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Florida Stand Your Ground Shooting
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You got a link fuckstick?
story? from what i've heard the guy that got shot was shoving the shooter beforehand.
The guy looked like he was backing off, but I haven't read Florida's law on it
>shooter man not be charged
i guess it be like it do
Some nigger pushed an old man to the ground. Nigger got shot and deaded. Nothing of value was lost.
Not a great shoot, but if stuff like this happened more often when people feel like they're above the social contract and get inact offensive physical violence without an agreement to do so with the other party, the world would be a better place.
We'll be lucky if nothing comes of it. That being said:
>start argument over bullshit
>get pushed over
>shoot guy who pushed you after he backs up, while his 5-year-old son watches
Personally I think he should at least go down for manslaughter, but most likely he'll get off the hook and we'll have a riot in Pinellas county because of a broad interpretation of a law that was only written to protect people from overzealous prosecutors.
>be american
>park your car
>get shot
gg meriboos
>nigger shoves white man
>gets shot
All's well in the world as far as I'm concerned.
>backed up then stopped
They were still arguing when the assailant stopped backing up. We don’t know what was said. And what’s your point about
>while his 5 year old son watches
As if that influences whether or not the shooting was justified.
now we need a law to protect us from overzealous parking lot attendants
>Be American
>Get attacked
>Defend yourself
You seem jealous of this.
>his 5 year old son
proof we need to stop them from breeding
Rule of thumb: if video of the shooting exists and the mainstream news doesn't show it, that means the shoot was justified
So, are the news sites showing the video?
I dunno, the nigger was backing up when he shot.
>arguing now carries the death sentence
>As if that influences
What, the monkeys in Clearwater who might just decide to start fucking around? Weaselly little shit needs to at least go into a courtroom. He started shit with a stranger, over shit that wasn't his business, got knocked down, and shot a guy that was backing up. You just want him to walk because you hate niggers.
Old man was placed in a vulnerable position. If you watch fight vids, it's not uncommon for basketball americans to continue to stomp an opponent's head even after he's rendered unconscious.
If they were both black, we'd never hear about this case, but since the old man was white. Now Soros' NGOs have to kick up a fuss.
Justified, idiots will argue that by starting an argument the old man justified getting shoved but by that same logic the shoving justified the shooting.
If the black guy was verbally threatening the shooter, then yes the shooter was justified in shooting the assailant.
>you hate niggers
Nice projection. I’m just tired of people saying “he was backing up, the threat was gone!” When that wasn’t necessarily the case. Especially since there was less than 10 feet between them.
>Violently attacking someone
Did you not have enough oxygen as a fetus?
>He started shit with a stranger,
Non violent
>over shit that wasn't his business,
>got knocked down,
As in was violently attacked
>and shot a guy that was backing up
Legally defended himself from a violent attacker.
>You just want him to walk because you hate niggers.
The race card. Gee I wonder.
>Parking Lot Shooter Man
I think I just found my new superhero identity
>Markeis McGlockton, 28, was shot and killed outside the Circle A Food Store in Clearwater, Fla.
Glockfags on suicide watch
Telling someone who is breaking the law that they are breaking the law is not illegal.
Attacking someone for speaking is unwarranted, and violently shoving someone to the ground was a violent over reaction to the situation.
Mr. Mcglockton looked like he was going to follow up with an attack until he saw the gun, and got shot.
>shit that wasn't his business
So when you see someone not only blatantly breaking the law, but doing so in a way that inconveniences others, you're just supposed to ignore it
>you hate niggers
ah, the race card
So, we've got someone who treats illegal activity with a "mind you're own business" attitude, and pulls the race care to try to shut down arguments.
Gee user, I wonder what we can infer about you from this post.
Here's the TL:DR for those of you not wanting to support the NYT's ad revenues
>Lady parked in a handicapped space, son in the back
>Old guy upset that she doesn't have a permit
>start arguing about it
>Mr. McGlockton, I'm not kidding that's his actual name, exits the store, sees the old guy arguing with his gf
>shoves him to the ground
>Old guy pulls his gun and the rest is history.
