Anyone else fucking hate this shit? It's so cringy...

Anyone else fucking hate this shit? It's so cringy. I just got my ass chewed out this morning as a SPC for not standing at parade for a tabbed e5 that's never deployed from another company. Fuck man, it's so impossibly gay and cringey. Do any of you Jow Forums NCO's make your soldiers stand in this shit? The second I get my NCO I am telling every new joe I get that they are never to stand at parade rest for me.

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Servers your right

fuck off

>Fail to exemplify military discipline
>Flames of wrath sear your pooper
Play stupid games, user...

hey man, there is a time and a place for everything alright? Suck it up, it was much worst than an ass chewing back in the day. If it was within eye sight of people not from your platoon/squad/team you stand in parade rest man, if its just you and mr tabbed e5, then say your piece. Not just for you cause your junior soldiers esp. the pv2s and the pvts needs to know that theres a chain of command going on, cause if you start being too friendly, theres going to be problems for your platoon/section down the line.

Is that a fucking Bioshock Infinite model

My NCOs don’t give a shit about parade rest since a lot of us are deployed specialists. They only chew their ass out if you’re a new guy. Besides I think it’s a useless aspect of the job anyway. Are you 82nd by chance OP?

Yeah, 82nd

12 more fucking months til ETS

got my 214 earlier this year, greatest feeling of my life

Same. 22 months for me

....I'm going to assume you are 2nd Brigade. You fucks are infamous for being salty af and bitching all day.

How did it feel man? Driving outside those gates? Waking up at 10 on the first Monday of freedom while everyone else is miserable?

>standing at parade for a tabbed e5
Lmao, what? As a chairman we would only stand for E-7s from other shops (because your own shop chief is in and out too often for that to be practical). Though to be fair, the Air Force really lacks decorum and discipline compared to other branches, generally.

Yeah, right after a deployment I had an encounter where I was being tapped on the chest and lectured by some slovenly, fat, disgusting sergeant not wearing his jacket, gut hanging out under his t-shirt, and whose only deployment was to the KFC 2 km outside the base.

Yeah I fumed inside.

But I stood at attention and took it because I was a professional soldier with a modicum of discipline, you knuckle-dragging savage.

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just do it and never give the fuckers the satisfaction. also, save your money dont buy a fucking mustang and stupid shit, and have a job lined up for when you get out and take on a second MOS if you can so your range of jobs will be better, get one thats needs of the army so you will get promoted faster. climb the ladder fucker. i hate the army thats why i got out but if i knew this stuff i would have stayed in longer. good thing i didnt cuz my life is good now but not everyone gets so lucky.

Here is how I always saw it.
If you can't put yourself in their shoes, and treat them how you want to be treated, then you're a shit soldier.
If you don't want to uphold military discipline and bearing and have SPCs stand at parade rest for you once you pin on SGT, then you don't deserve to be an NCO.
These are the little wars that make or break armies. Micro details that maintain good order and discipline.
You knew what you were signing up for, now snap to mother fucker, I'm paying you to do so.

bunch of zoomers in here

>complaining about being given job training, a place to live, three meals a day, vacation time, all at tax payers' expense
Is this the true state of military cucks?


Yes, they're all objectively faggots. Every single last one of them.

Some people let rank get in over their head instead of being humble about the situation.

Still, always gotta go parade rest to avoid gay shit like that. Not everyone is going to give two shits about you so long as you're underneath them in one way or another.

The funny part is, you're still gay.
This kind of thing happens in the military and you knew it would, but you still signed up.
The fucks a zoomer?

>the absolute state of the Army
Tell me why all your boot drops keep telling the NCOs to fuck off as soon as they get to their units again?

>all this cringy army lingo
God you fucking faggots have the worst jargon.
Its like every single unit in the army has different names for one nomenclature.
Fucking annoying ass faggots.

You willingly signed on to become a slave. This is your own fault.

Don't see any weapons here

>they repealed don't ask don't tell
>but they were all homos the whole time
Directed by M. Night Shyamalan

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This, it is an NCO job to maintain discipline. Standing in parade rest is a very easy sign of respect. Don't teach your poor standards to an Army that needs more discipline not less.

