What is the best CIWS?

What is the best CIWS?

Attached: elizabeth ciws.jpg (614x460, 38K)

They all suck

Attached: 4719b6667e8a0d40e1851d319f9a25449f998c6c3ae49a28242b1de57442400a.png (500x569, 143K)

Type 1130

One that doesn't have to be used.

This is shopped, isn't it?

Attached: RIM-116-RAM-019.jpg (1200x932, 201K)


I think lil' Frosty over there has a fucking raging errection.

I'd probably truth a Phalanx most because it's been continually fine tuned and upgraded for decades. The Russian Duet for cosmetics but I guarantee it doesn't perform as well in the real world.

forgot pic

Attached: Kashtan CIWS.jpg (799x561, 95K)

>russians haven't been updating the computers and software in their air defence systems continually since the cold war.

I mean it's not like they have a large number of AAA systems to pool experience from or anything...