Guide rod lasers. Are they worth the price?

Guide rod lasers. Are they worth the price?

my 92fs has sentimental value and i want a laser for it.

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God no
Unless your trying to shoot cats

Only if you like trolling boomers at the range.

Not OP, but I’ve also considered one of these for my 92FS. Is there any real disadvantages to these over normal lasers? (Usefulness or lack thereof of lasers in general ignored?) Does it reduce reliability or do they have really crappy battery life or something? Mine is mostly just a range toy anyway.

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Lasers are trash and slower than aiming.
Guide rod lasers are inaccurate trash that are also slower than aiming.
Niggers and normies like lasers because movies and they look intimidating

lasers are a crutch and your accuracy will suffer in the long term

Lasers are absolutely useless. Most aren't zero'd and they are a terrible crutch for people that don't want to use sights


>Are they worth the price?
Nope, but you do you. Maybe consider a recover grip and external laser or something. Also, there's nothing wrong with having a laser on a gun for shits and giggles or even serious use for confirming a point of aim before pulling the trigger.

Gimmick that may get you within minute of badguy at 7 yards
They make a grip laser and also a trigger guard laser that at least work for the 92fs

>All these anti laserfags
>Mfw you will never know the joy of hip firing a rifle at targets 15-50 yards away with absolute accuracy and hearing the gongs and soda bottles going off

The main reason a recoil spring guide rod lasers suck is because even if you can adjust it, the fucker will turn. Get a trigger or grip mounted laser.

Sights are absolutely useless. Most aren't zerod's and they are a terrible crutch for people that want to no-skope 360.

Why not all 3?


More lazers = more accurates

The only lasers worth a damn are IR lasers.

Basically what says guide rod lasers are kind of shit but everyone here complaining about lasers in general are being dumb cunts.
I don't think I would use one for anything other than a range toy (maybe HD but honestly git gud at point shooting for defensive shooting) but they are a fun range toy.
OP get grip a grip laser. Worst case scenario you don't like it and put back on the original grips.

I fucking love lasers. I like trigger guard mounted ones that have a pressure pad to activate and deactivate with the middle finger. It's like point shooting except you can flash it to adjust a little bit if you feel like you're off or want to attract cats. Guide lasers are more of an always on sort of thing I would try one out before rail mounted the position the on/off switch is on is about the same and it takes up less space and doesn't mess with your holster or any of those fitting dimensions. They seem kind of expensive and not perfect but if I had a 92 I'd at least try it.

Although since I mentioned point shooting before I read this post. It's kind of not going to work well if for that if you don't sight it in for a particular range and practice a bit. Bullets don't travel in a straight line like lasers that are sighted for a specific range the bullet isn't following the path the laser is. It's only going to hit at where the laser and gun are sighted at (at best). If you only do it at one distance it's sighted in you won't get that great of an idea of the bullets trajectory and eliminate a lot of guess work like it should.

Lasers are great for dry fire practice.

>Lasers are trash and slower than aiming.
Unless it's a pocket pistol with basically unusable (but snag-free!) sights. Then a laser is faster and more accurate than trying to aim.

Oh but I do

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>reading this thread
Are people not aware that the purpose of laser sights are to shoot from bad, dangerous, disadvantaged positions? E.g., you've already ate shit, you're crumpled on the pavement ass-over-head with your shooting arm pinned underneath you and a big angry goblin standing over you, swivel your wrist to put the dot on his center mass and let him have it.

My point is nobody's saying lasers are a replacement for conventional sights and shooting, just a last-ditch countermeasure for shit really hitting the fan.