Ninth Circuit Says Open-Carrying A Gun Is A Constitutional Right
The ultra-liberal and frequently overturned U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit just ruled that the Second Amendment protects one’s right to carry a gun openly outside of the home.
“We do not take lightly the problem of gun violence,” the majority opinion in Young v. Hawaii reads. Here’s more, emphasis added.
For better or for worse, the Second Amendment does protect a right to carry a firearm in public for self-defense. We would thus flout the Constitution if we were to hold that, ‘in regulating the manner of bearing arms, the authority of [the State] has no other limit than its own discretion.’ Reid, 1 Ala. at 616. While many respectable scholars and activists might find virtue in a firearms-carry regime that restricts the right to a privileged few, ‘the enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table.’

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Citing Peruta v. County of San Diego, the court also stated that the Second Amendment does not protect the right of a citizen to carry a gun concealed — a tension that will eventually need to be resolved in another case. Charles Cooke, of National Review has more:
>Unless the panel’s decision is reversed en banc, the two decisions will have to be reconciled. When that happens, it seems most likely either that (a) the court will strike down the open carry bans in Hawaii and California, or (b) the court will adopt the argument, presented by the plaintiffs in Peruta, that a state can choose to ban either open or concealed carry, but could not prohibit both. Watch this space.
The fact that an ultra-liberal court affirmed Americans’ right to openly carry a handgun is a huge win for all Americans, even if the court is dropping breadcrumbs they hope the U.S. Supreme Court picks up to ultimately restrict gun rights nationwide.

Is this opposite day?

no it is not

>thread theme

I would OC the FUCK out of all of my weapons if I could permit all of that.

Yes, yes, CC is better but between 100% ensured OC vs. a possible rejection of my CCW application - fuck 'em.

They are doing this so it doesn't go to the Supreme Court and become the law of the land

Unless they appeal it and intentionally take it to the SC once Kavenaugh is on the bench.

Yep. they're doing this because they know the court will be FULL of pro-gun justices who will invalidate any/all firearms laws and probably reopen the hughes listings.

One can only hope. But anyone under the jurisdiction of the 9th circuit can appeal this case intentionally taking it to the SC. Even 2A absolutists could do it for that sake.

Honestly, I'd take it up through a different court. A win in the 9th - I'll take. Send it through the 1st or 2nd (which are stil liberal shitholes) but are at least more constitutionally-friendly.

Its the Mandela Effect

>once Kavenaugh is on the bench.
hes not going to make it. He is the Firewall the Dem's breach... That women is going to win the position

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thats the theme to every thread on Jow Forums

lol I disagree the republicans will invoke the nuclear option and get him in with Pence as tiebreaker. There isn't a more strict constitutionalist or immigration hawk on Trump's list so it will be made a priority,

Your grammar is shit. What are you even saying?

What are you talking about? Nuclear option is already happening, and the dems can’t stop it

>2 cents has been deposited into your account

he's a bushy hideout!

His non confirmation will work in two ways...
First the Dem's are going to be EXPOSED for the full fledged communist they all are

Second: Trump hates the bushes, and will leave their man out to hang from all that demoncat exposure.. Kav may even not want the job after a week of grilling. After the Dems shoot their wad, that women will be brought forward as second justice and skate right through the process, maybe 3 days of questioning vs. weeks with Kav. Trump is not giving the Bushes a SCJ.........Beleed taht!

Holy shit you're retarded you don't know anything about US politics

Reposting from another board:

California CCW holder here. The end game is pretty obvious really.

They hate that concealed carry is legal, so they will make it illegal. Open carry will be the only option, however now that the guns are in the open for all to see they will have to ease the yuppies and general public. They will want us to basically be law enforcement officers. Stringent application requirements, unlimited wait times, tons of hoops to jump through, fees up the ass, and extensive training requirements.

After all this you know what you have to look forward to? Constant harrassment for being a "gun nut" endangering the children. Stopped from entering almost every store and being within 1000 feet of any school.

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What does this mean for me in NY? When can I OC?

>Open carry will be the only option
TPTB are not going to like people walking around with Rifles and Shotguns at McDonald's! That will be the outcome of a anti CCW law

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you can only OCD in NY

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>trying to stop someone from entering a gun free zone
How are they goimg to do it? Youre the one with a gun


So don't live in CA retard there's literally no reason to live there outside of neature which isn't worth the cost.

