Putting a sniper scope on a shotgun

>putting a sniper scope on a shotgun

lol, women...

Attached: 7bf6c0df2dcb0aaba4bf7cb39109fecf[1].jpg (1080x1080, 316K)

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Stupid question: could that be a pump-action .30-06, like a Remington Model 760?

Shooting squirrels with 30-06?

It's an airgun you fucking tards

That's not a shotgun, it's a .22 rimfire

>being OP

No such thing as a pump action rifle
I normally hate when people scream summer but


Are you sure about that?

Attached: 1532173501996m.jpg (1024x635, 56K)

its a shotgun, look at the barrel exit

...I've seen some big squirrels.

Attached: 86564684.jpg (1024x768, 189K)