Does anyone have that greetext?

The greentext where one guy split the U.S. in 2 during a war simulation?

Also a greentext thread.

Attached: 1529800571084.jpg (467x488, 174K)

Other urls found in this thread:

skip to 2:29
always reminds me of this

Bumping for interest

Attached: 24131151_1857881421190637_3216286716294708378_n.png.jpg (480x474, 34K)

I found it

Attached: 1529801291348.png (1446x1437, 469K)

I love Tom. If there's another revolution, I hope Tom is there.

What is this from? I've seen it before and have no clue. Is this from the "Ashlands" shit that was going on 2k15/16??

no idea just wanted to read it again.

That sounds like some god tier larping, what is this "war game"

No idea, seems fun though