you all about a war I know jack shit about
>US attacked by Japan
>US declares war on just Japan
>4 days later Hitler chimps out (again) and declares war on the US to help his Nippon buddies
Hitler is why the US entered the European theatre, prior to that there was wide opposition to becoming involved in Europe.
Are there any good vacation spots in Mexico where I won't get dysentery from the water or my kidneys stolen from a hotel? No Cancun please.
Depends on what you wanna do, if you're coming to get shit faced and cheap drugs, no place is safe
>replying to bait
>hitler shows his autism by declaring war on america and its allies just a day later
>promptly gets his shit pushed in
know your place, germ
Maybe you should have asked us to join the Axis from the start. FDR was very friendly with Hitler and Mussolini before the war, and the feeling was mutual. We'd probably have helped you. Hell, you could have asked us to join the central powers so we'd never reach world war 2 anyway, we were all in for helping Germany when the war first started.
You squandered your chances by not enlisting us at instead conspiring against us. I can understand doing that the first time, because the American military was an unknown at the time, but the second time? When we buffed our military? Come on, kraut, we'd have Aryan-American supermen and colonies out to Mars by now if you just asked us to.
>ywn operate in boat shoes
gaz hunter, shooting gallery. great book.
Pure butthurt caused ths whataboutism, everyone.
What is that bracelet?
I'ts not a foreign legion, it's called Spanish Legion and it's the shock troop branch, the spanish version of the US Marines.
They have a rule by which people from ex-colonies can apply, but not anyone can join.
Also it's extremely gay, they're always drunk and get into tons of fights and problems with police, and are extremely catholic.
Don't even fucking pretend it's even NEAR the level of Mexico.
That is fucking gay