What is the best way to store you HD weapon when you have a child at home ?
What is the best way to store you HD weapon when you have a child at home ?
let Darwin take the wheel
probably the zore, it's pretty damn cool and extremely easy to use.
>What is the best way to store you HD weapon when you have a child at home ?
Gun cabinet with a lock
On a high shelf
In your ass
Trigger lock?
Easy to remove if you need the gun fast. Better keep the key hidden from the kids!
Otherwise trigger lock + locked gun cabinet + locked box for ammo + disassemble some parts from the gun. Kids would need several keys and know-how of how to assemble and reload the gun in order to make it work.
The point is to make accessing the firearm a situation where you need A + B + C + ...+ n, where each letter represents a lock or an action someone needs to do before the gun is fully functional.
Lock your bedroom door, you moron.
In your hand.