What would Naval Warfare in a modern conflict look like?
What would Naval Warfare in a modern conflict look like?
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missiles and planes and nukes
Lots of boring empty water and a couple ships which then explode for no readily apparent reason because every other ship that wants to kill you is BVR or 60 meters submerged.
the biggest in service naval guns today are only 5 inches (US navy)
They can still shoot like 18 miles and hit ships with insane accuracy but with cruise missiles and planes and subs its useless
can't wait for the rail gun to go into full production so no ship within 100 miles is safe
Nukes are incredibly inefficient in open-waters, better to use conventional missiles.
Unless you’re talking about strikes on ports, then yeah, those would be nukes.
In-service, yes, but don’t forget that the Iowa’s 16 inchers are still on the Navy List and can be put back into action if the Navy sees it fit to do so.
The entire ocean would be swept clean of all surface ships.
Only the few submarine crews with the balls to win sub duels would still be active.
[angry robot noises]
That tank farm behind the missiles is in for a bad day.