please redpill me on the enfield im in the market for an enfield but i dont know which variant is the best
price is no concern
Best Lee-Enfield Variant
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A No.4 with the Mk.1 micrometer peep sight is best for a shooting rifle, though IMO the SMLE Mk.I like in OP pic is coolest for aesthetics (it has an almost organic nature to
>firat of all, checked
>not a Mk. II
Never gonna make it
L42A1 or civilian equivalents
No4mk1 is best varient. Best bolt gun of ww2.
No4mk2 is a simplified version of the above.
No1mk3 looks sexy even if it's not the best.
Long Lees look really good, charger loading lees are rare. Lee metfords are really cool but bp only.
If you're looking for strictly performance you don't want an old warhorse.
I inherited a No4Mk1 from my granpapy, its in realy giod condition but unfortunatly he bought it with mutilated furniture.
How do I go about de-sportorizing my enfield? I want to return her to her former glory
Will a Mk2 furniture work on a Mk1? I see a bunch of Mk2 wood stocks for sale and they look close enough.
Mk V trials rifle
Al the sexy of a No 1 Mk III with better rear sights
It has the Mk1 micrometer peeps, but they improved the trigger so it doesn't rely on the fit with the wood stock. I'd take a Mk2 over a Mk1 any day.