Do unironic Wehraboos still exist?
Do unironic Wehraboos still exist?
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Yes. Now fuck off.
Yes unfortunately.
Their aesthetics were 10/10.
Yes. Ever since finding out my great opa was in the Wehrmacht
>not starving, freezing to death, or getting bayoneted by a conscript
germans are autistic.
>Those horses
So it is true that the German used horse to tow their tank.
aesthetics don't win wars son
To be fair to the Germans, if America and Britain didn’t bomb the shit out of the supply lines that brought steel in from occupied Norway then the German tanks could have been less shite
Unfortunately German hyper-autism and it's various offshoots will never die. The -boos of all breeds will likely carry on until the history of whatever they worship is entirely forgotten.
>implying that conscript wouldnt be gunned down by MG fire before they could even get close
My unioronic Wehrabooism has only grown stronger and stronger.
They made some pretty cool stuff, fuck off pinko
How often do you want to spam that shit?
>Everyone copies it after WWII
>But we da cool guys xD
>Everyone I don't like is a Communist
Yeah there are tonnes of designs that involve intentionally bending the barrel.
youre just so dumb man, stupid dumb dumb. you retarded drumpfsucking fatass i hope you get stomped
>aesthetics don't win wars son
Who do you think won the war? America has been completely conquered by brown people and Jews.
It's like the French celebrating winning the world cup while the Africans riot and destroy their capital city.
I am not even claiming that Germans were the good guys since i come from a country conquered by Germans. But i would much rather have Germans in my nation than Africans Asians and Arabs
>horses to tow their tank.
No. To tow the cart they are still attached to.
go back to your containment board, poltard
So many faggots who try to tell me how tiger tanks were pretty much indestructible and SS units were the best of the best of the best while most of them were ugly criminal losers who mostly killed random civilians, the occasional partisan and pissed off once they had to face real soldiers.
*shniffen *shniff
I smell hamburgers
>A E S T H E T I C S
>Nigger-tier shallowness
Not enough mein bruder
Comsidering a country the size of Texas took on the entire world and almost took over all of Europe in 4 years, I’d say their war technology was vastly superior. Maybe they didn’t adapt enough later in the war where as Russia did. Still they had V2 rockets when nobody else had them. If Nazi germany manages to pull off peace talks and a stalemate with the allies, I think we would be light years ahead (literally) with today’s technology
>Comsidering a country the size of Texas took on the entire world
No, they did not
>almost took over all of Europe in 4 years
same as above
> I’d say their war technology was vastly superior.
Pushed unfinish prototype into war is not the same thing as being technologically superior.
>teleports round directly into your crew compartment
Nothing personal Hans.
Nothing i said was wrong.
If people born to a 90% white country were told that in the future white americans will be a minority many would refuse to fight.
In fact studies show that most Americans would rather lose the war than end segregation.
Now imagine also telling them that in the future racemixing will be promoted by Jewish owned media. The people would snap and lynch every Jew they could find
>Is marginally effective when using borderline suicidal tactics against German armor
>German armor that is rarely encountered
>Meanwhile crew gets decapitated by sniper fire, artillery, and low branches
>Snipers fire, artillery fire, and branches that are fucking everywhere all the time.
>Who do you think won the war?
well it sure as fuck wasn't Germany, so...
>excellent kd as its an ambush/defense tank
>btfo's everything from the front except tiger 2
>crew has a top cover and is usually mobile, what the tank is designed for is flanking enemy armor in defense
Keep crying shitaboo
Answer the question. Did American people really win? Or did they lose freedom and identity.
To expand on my thought. America is a country founded by white people for white people. The blacks were just second class citizens and slaves. They couldn't even vote until very late.
I know it's sad since many of you are probably childen of migrants who arrived after the Jewish immigration act but it's true.
If you are not white you are not american
the american ppl are tearing themselves apart; they have nobody to blame but themselves
so citizenship has nothing to do with whether or not you belong in a country? what would the US be without gooks, chinks, and shitters?