>just pick up all your shit and just move its so easy I just SAID you can do it.

I can't just rip up my family, sell my house, my camp and my stuff, leave family, my secure job and shit just for gun rights you fucking mong

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and occurs when a person gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images or urges that trigger intensely distressing feelings. Compulsions are behaviors an individual engages in to attempt to get rid of the obsessions and/or decrease his or her distress.

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>just for gun rights
lol, really? That's the only reason? California is the future you deserve.

You're fucking retarded

Fellow califag here
I hate when people say " oh just leave your home state, where you grew up and where all your family is"
We will take this state back

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A couple years ago the 9th circuit ruled concealed carry was not a right. Of course open carry is illegal and in their decision they even mentioned that both being illegal violates the right to bear arms but since the case in question only involved concealed carry that wasn't their problem. This new ruling is the result of that previous case and is a ruling they had to make to stop the subject going the the supreme court.

(Reposted again sorry)

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You're gonna have to kill a lot of minorities and degenerates to reclaim your land.

Lord don't I know it.

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>I can't just rip up my family, sell my house, my camp and my stuff, leave family, my secure job and shit just for gun rights you fucking mong
Oh you sweet summer child.
Guns are only the merest tip of the iceberg. They don't want to take your guns because they just hate guns out of pure hoplophobia. Look at California's budget. They're deeply in debt and it's only getting worse and worse. They're going to have to take one of two options, because those debts are eventually going to get called in - either they can drastically increase taxes on working people like you, or they can drastically cut the social support spending that keeps the population content. Either option is going to lead to a crippled economy and a ton of unrest and probable rebellion.
While they get firearms restricted enough for their liking, they'll push on another front - more police, more surveillance, more over-the-top riot control, more militarization of law enforcement, and more restriction of 4th amendment rights. You're seeing this in progress already but it's going to get a lot stronger.

>ignoring the degeneration of all standards of tradition


First they strike down ammo cap mag bans, now this!? I MAY BE ABLE TO CARRY IN NJ??!



I may start crying... this is confirmed best timeline and I'm glad I slipped through the wormhole to be here.

You and me both

I hope liberals are finally going out and reading about guns, and learning that they were wrong on this.

Sure there might be some alterior motive, but I hope for the sake of freedom that liberals are waking up and realizing that guns aemt just something that can be legislated away, and trying to do so is foolish. Education is far more impactful than some half-assed, ass backward law made by someone who has never been in the same room as a firearm.

can't a district reference the rulings of another district though?

So I, a NH resident, can now drive down to the commonwealth with a pistol on my hip?

I hope you do user, but as someone who grew up & has family in Jersey, I still left as soon as I fucking could. Moving to a swing state seems like the better option (fuck yeah PA).

>First they strike down ammo cap mag bans
wut? I thought the 9th just issued an injunction saying the confiscation of grandfathered mags was illegal as fuck. Not that mag cap bans were illegal.

what did they mean by this?

I can taste the salty tears already

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Thats true, but it sets the unofficial precedent that people can buy mags out of state, bring them in, say they were "grandfathered" in and the doj can do precisely fuck-all about it

>mfw Central Valley


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I fucking know, right?
I prefer open carry, mostly because my pistols are full-size automatics and revolvers.
Here's where they'll get you. Having it in the car counts as "concealed".

I really hope you do user. good luck and godspeed

Open carrying a flip phone is what should be banned

209 here, just fuck my shit up

Can't someone just take CA or similar state to court over not being able to open carry an unmolested AR15 in public though? It'd take 2+ years but that would go to the SC if they decide to take it

Minnesotan here. Please stay in your land, and keep the other faggots there too. I'm seeing too many fucking retard CALIFORNIA license plates up here.

Big iron on his dick.

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Naw. Start shipping them back to their point of origin.

>I'm seeing too many fucking retard CALIFORNIA license plates up here.

That’s from all of your waste products that came here, and are starting to bail out again. Your people are coming home.

This. As shitty as the laws are and how full of commie fucks it is, it's still home.

The fact that they have to say anything about it at all is still an infringement.

>Your people are coming home.

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They basically hand waved the 3 state split we voted on.

