Free float vs Delta

Why are Delta ring AR's still made and sold when free float systems are superior in everyway?

Is there some advantage to using Delta ring+handguard over free float or is it just old shit that won't die?

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>some advantage to using Delta ring+handguard over free float or is it just old shit that won't die
Mostly the latter. There are a lot of handguards around that are compatible with it and "it just werks". Might be cheaper because of economies of scale. The only cheap free float I've messed with was a steaming pile of shit that shot itself loose (one and only time I've gone cheap on gun stuff reeeeee) and would have been better off with a basic a2 style and FSB.
Also 99% of shooters can't shoot well enough to notice a difference between it and a freefloated so it doesn't really matter teebeeeitch.

>Is there some advantage to using Delta ring+handguard
a e s t h e t i c s

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how about being 1/5th as cheap

delta rings are what i had innaarmy. would install today, with a receiver that includes a forward assist. feels over reals. do some pushups sissy.

Most people don't shoot well enough for it to matter, and on medium-range fighting guns it literally does not matter.

Yeah aethetically ugly. Coming full circle is gay.

IR lasers zero shifts more on a free float rail.

[citation needed]

Because you can make an AR look almost any way you want and that includes using non-optimal parts.

Attached: stop likeing what I don't like.jpg (600x600, 54K)

Half the point of FF rails is so it flexes instead of the barrel when rested against something. Why wouldn't a rail flex when you hang 2lbs of shit off the end and then rest it against something?

ITT angry poorfags defend their shitty Delta rings because they can't afford to upgrade to a glorious sexy free float rail.

Attached: 796af4c771d79d130936772ba74d4254.jpg (1023x681, 119K)

Clint says forward assists are for faggots.

whoever the fuck clint is, he needs to put the dick back in his mouth

ugh, free float is so fucking ugly. it's like an uncircumcised penis. all smooth and featureless. also they are inevitably full of keymod and rails and other faggot shit.

Do you own any C&Rs? If you do, why? They're not optimal, you should only have the newest most advanced guns, right?

He's a 'Nam vet that runs a school called Thunder Ranch. He's forgotten more about guns and gunfighting than you ever knew and is unequivocally correct when he says FAs as for FAggots.

>Not knowing Clint.
Please kys potatoe peeler

He's never quite kept up with the state of the art either. Dude only started recommending ARs and 9mms quite recently.

Why listen to a broken down boomer when there are crops of SF veterans fresh off the WOT?

>Vietnam veteran
What period innaNam? Early ARs had problems in that environment that the forward assist was introduced to correct. Regardless of the answer, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he is prejudiced against the platform and that bias has no relevance to ARs in 2018.

>unequivocally correct
Can you tell me why, neverserved? Because I used forward assist plenty in the Army.

>Also 99% of shooters can't shoot well enough to notice a difference between it and a freefloated so it doesn't really matter teebeeeitch.
This is pretty much it. While it's much, much easier to outshoot your rifle than it is your handgun, most people still won't be able to.

Freefloat is completely unnecessary for cute guns; how much is a 7" barrel gonna flex anyway?

It's really only important if you're going to be using a bipod (for shooting, not to pose the gun for pictures), or if you're using sling tension for offhand shooting.

Attached: moe marauder.jpg (1200x522, 45K)

deltaring is universal and just works
freefloat attachment methods change every month as new rails come out
every rail needs its own proprietary barrel nut


>99% of shooters can't shoot well enough to notice a difference between it and a freefloated so it doesn't really matter teebeeeitch

The accuracy difference is negligible until you try to rest the rifle on the hand guard, which can flex lighter weight barrels and cause you to miss literally feet high at a hundred yards.

>miss literally feet high at a hundred yards.
no just no
it happens but its not that drastic
even if this was the barrel itself with the guy manhandling it with all his weight it wouldnt be that bad.

This. Free floating is a niche concept that caught on for whatever reason. It looks kind of ugly, a free floated AR with a microdot is the Zoomer haircut/Air Jordans of the AR15 world.