I've really done it this time

I did something terrible Jow Forums, I went to the indoor range with a few guns. I took the guns home and inside, and just a few minutes ago started to clean them. Then I realized my handgun was missing.

I called the range and they cannot find it.

What the hell do I do at this point?

Attached: CZ75B.png (1920x1435, 526K)

Cry about it and pay attention next time.

Do I file a police report or am I going to get in trouble for leaving guns around?

If you've checked everywhere report it as stolen and tell the police it was missing after your range trip. One time I left my range bag by the door full of ammo, mags and two glocks. Woke up in the morning to find it still by my door despite living in a big city

Felt terrible realizing how irresponsible I had been

Depends, do you live in a state that allows private transfers? If yes, then if anyone asks “nah I found it. But sold it”

Don't admit to leaving it. Just say you got home and it wasn't in your belongings and you believe it was taken by someone at the range, but the range hasn't seen it

How do you lose a fucking gun? I'm glad someone snatched it, you're a irresponsible child who doesnt deserve responsibilities or the privileges that come with them. Unironically fuck off forever and never return.

There was a thread recently where an user took his neighbors handgun after he put it down while moving

Fuck the guy that put his gun down too then.
>losing a gun

If you're moving, your first fucking thought should be keeping an eye on your guns and not have them leave you until you've settled into your new place. You lose a TV, you just buy a new one or maybe report it.
You lose a fucking gun, you have to give a full detail report and if that gun ever goes hot, the police will be back.