Ok but when are we repealing everything, especially the Hughes Amendment

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The proposed split would do nothing but add 4 (D) Senate seats and a fuckload more (D) HoR seats

You wouldn't want it. The urban shitlib enclaves were to be split among each state with the conservative districts split into an incoherent mess. Basically THREE faggot-fornias with of course the requisite democrat seats added in congress.


>being allowed to carry now has the side effect of making everyone expertly trained
seems good in theory

some one celebrating opposite day would say this......

it retroactively nullifies the entire law. this is why when you make laws you PROOFREAD, because if one part gets struck down, it kills the whole law and forces it back to the drawing board.

California is too large and diverse .It is not possible to represent even 1/16th of it's population

Southern California would eventually end up being Red like Arizona in a couple generations.

I wonder if this is kind of a set up for a trap where people who have never carried or even owned a gun before will start open carrying as a form of jewelry or won't be aware enough of potential threats. Thus we a have a bunch of young idiots making gun owners look bad or have soccer moms constantly calling the cops.

>Half the US wants guns banned / require a license or more strict laws
>Shootings happening every single day
>More mass shootings then any other country
>Kids keep getting shot
>They make open carry legal in all states and require no permit

In to watch all these Americans and nigs kill each other now.

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For any armchair lawyers out there, with this decision when does it take affect? Does it immediately mean a Californian would be able to open carry anywhere? How does this translate?

>>Half the US wants guns banned / require a license or more strict laws
Factually fake news
66% are in favor of more lenient laws. Even the libtards in my family say as much now, when they used to be vehemently anti-gun

Pretty true shit here, but a lot of voters aren't one issue type and prefer democrat side. I know a lot of people who love guns but vote democrat because they don't care quite enough about gun rights, but want socialized healthcare and shit more.

Thankfully the current socialist democrats are too fucking stupid to go pro-gun. If they did, they'd probably win all elections for a long time.

If they were to go actually, honestly pro gun and I didn't see creatures like hillary up there, I would certainly think about it. I mean fuck they have a lot of good points, I just wont sacrifice my beliefs and rights to get those good things.

Oh god, I'm in the Mojave all over again.

>Normalizing seeing guns on a daily basis.

I see nothing wrong with that.

Bruh u lost. Move to Canada like u promised.

This. I won't sacrifice essential freedoms for short term benefits. I'd rather the country turn into somalia and crawl over broken glass then vote to denigrate our God given rights.

It absolutely needs to be split but that proposal was gerrymandered so as to ensure that the two new states would be reliably blue.

Do you think that they would at least have their electoral votes split among them? Instead of them getting more votes that is.

This somehow makes even less sense than the last comment, is this even written in english?

... and?

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Open carry is retarded. What a dumb verdict.

Nobody intelligent open carries. Completely useless "right".

Fuck OFF we're full
>americans crashed the immigration canada website for 3 days following the trump election
>still only see nogs and saudis

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Until it catches on and everyone starts doing it, it'll be like the wild west again.

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>did this faggot really cut the grip down to be a glock 26 grip on a polymer 80

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Lol, so glad I left that dump.

Generally based.

But I'm still uncomfortable with gangbangers, felons and proven unreliable persons being granted access to guns for OC.

Debate me.

Agreed. All those soccer moms would feel at ease if they don't know if you're carrying or not. CCW just makes more sense.

When does this come into effect ameribros?
Also congrats on more freedoms

>The Right Honorable Charles C.W. Cooke

Based Britbong who became an American has become a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment. Just read this article he penned for the NRA. The man is a national treasure.

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and that's a good thing (here's why)

Open Carry Dick

Mr. Triple Double, magazines are not dated, the entire law is now unenforceable.

We're sorry all our Liberals tried to move into Canada. Luckily they don't work, so if you cut off welfare for a year Winter will handle the rest. Good luck Canada.

Fuck new jersey
Gf lives in new jersey, i live in PA. We want to move in together. Shes looking at all these places in NJ and i told her absolutely not. It has to be in PA because im not giving up all my guns. She didnt like that i was putting my foot down for once. I dont want to say im pussy whipped but i like the girl and want to make her happy. But i made it clear this is not negotiable. Now were looking at places in PA.
Its nice to win every once in a while.

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