Edc thread, cant stop wont stop edition
Edc thread, cant stop wont stop edition
Kayden Morris
Hudson Ross
CC: S&W Performance Center 9mm Shield
Open carry: Arsenal Firearms Stryk-A
If I feel like carrying a revolver I'll take an S7W Wiley Clapp Snubby.
Angel Sanders
>Wannabe spy
What are those 5 digit codes on the "RUN DATE" paper?
Evan Perez
Password: sd5kh0702
New York
Cameron Sanders
He will be at 546 Luce St, Elmira, NY 14904 this Saturday, look for a poor white guy with cheap sneakers.
Jack Williams
William Bell
Thats classified
Lucas King
Yeah, sure it is, dirtbag
Caleb Harris
Theyre just open storage slots for product
Dominic Hall
Well hello there