Where can i find i knife like this one?

I've been looking for a knife like this but more
quality. Found some like it, but the shape isn't

Attached: Large-Survival-Knife-2.png (600x600, 227K)

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Harbor Freight.


>knife like this but more quality.
those dont exist
hollow handle means its going to be shit since its going to have the blade screwed to a tube.
there are a few good versions of that where blade and handle are one solid piece but that was a limited run and the price was ridiculous.

Wait no, I'm looking for one that's fixed. Sorry i forgot to mention that..

No i what i meant was the blade shape. Like a fixed survival knife that has a similar blade shape.

so just the blade stye without the whole ramboknife survival kit in the handle?


go look at kabar or ontario

Hollow grip means it will always be shit. Any decent knife will have a tang there, and if you want to bang on it and baton with it you will definitely need a full tang (Moras will baton okay, but because they have a 3/4 stick-looking tang they will break over time--they're so cheap you can just get a new one without any wallet pain though). Just get decent knife, a decent compass (ideally a surplus USGI lensatic, but the Suunto hiking ones work well enough and are affordable), and put a little survival kit with your goodies in it in a sealed up Altoids tin. All-in-one "survival" knives like the one you posted will get you killed if you actually have to use them in a real survival situation.

Thanks found the one i was looking for.

No faggy hollow handle, but looks up AKM bayonets or Aircrew Survival Egress Knifes.

Click "clip point" in the selection menu on any knife retail site if you just want the general shape of the blade without the hole or the sawback. The blade shape is the same as a traditional AK bayonet. AK bayonets are stabby tools, not cutting tools, and are dull as fuck and made from steel that won't hold an edge. You have to go custom if you want a blade that has the exact proportions of an AK bayonet blade, as well as the sawback and the wirecutter hole. Sawback is shit (just get a Bahco Laplander for 20 bucks and you'll have a better saw) and the wirecutter function that the hole is there for is entirely unnecessary and will fuck up your blade if you're not using a dull bayonet (just carry a Leatherman or pair of pocket sized wirecutters and you'll have a much better wirecutter anyways).

out of curiosity what was it?

Here you go bud. It's out of stock but I'm sure you can find one somewhere if you google it.


I had this exact knife, it was cheap and unbalanced

Schrade makes some reasonably hollow handled knives although new new Schrade is questionable. Old Schrade went out of business and then a Chinese firm (Taylor Brands) bought it and realized that they could actually sell well if they put a bit of work into their shit but then S&W bought Taylor Brands (probably because TB already made S&W branded knives) and cut costs, the geometry of some designs changed and their HT went to shit.

M9 Bayonet.

Probably a M9 bayonet

Or as I like to call it, Horrible Fright.

Came here to say this

>more quality

Literally the only hollow handle knife that I’ve ever seen that have any semblance of quality are $500 Randalls

>anglo arms
Does it get sharper every time it comes into contact with aryan blood?

your an idiot and you deserve to own a knife that has no shank and is glued/welded to a hollow tube

>> 38662327
>Where can i find i knife like this one?
SOG Sealpup?