AK General /akg/
An SGL with out a folding but stock is RAS47 tier garbage edition
>Thread #655
Old thread here
AK General /akg/
An SGL with out a folding but stock is RAS47 tier garbage edition
>Thread #655
Old thread here
So you'd rather have a ras47 then a fixed buttstock sgl21?
>AK Buyer's Guide
t. ras47 owner who just saw a sliver of light at the end of the tunnel
would building a galil off a kit be worth it? I think they are baller as fuck and they sound like a fun investment of time
I heard that that PSAK47 Gen 2 is one of the best American-made AKs out there. Rob Ski from Ak Operators Union has tested 5000 rounds so far: youtube.com
Read the old thread. Some genuinely autistic man thinks sgls are garbage guns because they don't have folding stocks.
Its like putting an mlok rail on a fixed carry handle upper.
poor aesthetics =/= garbage gun
>american made AK
Sad thing is thats probably accurate no matter how shit the psak47 is objectively