okay, amerimutts
redpill me on printed guns
okay, amerimutts
redpill me on printed guns
Other urls found in this thread:
They're not nearly good as homemade metal guns
t. 49% white mutt
what's easier to make btw
A baby in ur mom lol
t. nigger
3d printing is stupid. nobody makes anything but stupid figurines, and poorly.
tabletop cnc has tons more promise.
Right now it's a fucking meme, but eventually 3D printer materials science will get to a point where wholly 3D printed metal firearms will be viable.
Between now and that point, miniaturized CNC machines are going to be superior for building homemade firearm parts.
They're not really so much a practical application (beyond developing prototypes for later production, being able to model up a new part on the fly to see what works is really handy), in that they're more of a tinkerer's exercise in freedom.
The ruling is important for things beyond that.
Generally, metal guns.
A Luty 9mm machinegun can be made with generic hardware store parts and tools, and no real special knowledge or special tooling, just follow the instructions.
A good old fashioned Slam Bang is really just two pieces of seamless drawn steel pipe (ideally, you can use other metal piping, but seamless drawn steel is safest and last the longest), then an endcap, and a nail.
Demonstrated here. You load a shell, then you slam bang.
Go be a yuropoor somewhere else
The cost of 3d printing is highly prohibitive, and you cant print the parts you need like bolts or barrels until the materials get much much stronger. But once its there as long as you can calibrate the machine its just picking which schematic you want and maybe changing the angle of the part in the machine every few passes.
For metal guns its the same skills any mechanic or machinist already has. He just doesnt have a working knowledge of firearms designs. MAC 10 and Sten come to mind as super easy to make conventional designs. If you can build model airplanes you can build MAC 10s.
The primary barrier skill is welding but you can get around this. And then theres thousands of well known easily findable makeshift firearm designs, like Luty or Prof Parrabellums multiple schematics.
A redpill doesn't mean "hold my hand and explain what X means, and every aspect of X thing that I could research easily on the internet"
A redpill is a massive change in understanding of a subject that causes a literal paradigm shift in how people live their life. If you had any engineering sense, you could've built an illegal firearm at any point in the past 40+ years. 3D printing changes nothing.
3d printing is in infancy right now. Itll eventaully get better, faster, and more reliable as new technological advances are made.
Engame for 3d printing would probably be something like pic related
Hol' up douchefag. 3D printing is the fucking tits.
dumb and lazy.
T. Euroslave
ur mom is a nigger
Well... at least it goes from Idaho to Utah
>ctrl+F "Additive Manufacturing"
>0 Results
Come on, Jow Forums, I was hoping for a more professional discussion.