Deer hunting out west

Would using a 30-30 make sense, or do I need a .308? Part of me really wants a levergun for fucking about and shooting soda bottles, but something like a Ruger American would have sub MOA accuracy. I probably can't get both any time soon, I have to choose one.

Attached: 70502_336BL_Right.png (1200x450, 221K)

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I guess I should clarify that such hunting would likely take place either in the desert or in a relatively dry environment. Also if I get a 30-30, I'm probably putting a reflex sight on it.

You don't actually need .308 to hunt deers. .30-30 is fine. Even a levergat in .44 RM would be fine if you can evaluate quite well distances greater than 100 yards.

This is my other option. I particularly like the predator model because the rail allows for easy installation of different optics. However loading it isn't as fun and the magazines have issues out of the box that need fixing.

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The biggest factor will be how far you plan on shooting, really. I've never hunted innadesert but if it's longer sightlines (200m+), go for the. 308. .30-30 has relatively poor ballistics out that far. I'd only buy a .30-30 because the forests I hunt in are dense as fuck and I'm lucky if I see a deer past 50m.

Noted- my primary concern is accuracy at distance. What range can I anticipate shooting deer in chaparral or sagebrush? I guess what I should have asked was does anyone on here hunt deer in the west, and what range I can expect to shoot them from? If it's under 150 yards, the levergun should be fine. Also are there budget friendly range finders on the market?

How far can you accurately shoot? What’s a typical durr engagement distance for you?
If you aren’t going much more than 125yds, 30-30 is just fine

I actually haven't hunted deer yet. And I certainly wouldn't go hunting with a rifle until I was good enough with it. Currently I live in cancerfornia, though I plan to move to another nearby state- there are several on my list of potential places to relocate. The terrain varies in these states, but I think, except for in open scrubland which probably wouldn't have many deer to shoot anyway, that shots should be within 150 yards. But that's more or less a guess. Also would a deer blind work in these environments or would they avoid anything like that? Because I'm not too eager to drag a deer two miles to my vehicle while the meat is slowly spoiling.
I don't enjoy shilling but this guy made like 5 videos about deer hunting with a 30-30 and he tested the arc at different ranges. It's probably fine. There isn't much that won't kill a whitetail anyway.

I want the 1895 SBL, because of Wind river but also I've always wanted a lever gun and I think it looks cool. I'm not even a hunter or anyhting. Only thing stopping me is the cost of both the gun and ammo.

Attached: Marlin-1895SBL.jpg (618x343, 10K)