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lol I’m as civlilian as civilian gets and I knew what he was talking about. lurk moar and all that good stuff

>Join military
>"What the fuck!? What do you mean I have to do military stuff?"

Fuck off cop pussy, nobody respects you or your opinion.
This is a military discipline thread, not a shooting unarmed children thread.

This is why you have to be 18YO to post here

Spoken like a true zoomer

Correct, and once that lack of discipline is established it spreads like cancer and usually doesn't get solved until someone makes a HUGE mistake and the CSM has to come down on everyone.

Fuckin' All American Rejects division

I've literally never stood at attention or parade rest for anyone ever outside of shit I've had to do in a formation, that sounds fucking retarded.

how tho

E6 here

I only make people stand at parade rest when I'm yelling at them, and I don't usually jump on peoples shit unless they really fucked up or particularly pissed me off.

Day in day out convo? Absolutely not.

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Yeah, it's called customs and courtesies you fucking scrub

Do you stand at attention every time an officer talks to you?

Air Force here.

We only go to parade rest for senior NCOs here (E7+).

Even then its less of an 'oh shit' type thing and more of a demonstration of respect for someone who has more experience than 90% of everyone else.

The only person who will actually chew you out for not going to parade rest would be the chief. But he pretty much just locks himself away in his office unless someone evokes his wrath.

Serves you right you fucking piece of shit stand at fucking parade rest and shut the fuck up.

Today a SPC just learned that the military is kind of fucked up.

When you ETS you should get a government job so you can complain about the way things are for the rest of your life.

E5 Marine here

same. it's only for disciplinary chats and then i say sit down if there's a chair.

After AIT, I can only count on 1 hand the amount of times I've stood at parade rest.

Really only did it for anybody e-8 and above.

My NCOs never gave me any shit like that. They always acted cool. If you work and see somebody everyday, I expect you to be approachable and easy going, regardless of you're an NCO or officer.

Especially my mos since I work directly with officers everyday. Never stood at attention or parade rest in months.

>actual, real-life military personnel trusted to carry out invasions of other countries, protect our installations abroad, and defend the general populace against retaliatory attacks
>browsing this autistic shithole

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To officers I'm unfamiliar with? Absolutely

He sounds like a tool, and you sound like a pussy.

I don’t know any NCOs who make our privates stand at parade rest unless they’re super new, same goes for me with my privates. It’s just not fucking practical and doesn’t foster good morale.

That being a said, you’re acting like a pussy OP. Guess what you got called on not doing the right- if somewhat dumb- thing. Get the fuck over it. I got called out by a post commander for wearing non standard boots- which we’re authorized to wear. I just got called out yesterday by a some random 1SG for not putting on my beret while walking 20ft from my car to the door. I got called out by a COL for not saluting as he was entering a no salute area. You think I went on Jow Forums and cried about it? Fuck no, I said check roger, took it like a man and went on my merry way. Stop being a little bitch about it and get over it.

You're in the chair force, faggot. Chances are you'll spend most of your military career at a desk.

LOL Well here you go folks... You asked wtf could be bad about loosening our entrance policies to get a more "Diverse" group of people serving(Obama and his "Change)". Snowflakes/betas/entitled brats/homo's/trannies/last but certainly not least less then capable women... Figured Trump would have ditched all you by now

Nasty leg faggot. Kys.

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>he doesn't know 1/8th of it

Bro if only you knew the retards charged with defending our nation. You think Soldier, Marine, Sailor, Airman you think tough, stout, ready for war. In reality, its a bunch of kids that can't even figure out how to take a daily shower.

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I've seen e2s go to parade rest for e4s (NOT corporals), e5s go to parade rest for e6s, and a MSG go to parade rest for a CSM. It's not a big deal, and if that's the hardest part of your job, you've got it easy. Just think of e2s when they in process at 75th.. what a nightmare.

I wish :(

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Aircraft maintenance here. Nobody gives a shit about ANY of the formalities in my unit as long as you're doing what you're supposed to. Lots of people will even address an E6 in our shop without the "sgt" title.

No you don't.

I'm flightline. I wished day in day out as the sun toiled down on me on that fucking tarmac for a relief, for a desk job.

