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Catalog, fuckwad.

I know Jesus says to love people but I don't think there's anything on Earth I hate more than a judge who rules against the 2nd Amendment. They're all treasonous criminals who should be publicly and painfully killed slowly.

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Wait, the 9th circuit made this ruling?

I'm not buying it, that the 9th circuit is becoming more 2A pro. they're just trying hold off from going to supreme court getting shit federally recognized. I will take what I get but Ill never trust 9th circus.

Read the catalog before posting a duplicate thread next time:

How will they btfo themselves without guns?

Hold the fucking phone...

This ruling came out of the 9th?!

They don't want it going before the sup. ct.

Imagine if its all the ny democrats asking the judges to give in and vote progun so it mitogates the 'damage' to the west coast.

last time I checked it’s got tons of farmland, some cities and suburbs, and due to that fact, that’s why Hollywood is based there. (As in there’s a decent diversity of the landscapes to allow for actual filming.) probably this has to do with that. Or Doom Paul is right and to paraphrase him “It’s occurring”

you're an idiot, the 9th is notorious as the most consistently left bench. It's calculated

How are they defining gun - do they mean long guns or any? Does this actually do anything for a place like NY where you can't open carry a pistol even with a permit since they can just issue you a restricted to target shooting and hunting pistol permit? I'm guessing probly not - so who cares.

I feel pretty much the same way. At least most other issues courts often see are some what unclear but the 2nd Amendment cases all seem super fucking clear. The only reason judges rule against the 2A is because they just don't like guns and ruling against them fits their ideology, not because it fits with the constitution.

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Love the sinner, hate the sin. Love the person, hate (and fight) the evil.

that has to be the most retarded thing i've heard today

"love the person who wants to disarm you" yeaahhh gonna have to disagree there my guy

If it becomes legal to open carry in California I seriously hope everyone does it, if only to normalize gun culture and foster acceptance in California. We need to adopt leftist tactics like gays did to normalize their degenerate ways, be loud and proud.

Carrying a handgun openly should be just as normal nationwide as being a cock-gargling faggot is in San Francisco.

Loving people just means hoping for what's best for them, it does not mean be docile.

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but user, to free them from sin; we must first free them from their earthly mortal shell.

this. they dont want it going to the supreme court and risking a definitive ruling. they know they can overturn this shit with the next nigger in cheif that stacks the court

>Jow Forums pride parade complete with gear queers, furries, dragon dildos, and ammosexual pride flags

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I've got 10 bucks, lets do this

It's so liberal because most of the judges were appointed by Carter and Clinton, but congress has the ability to dissolve it, so they're probably trying to moderate their rulings in order to keep their jobs. Something like 87% of their rulings have been overturned by the SCOTUS.

I can see the Jow Forums memes already:
>a flag for every weapon-related form of sexuality
>chemical warfare flag = a green cloud or just blisters
>gear queers = a chest rig and helmet
>raifu fags = pic related

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I hope someone flies a crop duster drone with sarin in the reservoir over it and no one cares because they were terroristic, provocative, gun-toting proto-homosexuals that only fapped to furry traps.

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This actually makes me feel less respect for them. That they can’t even stand by their convictions but instead make these calculated rulings out of fear the SC will break their dick off in them. What does this mean?

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A literal 5 year old can explain to you the wording of the 2nd amendment. The mental gymnastics grabbers use is amazing