Fuck all yall bitch ass white boys yall aint about shit nigga. Yall call 12 bitch ass niggas aint gonna shoot nobody

Fuck all yall bitch ass white boys yall aint about shit nigga. Yall call 12 bitch ass niggas aint gonna shoot nobody

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>all fields

kek slavery

Everybody hold up, I got this. I took three years of Ebonics in high school.

Nigga nigga shawty cracker nigga EBT watermelons shiiiieeetttttt nigga.

Fuk u bitch ass nigga im rollin wid a draco yo guns aint about shit nigga

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Nigga bitch big dik nigga ooga booga white wimmin nigga cotton braaat braaat nigga shit.

>be me, 18 at the time
>just finished school. Pulled an all nighter to write a paper.
>blasting Lamb of God to keep awake
>part of the drive is through a pretty crappy neighborhood
>Dodge Challenger pulls up next to me at red light.
>melanin enriched gentleman rolls down window.
>lower music a little and roll down window
>”aayo turn that shit off mah nigga. Wack ass mufucka “
>”I do what I want”
>pulls a gun on me. Looks like a Bersa
>flip him off and say “you ain’t gonna do shit”
>lol cop behind me. He won’t fucking do it
>he puts the gun down and smiles. “Alright, mah nigga. I gotchu. I gotchu.”
>he drives off and I go home to take a PHAT nap.

>being so autistic and racist that you take a creepshot of a brother at the range

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>Lamb of God
I wouldn’t blame him if he did desu. Shit taste.

They had some decent shit towards the beginning.

it a shame the cop was there

Thanks, mang. Since you obviously know all there is to know about music, what do you listen to?
>claiming Ashes of the Wake is bad

We blast wid a draco my nigga yall talmbout sum gay shit

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Oh, don’t get me wrong, I listen to shit too. But Lamb of God is objectively shit.

nigger lover

Yall aint bout shit

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>implying niggers have any marksmanship skills

First few albums were pretty good. But again, all nighter and attempting to stay awake. As a drummer, grove metal gives me something to focus on. Especially LoG with somewhat complex drum parts

Nigga nigga bitch nigga nigga, nigga fried chicken nigga watermelon nigga, bitch nigga, nigga white women titties ass.
Mufuggin BIX NOOD

>blasting Lamb of God
>nigger pulls a gun on you
wtf I love niggers now!

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these "ak" nigaz fina bouta get straight up dabbed on right quick

Bitter insecure incel

Id rather be an incel than someone who loves negros. Incels dont collapse functioning socities, negros do.