Well eventually I promoted out of being on the flightline. Now I fly a desk. It's constant misery. People calling me telling me to update spreadsheets, powerpoints. Staff meetings and troops coming to me with problems they should be able to handle themselves. I live in a fucking nightmare where every day I spend almost all of my day handling the problems of grown ass adults.

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>thread clearly for armyfags
>pop in and complain that they aren't spoonfeeding you

typically entitled millennial

I think a big problem is that a lot of people join the armed forces, specifically for combat roles such as Infantry. Not to become Infantry and the job it en tales. But to get the sweet Government monies and free shit afterward. I've been told that the armed forces are a great alternative to college for tech shit like MOS computer guy and MOS fecal matter inspector. But the only reason why you should ever join with a combat MOS is because you wan't to do said combat MOS. And not expect anything afterwards. That ship has very clearly sailed and will only ever come back to port when America gets into a big boy war where mistakes made in the field aren't just swept under the rug because lol Saddam is shit. But instead get entire companies and even battalions wiped will America finally pull its head out of its ass.

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Idk how the Army works but a lance corporal can still show respect to a sergeant without having to stand at parade rest. SNCO's may be a different story depending on how they are, but usually once you're no longer a boot you only stand at parade rest for SNCO's and officers.

The military is literally one of the best venues to get a good career if you chose correctly.

You can get a great job like say intel, sign up with a stupid enlistment bonus, get a top secret clearance, and then after 4 years you get the attaboy pat and the guaranteed veterans placement to do the same shit for the government except make six digits easily. Then you take your fucking GI Bill and gets a Masters Degree and promote out of the grunt work and make like $300K a year supervising retards.

Or you can join the infantry and complain about how much it sucks even though you joined knowing it would suck.

or how to stand at fucking parade rest apparently. fuck it’s not even uncomfortable. how up one’s own ass must a soldier be to not follow basic protocol?

Did you read my post? That's exactly what I was saying. Non combat shit is a great way to get ahead in the civilian world once your out. But the only reason you should ever enlist in something like Infantry is because you wan't to be infantry. You want to do the job of infantry and you want to do your part for your nation by doing infantry shit.

I appreciate you, user. I don't yet fully understand your feel, but that does sound like hell.

Shut the fuck up and push until I get tired.

Seriously, yes, this is how a junior enlisted Soldier stands respectfully for an NCO. And fuck's sake, not standing at parade rest for a tabbed ANYTHING? Shit, you're lucky he didn't pull your organs out through your eye sockets.

I was confirming what you were saying dickface, not arguing against you.

confirmed. my company hires a metric fuckton of radar techs straight out of the army as they get EE or CS degrees (and the company pays for all classes you get a B or better in) which make them worth $80k+ starting

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Y tho

Yes. And everyone E6 and above. Hell, if a fellow E5 has a tab, I'll parade rest until told otherwise. Its called fucking customs and courtesies, you goddamned pogue.

because digits you lazy fucking limp-wristed cock-sucking fairy

Must be an army thing.

Is this how you're going to treat people when you get out? The military isn't really life.

>Hell, if a fellow E5 has a tab,
Wait, really? What are you 82nd?

Bro I'm E-6 and if we've deployed and I know I can count on you to do what I say and do it right if you stand at parade rest ill just tell you to stop being fucking awkward.

Have you even deployed?

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I’ve been a civilian for a little under 10 years now. knowing how to treat people starts with showing respect to your superiors. it’s only worth chewing the ass out of people who (A) deserve it and (B) will actually benefit from it. most civilians only fall into one category and not both. considering you’re still in, maybe there’s time for you to stop being a waste of oxygen


Yes, I have, but still, customs and courtesies are important so joes know how to not be a fucktard. Seriously, there's something somewhere in the NCO creed (I don't have that memorized because its useless moto bullshit) about being an example or some such shit. So, yeah, be an example of how to be the best Soldier you can be.

Now if we're fucked up in the B's, I'm more liable to show you my penis than stand at parade rest, so take that for what its worth.

Go do a "combat jump" to seize an abandoned airfield you irrevelvant redhead

Oh please...parade rest isnt discipline.

