Is Jow Forums a honeypot?

Is Jow Forums a honeypot?

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Nah, I wouldn't worry about it.

Sure why not


Don't you have a dog that needs to to be put down?

>those ending digits
Think I’ll use some .223 to do it too.

It is very easy to know the IP of a poster. China has an impressive database on how to check the IP of a poster and if he is a shill or disrespecting factual Chinese information. Using superior thinking ability, China has time and again defeated those who spread wrongful information against China.

Therefore, Jow Forums is not a honeypot which sounds ridiculous.

Rip in peace, doggo. Just remember .223/5.56 is a wounding round, so please double tap.

>screencap of samefag
>hidden post stubs taking up a third of the page
>mobile UI
Phoneposters were a mistake.

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I bet your mom says the same about you.

Fine but you’ll have to provide me with more ammo, think of the children...they need to be double tapped too.


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>user defending phoneposters makes a "your mom" joke
Wow you really proved me wrong

A "your mom" joke is a classic. Your entire family could of been killed and raped by a pack of niggers and even then a mom joke is more than fine to say.


Hello Special Agent.

That's senior speci....dunno what you're talking about.

Honeypot? No. But you bet your ass LEA peruses Jow Forums and this board more than any others.

That being said, I AM convinced that LEA frequently makes posts about sketchy shit to get people to incriminate themselves. Posts about automatic conversions, posts about explosives, posts about what guys will do in the event of a raid by authorities.... various collections of demographic data from various IP's (like the gun-owners bingo, but there's many other examples). This demographic info that you willingly provided could be used in conjunction with other sketchy posts made from the same IP to incriminate you.

Whenever the LEA is fishing, there's never a shortage of people who take the bait.


>Collection thread guyz!
>post them up!
>post pics like this pointing at your computer
>post your slide locked back
>lol nogunz, post guns with timestamp you loser faggot lolol

I would actually have to disagree with you. As some one who has a brother who works for a alphabet agency, as well knowing he lurks/posts on Jow Forums. I know that faggot has made multiple threads which most were honeypot the fuck out of ppl. I hate the faggot, he thinks guns belong to military and Leo only. I know the nigger has honey potted people 1 good people who didn't know Jack shit about the law, only wanted this or that gun because was cool looking, not knowing a tax stamp was needed for this, or how that was completely illegal, but the newbie gun fag didn't know better.

Ur moms a honeypot

Idk what its like now but in 2011 Jow Forums finding someones ip wasn’t a big deal, it could of been a mod post or some script kiddies but it was probably a mod post.

Use a vpn where you can.

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>posts about what guys will do in the event of a raid by authorities
>Their reaction when they see the Jow Forums mansion

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Jesus, it's not even dark yet...

Not as much as is. Pic fucking related, the copy of the label that is a phone case actually is $1 more than this literal package of ketamine. It was up for about 24 hours but is down now... however pot seeds and silencers and shit are all a-ok.

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Guys, Guys, Guys We are all friends here.

Says you, faggot

Listen here, fag...


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It isn't honey in this pot.

This is true

T. Forced phoneposter


Don't you have some drugs to sell? Those clandestine ops the Senate oversight committee doesn't know about won't fund themselves.

Hahaha no way guys don't be crazy

By the way, you're all up to date on your taxes right? Sometimes I don't report some money i make ;) don't tell

I never did report the money from my lemonade stand in 3rd grade

That's nothing. I did a u-turn where a sign clearly said not to do a u-turn.

So how was that gangbang with Barbara from HR?

Hey do me a favor and If he is reading this right now, tell him he's a complete fucking fag and to come get me.

G-get outta here, FBI ATF skinwalker!

all of Jow Forums is a honeypot, since like 10 years ago

not joking

Posting shit about auto conversions is not illegal or incriminating.
Also you do realize that the feds can't actually see your IP unless they have access to Jow Forums's logs, right? Even with access to your ISP's data (confirming that you post here) they would not be able to tell which posts are yours because of HTTPS encryption.

But posting info that actually proves you are doing illegal shit is obviously a very bad idea. Hirohito isn't going to hesitate to turn data over to any LEO that asks for it.

Nope. Chinks just legitimately do not give a fuck about foreign laws. Buying that shit would be amazingly retarded though.

they have a real-time mirror of the entire server dude

logs . . . what a fucking newfag.

What can you do for me alone? I was riding on my board on board, and I entered a kilo kilogram in Al-Quaeda and reported 300 deaths. I have learned war and war around me. It's not good. I will open the complaint with the correct accuracy as before this World, to break my words. Do you think you can go with other web sites? Think again, how to keep it. When we talk, I go to my USA base and look at your IP at an appropriate time for security issues. The value of the value of the molecules is the value of your life. Hunger on death, baby. I can go some time, sometimes, and I can kill you seventy weeks, but only with my fingerprints. I do not have the courage to fight, but I can access the United Corps Marine Corps web site and try to solve your problem problems before the state, and it will be very small. . . If you can imagine the comfort of your "smart" word, you must create a keyword. But you can not, no, and pay the reason, your goddess. I was very angry. Death to die.

I was replying to a guy who claims the site isn't a honeypot. If the feds had a real time mirror of the servers then the site would indeed be a honeypot.

Is this some sort of memetic kill code? afraid to finish reading.

It reads like someone ran the navy seal pasta through google translate 30 times and then back to english.

once again, you're about 10 years behind

You know who likes honeypots? Niggers because they are bears and bears are animals so niggers are animals amirite?

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>It is very easy to know the IP of a poster. China has an impressive database on how to check the IP of a poster and if he is a shill or disrespecting factual Chinese information. Using superior thinking ability, China has time and again defeated those who spread wrongful information against China.


And the other is reason; The major flood of water will seal the program host, I swear to Al-Qaeda, and I was almost 300 protected objects. Online? We spies, secret sites in the United States for good and is easy to apply to your response. Life ... and to damage a particular harm, does not perish, I killed and seven hundred less than it can replace anywhere from time to time child. and me. I have learned not to fight, I will not be able to gain access to all the ships of the American, and I do not have to be removed from the danger of to be, particularly important. If you see signs of 'smart', please remember to keep you yourself where your excellent vocabulary accord. But you can not you can afford, and pay a fine fool anonymous: Make your children to the death.

the CCP can:
>ID their 1.3 billion subjects with facial recognition in real time
>shames people who make minor infractions by doxxing them

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I was in this based thread