>Article ends with some rug muching gender studies professor from Harvard whining about how it wasn't justified and how Florida makes hard to prosecute people for defending themselves.
You can see the video on the ABC
In all honesty though, an argument over a parking space doesn't seem like something worth shooting someone over. The guy who got shot didn't just start wailing on the old guy once he was down either.
I saw it while running on a treadmill at planet fitness. They showed it like five times the other day.
>old guy asks woman to not park in reserved handicapped space
>nigger runs up and assaults him, sending old guy sprawling across pavement
>nigger squares up to stop man on ground
>man draws pistol, applies a single dose civilization to center mass of baboon
Lesson to learn: play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Nothing of value has been lost.
>bonus points becaus nigger's name was Markeis McGlockton
I think this thread is about current events, not weapons, and thus belongs on Jow Forums or /news/
Holy shit the dead guys name is literally McGlockton
Didn't shoot him over the parking space, shot him because the monkey violently assaulted him and sent him sprawling several feet across the pavement. You can clearly see the nigger hitching up his pants and squaring up to stomp the old man in the video.
>If the black guy was verbally threatening the shooter, then yes the shooter was justified in shooting the assailant
you are retarded.
Actually as a matter of fact if its a non violent crime you really should just mind your fuckin business, call the police if its so serious, dont try and play citizen fucking superman. Dumbass. You sound like a bootlicker.
>The guy who got shot didn't just start wailing on the old guy once he was down either.
Watch the video mcglockton was moving forward until the guy pulled out a pistol. The only thing that saved the guy on the ground from getting his head stomped was pulling his gun, and shooting.
>shoves white man
>gets shot
It'll be utopia only when
>touch white man
>get shot
It wasn't the argument over the parking space that caused the shooting, but the shoving. And, according to the sheriff in the article, it wasn't just a shove, but the old guy was "violently slammed into the ground." Now, without video of the incident, I have to admit that's a totally subjective statement and could honestly mean anything. But I also have to admit that depending on how he fell the shove could be injurious or even deadly (my own grandmother got a skull fracture from falling wrong from a normal, standing height). Without actually seeing the shove it's impossible to say one way or another if it justified a shooting response, but it's worth pointing out that it COULD go either way.
It's in the state attorney's hands now, and it'll be interesting to see what they decide to do.
Anybody have any word on whether or not the convenience store captured the whole thing on security cameras?
He actually did physically attack the shooter though.
I wouldn't have shot in this situation, but I also wouldn't be going around convenience store parking lots making sure negroes have handicap placards
I highly doubt a great citizen, scholar, and all-around human being was lost in the shooting, though
>Actually as a matter of fact if its a non violent crime you really should just mind your fuckin business
>firearms and related topics
People getting shot is related to firearms.
>If it's nonviolent, just don't do anything!
>Or call the police, and give m- I mean *them* five to ten minutes to get away!
>He dindu nuffin, yall juss a buncha cop worshipers!
Stop breaking the law, Tyrone.
He was a good boy with a bright future.
vid posted here:
Too bad the fortune teller mistook that "bright" part for a muzzle flash.
Don't physically assault people in a state with stand your ground law and maybe you won't get ventilated like a fucking retard.
>You can clearly see the nigger hitching up his pants and squaring up to stomp the old man in the video.
clearly not what was shown in the video, and clearly won't be the jury's opinion.
Here's my thinking: I would not have shot in this situation, I don't think the shooter was in a situation where he reasonably feared for his life. The assailant was no longer a threat and was obviously retreating
However, I don't care because the assailant was clearly scum, so I'm not going to weep for him
there isn't going to be a jury because the shooter is not being charged. Unless the video provokes a major chimpout, this is over. The end
Oh so that makes it all better, I'm sure.