Doing the correct shit and getting the shit done is what is.

You fucking army fucks are too worried about muh standards and muh discipline, yet the second you get out of uniform youre in drunken fights and getting arrested for sexual assault and drowning in debt from stupid financial spending.

Meanwhile, i know my chain by first name, had a cussing argument with a major (idiot seriously thought that it was fine that his rudder had fluid running from the oxy and would not believe me that it wasnt glycol (I was right) and it was only when his copilot spoke up did he listen.

Fuck I have three rules for my airmen, 1. Dont complain when we have work to do. 2. Never make me or you have to show up in blues. 3. Take pride in your aircraft and do the job right.

They know that if they do that, ive got their back, but fail and ill fucking Spartan kick them into a running engine and sell their shredded remains to those airborne guys we are currently stationed with.

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Is it true they literally teach basic hygiene and shaving at 30th AG and OSUT?


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>Air Force poster
Opinion discarded bitch.

oh wow the bullet sponge sure showed him

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How much money do you make?



Even worse. I'm in the air nasty girls club fulltime. Originally went in for the college, but realized I can get school tuition waived, collect BAH off the go bill from and get overpayed ($37/hr WG10) as a civilian technician at the same time, and get paid both while I'm deployed as an FCC.

As soon as I'm done my degree and have a good engineering job lined up ill dump the tech position, and ride out my enlistment as a weekender.

Hate me bullet sponge. I love the taste

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>get my Pharm.D
>join as an officer

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How does it feel knowing all your hard work gets you nothing. When the options I had chosen were availble to you when you sat in that recruiters chair bitch.

you're retarded if you think you're going to be paid more as an engineer if your current rate is $37/hour.

I'm a warrant, so no.

>everybody makes fun of you
>hate your life cause inventories, dealing with joe’s dumb bullshit, and getting shit on my all your superiors and underlings
>could’ve made more money on the outside
You’re nowhere near as smart as you think dumbfrog poster.

Why don’t you do what all dumdums in your position do and claim you told him to fuck off and he was so shocked he walked away and nothing happened to you.

>pog bitch once again tries to rationalize his poor life choices
At least infantry guys have the balls to say they fucked up. But I guess if you had balls you wouldn’t be a pog bitch.

Depends on where you work.

Girl I dated a long time ago works support on GE hydropowerplants making 100k a year. If you go for electrical, civil engineering or basic mechanical engineering you wont get as much because of the amount competition.

Ill make either the same and not worry about the UCMJ or better.

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I served a decade ago, and being line never really encountered that much.

Did have to do flutter-kicks outside my driver's door after escorting Gen. Odierno and his various posse.

Had some female E-7 behind me (Odierno to the right), she was acting like it was his first time outside the gate. We escorted them to their meeting, and while they were there I drew a cartoon target on the window where she sat.

Don't know if some of theirs saw, or my NCOs and COs saw.

Got wounded, and sent WTU (broke-dick unit), had a female NG NCO. Honestly never took her seriously, and she gave up with me after around a month. Disappeared for weeks at a time during treatment (w/o any leave passes), never heard a word.

Implying stupid decisions have a relation to manhood.

Nah F1 drivers have more balls than you. Because not only did they risk more, they do so for something that would get them wealth.

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Unsurprising that Op has zero discipline (Army go figure). You knew what you were signing up for when you joined (and if you didn't that's entirely on you), now deal with it faggle.

And you’ve got less balls than a thai lady boy. What’s your point faggot?

>>Go be infantry
>> learn skils useless outside of a $10/hr armored truck driver
>> fuck up knees and back
>> get PTSD
>> have civilians hate you because were in Vietnam pt2 hadji boogaloo
>> get GI bill but be yoo retarded to make use of it because of TBI from IEDs slamming your head into the roof of your MRAP
>> TFW the go bill only pays 3 out of 4 years of college
>> be starting a base level carreer at age 26
>> still owe debt


I thought I'd met a couple shitty Chiefs but none of them ever gave a shit about anything like I literally never did more than a "Morning, Chief" here and there.

It actually pays for a 4 year degree.

It covers 36 months. School years arelike 9 months my guy. Keep on LARPING tho