First trips decides what I will etch onto the magwell of my first AR-15 build.
Attached: Screenshot_20180723-172218.png (1440x2560, 1.11M)
Attached: bird dab 2.png (513x312, 181K)
Attached: bird dab n sip.png (722x400, 334K)
"I'm compinsating for my tiny dingus."
must keep the spelling error
Attached: bird dab leftypol logo.png (556x308, 248K)
Bigfoot is real and he tried to eat my ass
Attached: 1528407241888.png (363x333, 143K)
Run coward
Attached: heavy__s_tricycle_by_tanktaur (1).jpg (900x1142, 131K)
Attached: 1528848287203.jpg (550x550, 59K)
Attached: bird dab katana tip.png (543x436, 190K)
The one
Attached: 20180711_170050.png (1440x1610, 1.15M)
those aren't trips
Attached: bird dab american.png (591x624, 375K)
Attached: Untitled2.jpg (600x600, 24K)
>japanese resident evil logo
This happy plane.
Attached: 1527303896472.jpg (680x684, 76K)
Attached: costanza_stencil.png (1250x1250, 37K)
Attached: 1529032855739.jpg (715x720, 36K)
Fugg missed both by one
Attached: 153415646221.png (515x431, 264K)
Attached: bird dab nzai.png (1230x890, 76K)
God fucking damn it. Back to the drawing board you assclowns
Attached: fefe.jpg (450x470, 45K)
NAMBLA Armed Response Unit
Attached: bird dabvader.png (607x572, 211K)
Uh fugg, I was so close
>the violence has escalated
Attached: template.png (233x255, 66K)
Attached: Newnossalogo.jpg (200x137, 6K)
Attached: bird pussy dabs back.png (525x428, 230K)
Wtf is with this bird dab
Attached: bird dab dom.png (623x449, 241K)
Dr. Parkinson's Gonorrhea Discharge
Attached: 121941.jpg (880x660, 37K)
*dabs on you*
Attached: bird surfin bird.png (606x573, 266K)
I love consenting Children.
shit i'd get that, but with the Import logo
Attached: 1424126516595.jpg (1024x768, 90K)
Attached: bird dab police.png (562x447, 233K)
Or just
>pregnant Anne Frank 14/88
This shall do
Attached: IMG_7210.jpg (960x913, 77K)
Attached: 1530383306363.png (300x250, 31K)
Attached: 1528222862009.jpg (500x650, 67K)
Attached: bird dab parrot.png (513x312, 182K)
Attached: Pool.jpg (600x700, 33K)
Attached: ebin_sbinsl.png (450x710, 47K)
I've got feces under my fingernails.
aw shit
Attached: 48948489593.png (840x600, 486K)
Attached: bird sip.png (337x195, 100K)
Attached: Adobe_20180723_193736.png (1440x1515, 1.18M)
>we have a winner
>it's shit
Attached: 1531168728128.jpg (250x226, 21K)
Give it to the double dubs, mildly better
Well, pack it up boys, I don't even fucking care if OP delivers at this point. What a goddamn waste.
Literally. Bro rerolled twice on shitposting