This isn't even WW2 go back to bed
Everyone copies it? Huh? You mean the le ebin curved banana mag, Because that's just about the only thing that survived past 1946 and that's been around since the 1860s. If you mean it was copied because "muh first assault rifle" you're double stupid because by modern definition it's not even an assault rifle, unlike say the M2 Carbine, which not only was made by a far more worthwhile country than a Reich with one year left, and was produced in massively larger quantities than the STG, which I understand you not knowing from simply playing COD WW2 as opposed from picking up a book
Well go to any "black" community in USA and it will be very similar to "black" community in France, UK etc.
The ghetto in Paris is nearly identical to the one in USA
Yes, because the Tiger I was the best tank of WW2, just based on its battlefield performance. I don't give a fuck about some statistics about readiness rates. It wasn't meant to be a tractor, but a break-through war machine.
Unironically this.
It's hilarious how stupid the concept of the M18 Hellcat was. That fact they dropped it within just a few months of the end of the war is your best clue about its value.
The problem with Wehraboos is that it's swung too far in the other direction.
Post proofs nigger.
You too.
>what is advancement in technology
>completely missing the point
enjoy living in brazil
>But glorious Germany had advanced science and tech! The Allies only won because of numbers and Jewish nose magic!
Womp womp. To the victors go the spoils.
Yeah their troop tactics, air tactics and armor shenanigans we adopted to our modern military. Shermans IMO were some of the best tanks in the war though, anyway I'm not a crazy wehr but the asthetic looks bretty good user.
>But glorious Germany had advanced science and tech! The Allies only won because of numbers and Jewish nose magic
The funny thing is that they really didn't. They only threw shit into production out of pure desperation.
>Womp womp. To the victors go the spoils.
What spoils are you enjoying???
The even cringier group are the ameriboos who have now jumped on the anti-wehraboo train just to do the same shit.
Superior german strategies consist in not waking up da fuhrer because he is taking a nap with his superior german engineering buttplug stuck up in his ass
Of course they didn't. Most of the Wehrmacht was still using Kar98ks up until the end of the war. Even use of the MP40 is exaggerated in pop culture and historical depictions (it was mostly an SS weapon)
Not getting assraped with a pitchfork for being an Irish/German/Polish Amerimutt (and therefore insufficiently huwite).
Tank destroyers as a thing were dropped because the 90mm guns were gonna go on Pershings and the abundance of now 76mm armed Shermans meant that dedicated tank destroyer units weren't considered necessary. Hellcats that were provided to other nations stayed in service for quite a while due to its excellent performance, even when the same countries also received a crapton of Shermans, Chaffees, M41s, M48s etc.
It was meant to gofast and shoot 76mm HVAP at heavily armoured things to kill them good.
And no, the Tiger wasn't heavily armoured by 1944. In fact, line of sight upper glacis thickness is only slightly thicker than a Sherman due to its sloped glacis.
US did not adopt any German air tactics because US air tactics were the most advanced already.
>Even use of the MP40 is exaggerated in pop culture and historical depictions (it was mostly an SS weapon)
Nah, MP38s and MP40s were regular use in the wehrmacht but generally only officers/fireteam leaders carried them (so 1/8 men). The basic German infantry organization was an 8+2 man machinegun section led by a sergeant, 1 corporal, 1 MG34 or 42 and its gunner who also had a service pistol (which other non-officer infantrymen did not), 2 assistant gunners with rifles and spare MG barrels, parts, ammo, and then 5 riflemen.
1/10 men, sorry.
They only made like 1.1 million of them in total, anyways. The british made over 4 million Stens.
>This thing was like science fiction to Germany
>Not getting assraped with a pitchfork for being an Irish/German/Polish Amerimutt (and therefore insufficiently huwite).
Muh Germany would have killed 3 billion non Germans was it not for the holy Jewish aliance stopping them
Uh no? the CAS that the Luftwaffe did absolutely was adopted by the US
i mean besides those fuckers, minorities are p cool
No, the US adopted British practices, like forward air controllers.
They are not minorities.
American youth is majority non white. Even if we are very generous USA is barely 60% white with a lot of non European ethnicities being counted as white.
Did you know that Mexicans are counted as white under murder statistics? I wonder why?
its because the generation above gen z is focusing on careers over family because they need to do something with their useless degree.
Gen Z is taught by TV and internet how shitty marriage is with women being what they are today
Basically the only people having kids are mudsharks and other browns, barely white people unless they are over 30
user you're retarded
formation flying and wingmen flying was thought up in '43 to counter the faster and more maneuverable zeroes.