Shove guy to ground, move in "OSHIT A GUN".
Silly fuck's fuckbag parked where she shouldnt, silly fuck shoved a guy to the pavement for calling his fuckbag on her stupid parking, and deservedly got fitted for an extra shit-hole.
Good shoot.
Okay yeah, the shooting is justified. That shove was clearly intended to cause harm, and he continues approaching the man while squaring his shoulders and lifting his shorts, posturing himself in a way that clearly indicates he isn't done with the violence just yet. He stops for a moment when the old man pulls a gun, but by that point it's already too late. If he'd immediately backed up after the shove instead of continuing to walk forward it might be different, but clearly the time for "what ifs" is long past.
There IS video you dumb fuck. Go watch it. The chimp blindsides the old man and sends him flying. Dude goes several feet sprawling across the ground and is still down when the monkey hitches his pants, squares up, and starts to approach. That's when he draws and fires.
You're as bad as these faggots crying that shooting the guy "over a parking spot" is wrong and that the use of force was unreasonable. It's a shitty strawman. He got shot because he come out of nowhere and violently assaulted someone. Maybe the old guy shouldn't go around playing handicapped parking enforcer, but he didn't do anything illegal or violent. The nigger did.
you're right that pulling the gun stopped the assailant and saved the shooter. But if the gun is pulled and the assailant backs off, like in the video, is it ok to just shoot him anyway even though you're no longer in danger? No
"Play stupid games, Win stupid prizes".
Chmipy McChimperson won the grand prize.
>The assailant was no longer a threat and was obviously retreating
@0:07 he looked like he was going in for a few more hits then the shooter shot him
You must not have watched the same video. Or perhaps...
>pushes the guy
>walks towards him
>hands pulling pants up
If you said it wasn't justified because the situation was de-escalated after the nigger pulled back when he brandished then I'd only call you a pussyfaggot, but you just had to deny it so I hereby grant you the title of Fetalus Alcoholus Maximus.
Makes you wonder what would have happened if the old man never pulled the gun. I'm pretty sure he would have been fully chimp-mauled.
Also wouldn't have even made the local news. If they even bothered to report the white people getting robbed, raped, attacked, and beaten by blacks; we'd never hear the end of it. They like to play the "noble persecuted minority" card, which anyone who's not deliberately being naive, knows is not the truth.
I hope the nigger died. The nigger was looking to get some alpha chimp points with the old lady by fucking with a defenseless (he thought) old cripple and he got his shit checked. Niggers always like to shoot for soft targets; retards, cripples, tiny women.... and they like to do it when they have a whole crew of chimps at their back, they're very cowardly animals, they don't believe in (or even comprehend) a fair fight.
We should have turned Africa into a giant game preserve when we had the chance.
You're right, I think he looked like he was gonna stomp the shit out of the guy until he pulled the gun. Once the gun pulled, the assailant backed off. Then the guy shot him anyway
>But if the gun is pulled and the assailant backs off, like in the video, is it ok to just shoot him anyway even though you're no longer in danger?
The shooter was still in danger. The altercation was not over until the the aggressor was shot.
Right, cause the old guy you just knocked to the dirt knows, that is all you meant to do.
You just violently assaulted him, but man, you were just going to shove him to the ground and stomp him a bit, til he pulled that piece. No need to get shot for that, right?
You fucking moron.
And have a juice pack, you need to calm down
First, get your eyes checked. Second, no jury because no trial. Old man didn't initiate the violence, he defended himself from it.
Good thing your opinion is irrelevant. The sheriff and the DA, who are the actual legal experts here, see the shooting as justified self defense.
Great info assface.
it doesn't matter what the guys original intent was. It matters that there is now a gun out, and the assailant suddenly no longer feels like stomping the guy into the asphalt.
Shooting someone who threatens you after physically assaulting you is perfectly justified self defense you stupid nigger.
