It's 2018. Why are you not shooting superior .22LR?

It's 2018. Why are you not shooting superior .22LR?

Attached: 22lr.jpg (700x264, 51K)

Because I'm noguns.


Meh. I have like 10,000 rounds but I never take it shooting because it's boring.

Missing is always boring, no matter how big your boom.

I usually shoot eggs with it when I take any of my .22s. They are very cheap reactive targets, and offer a somewhat decent level of challenge when placed far enough away. I'd just rather do it with 9mm, .38 or 7.62

How is BLACKed .22lr better than any other .22lr

It’s a bit longer and wider.

I need to build a real rifle first, then I'll get something for extra training/fun.

You think 22's aren't real, I'd be happy to shoot you with one.