CAS was adopted by both the germans and the british as ways to protect troops and add more firepower tanks and artillery couldn't provide
Muh birth rates.
No amount of birthrates could fix a few dozen million spics and Asians flooding the country in such a short span in fact it would make the country more overpopulated than it already is.
I realize but get the birthrates going and then kick them out
Gen. George S. Patton in a letter published in the March 31, 1945 issue of "The Army and Navy Journal" said:
"Since 1 August 1944, when the Third Army became operational: our total tank casualties have amounted to 1,136 tanks. During the same period, we have accounted for 2,287 German tanks, of which 808 were of the Tiger or Panther variety, and 851 on our side were M4. ..but let me add that the Third Army has always attacked, and therefore better than 70 percent of our tank casualties have occurred from dug-in anti-tank guns and not enemy tanks, whereas a majority of the enemy tanks have been put out by our tanks."
The real question is who is worse? Wehraboos or Slavaboos?
>muh Glorious noble Germany dindu nuffin we wuz magic Indians an' sheeit
Israel didn’t even exist, faggot. Stop blaming everything on the Jews.
>cant adopt multiple things
Here's is a video easy enough to understand for you
>Austistic screeching
Who talked about the Stg, I was talking about the krummlauf.
>M2 carbine
>Making it full auto makes it an assault rifle
Well good then modern assault rifles are made after it. Oh right they don't. There's a reason assault rifles are ergonomically and visually similar to the Stg.
>because by modern definition it's not even an assault rifle, unlike say the M2 Carbine, which not only was made by a far more worthwhile country than a Reich with one year left, and was produced in massively larger quantities than the STG.
Stop your autistic screeching just for one moment, according to you a Bugatti isn't a car because more horses were used throughout time? Do you even leave your basement sometimes and think about the things you say?
Yeah, they'd just ignore Hitler's declaration of war or even better let him conquer the US because muh nigguhs.
WWI was the war to win
Tiger 1 did its job as a breakthrough tank exactly twice: Third Kharkov and Kursk
Pic related
Pretty sure that user you responded to was joking
my favorite part is the m3 90mm guns were inferior to the 76mm guns with the new twist rates
Jow Forums is a natsoc board
>Jow Forums likes authoritarian statists
There are an awful lot of problems in the world, user, but Hitler wouldn't fix them.
All statists, be they communists, fascists, monarchists, or from some other boot licking ideology deserve to be slaughtered like the worthless sheep they are.
at my old highschool, there was this guy who was an unironic nazi. he also believed the holocaust didnt happen. ive got no problem with thinking that, he was just kind of a dick about it. we were in jrotc, so on our annual weekend camping trip once, everybody held him down and raped him with a broomstick. next time we went back, there were sexual assault posters plastered everywhere throughout the little camp thing we stayed at. i was absent that weekend. i got the full story from one of my friends. he quit jrotc later that year.
t. still lives in his mothers basement but is independent and doesn't need her to wipe his ass
t. desperately wants to be dominated by an opressive regime but his ancestors probably burnt a straw hut down 900 years ago so he's better than everyone
To be fair a lot of that is attributed to the 36th SS Dirlewanger Division. Basically a Penal Brigade created from war criminals, prisoners and psychopaths given Carte Blanche for debauchery and military kit solely to instill fear in civilian/partisan populations.
While the SS did commit their fair share of war crimes, so did every over combatant and there are plenty of examples of the SS treating their opponents with civility and dignity.
Hell, the Estonians still do that fusion military drill/re-enactment of SS soldiers evacuating civilians from a wall of Bolshevik sodomites, much to Russia’s disapproval.
Im german and this thread makes me sad.
So much hate from my US friends (only the white Jow Forumsommandos )
My unironic wehrabooism has only gotten stronger the past year tbqh
It must hurt being this fucking stupid.
M4 Sherman Being underpowered was a Hollywood myth invented in world war 2 to make U.S tank crews look better skilled than Germans because they looked like the underdog.
>does not notice race, incapable of understand statistical inevitabilities that will turn his country perma democrat
We could have literally had anti-gravity tech powered by Jewish ashes by now if the Germans didn't lose.
They would still be unreliable turds with fragile transmissions.
Certainly more than twice. What about Sidi Bou Zid?