>call the police over what should be mundane bullshit.
I understand basement dwellers don't know that the average person has minor arguments with random people all the time, but most arguments don't end up with physical assault, since most people aren't animals.
Mutt hour already?
So if I punch someone and then threaten to punch them again, they have no reason to think I’m going to punch them again? Yes, verbally threatening someone immediately after physically assaulting them means the threat to safety has not left.
>No threat at time of shooting.
>Discussions about politics or current events belong on Jow Forums
Also this is like the 100th thread we've had about this and they all turn out the same way.
Obviously the guy on the ground, via his super special psychic gun-owner training KNOWS Boonie McBoon is not getting ready to shuck a piece and shoot him, or is lining up for a field goal using his melon as the ball..
Christ, are you stupid.
It absolutely does. If you approach someone with violent intent, physically assault them, and then continue approaching, then it justifies the use of lethal force for self defense.
The baboon did die, and right in front of his kid. The video from inside the shop that shows his actual death, I haven't seen.
If the old man didn't have a gun.. you know it man. Dude would've be stomped and lucky to walk away or get to a hospital.. and of course, no media attention. Chimp prolly would've gotten away with it too.
Posts are like ten seconds apart dude. There's no way he could've seen that before sending his comment.
He didn't back off. He continues to approach the downed man and hike up his shorts in preparation to stomp the old man. Once the gun is drawn, he begins to move evasively, but not exactly de-escalating until he is finally shot. Then he retreats. BTW, the assailant is a violent, multiple felon.
Then he shouldn't post so quickly.
>Meets FL requirements for self defense
i think this is a bait thread that belongs in Jow Forums
Then sage and hide. It's Jow Forums related same as discussions of war, militaria, etc.
Are you retarded?
The attacker got off easy. If this was the 14 century and he was white. The man would have be drawn and quartered for attacking his better and his family would be indentured servants for life.
If it was the 8th or 9th century the whole village would be put to death.
But then this wouldn't of happened to begin with.
read the sticky faggot
>be drug dealing felon
>violently assault old man by blindsiding and throwing him to the ground several feet across pavement
>get shot
Oh no another violent, drug dealing, jackass is permenantly removed from society.
Where on the sticky does it say talking abaout shootings isn't allowed? Can you read? Is English not your first language? Are you a vatnik from one of the RUSSIASTEONK threads?
nufag leaf pls
What about it?
>charge up and violently assault an old man, throwing him to the ground
>square up for chimp stomping
>get shot
I bet you're from one of those shithole countries where Muslims routinely rape and murder people with virtual impunity
Stick says no gun control. Not no shootings. Are you one of those faggots who think military and war history threads don't belong on Jow Forums? Report the thread if your so butthurt.
This only gets posted by people mad that FL has actual defense laws
Why, he may have been working on the cure for cancer, in between bong-hits, you never know!
He was a good boy. I'm sure. I read one article, I think from CNBC that spent like five paragraphs talking about how him and his baby momma had been together since high school. Then talked about how. K e his kids were, put up a bunch of family photos, and THEN finally got around to telling the story of how he assaulted someone and got shot.
Truely bullets are the best medicine for social diseases.
>going to planet fatness
There are so many places that deserve your money more
>call the police
>you sound like a bootlicker
Good to see the works as intended and law enforcement actually doing thier job to protect and serve. Based Florida
>Sure we've got a shitload of niggers, methheads, and heroin addicts but you can shoot them when they attack you
Nope. You?
>call the police
>get to play the simon says game
Worst hokey pokey players, ever.
I wish South Carolina's self defense law was as legit as Florida's. I'd have several watermelons itched into my sidearm.
If youre a fucking nigger, keep your hands to yourself and surprise, you wont get shot!
Looks like the only thing that nigger is going to be pushing from now on is daises
If you stay in your place and act like human beings, we won't have to kill you
>be European
>shoot burglar with paintball gun
>get charged with attempted murder