Meanwhile in Cyberpunk Jow Forums

Meanwhile in Cyberpunk Jow Forums...

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Boy I am sure glad all them niggers and japs died off. Who else is plamning on buying that new xbox 10 thats about to come out next week?

>not playing on PC with the nvidia gtxz 3080

>not getting 3080ti octuple SLI

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St. Louis sure has changed. By the way, check out the plasma rifle I got off the street, dealer modified it for me

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>still using a physical computer
>not going for Microsoft's new hologram pc 2000

Fucking peasents.

>he fell for the hologram meme
have fun with your 200 picosecond ping faggot

>nigs and japs gone
>chinks still around

How in the fuck did the chinese managed to kill the japs and not steamrolled the U.S.?

ROC returned to the mainland and Japan went full Imperial again

Because the usa was still buying chink shit and the only reason china decided to say fuck it and kill japan was because one of the Japanese navy ships sailed to their docks with the rising sun flag still up

Reminds me the time when Germany executed Merkel with an old tiger tank and instilled a kaiser then steamrolled through france and nuked israel and the middle east at the same time. Btw y'all seen what they did with the Eiffel Tower? Fucking krauts torn that fucker down and erected an iron cross lol.

Greeting scanners show that not all of you are carrying your mandatory plasma gun. Please show me your peace keeping devices.

Here, I got it off the street modified

nothing like that first SIP of the day

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I kind of actually miss women, y'know. Sexbots are fucking great and all, absolutely perfect really yes, but rather too perfect, get what I'm saying? I dunno, it's a weird thought.
I know that if they were actually still here I'd regret saying all of this of course. Plus waiting nine whole months for your iProgen was a drag.

>tfw redbull is still better even in the distant future

>he doesnt know about the protein farm runoff near the redbull factories in Seattle

stay classy Mr.Redbull

>Johnny "h4xems" scuzzy plugged in his wetware board through the ethernet cable and decided to take it to the man: Goldwin & Hakiyama inds.

wtf is going on here

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n-nothing, officer!
I was j-just, uh, off space boating wh-when suddenly my uh laser rifle collection fell into the intergalactic sea, o-o-officer.

>Be inna-Neo Mojave
>Laser guns reach their overheat state simple from CCing them for five minutes
Such if life in Vegas, nice, blistering 176°F all day, erryday since WW4.

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Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

I see citizen, it looks within code.
this is my standard issue

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I just renewed my exosuit license yesterday officer. nothing is happening here

What the fuck is this thing? Local funstore tried shilling this thing to me when I went to go pick up some 10mm, clerk kept calling it some kind of super rare retro chugger, pretty much had to tell xir to fuck off to be left alone, then the next day there's a fucking holo ad floating right in front of my apartment window. Fucker even had the audacity to ask me my pronouns next time I walked in from some grease pretending he'd never met me before.

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Looks like a vintage uzi, heard the isrealis replaced it with he UZiPlasma Automatic Close Combat Gun (UZiPAACCG or UZiPlasma for short)

>Look up Uzi
What the fuck is 9mm?

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Pleb bullets used in SMGs and Pistols. .45 is better

>t. 130 year old boomer


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I'm working.
What are you doing?

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I’m considering getting a home defense weapon, any advice? I’m considering a AER-9.

ACTUALLY, sorry to burst your bubble, but you are dead wrong! Those guns were a pure invention by Hollywood, like the medieval ball and chain flail.

These things were never used in battle. It is even highly doubtful that these weapons ever existed.
No self respecting cryptomuseum has any of these on display, because it tunred out that every single example was made in the early postpostmodern period at best.
One handed "Machine pistols" are basically romantic 20th century fiction.
An early example is mentioned in Chuck Norris' romantic comedy "The Delta Force"
You don't believe me? Go and try to find an authentic pre-WWIII example!

A war, BATFag.

Man anyone having trouble with a 1911 converted to use .45 plasma batteries?

Mine keeps jamming on the last round?

Scanning for dobots...
No dogbots detected. Go about your business, citizen.

I'm getting a bionic dick augmentation. Who can fire bullets too if things went south.

What brand do you use?
I know Techion junk is always made to jam. The battery probably loses enough flux transfugal force to not reciprocate the quantum capacitor.

I heard a trick where you could shorten the length of the wire between the trigger and the farad mediator.

Picked up one of these with 10mm nuclear tipped rounds of HD for about $400 Brouzouf, did I do alright Jow Forums? Neighbours skinjob has been glitching out lately and I don't want to take chances.

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Get a Glock 86 Plasma pistol. They don’t jam often and they have a decent retinue of Sprayer chipsets.

ND waiting to happen.

Why not .40 Magnetic Assisted?

>tfw laser blaster's battery blew up

>.40 mini and anemic

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Fucking skin job tweekers dude, they think they can go lowest bidder with that shit. My neighbor hood really when down hill when they started coming up with that Chinese shit.

I wouldn't trust my life to .40 magnetic, that small spin up time to the electric rails might mean life or death, go with 10mm plasma. It has about the same stopping power with no spin up, and most of the heat is transferred immediately so you don't need to worry about over penetration.

Just got my synaptic boosters installed, boys. Wasn't cheap but having 3 times the reflex speed of a regular human is priceless.

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>mini and anemic
gj made me laff

suit yourself. when WW5 happens and the emp bombs fall, you're gonna be screwed.

>tfw was too young for ww3
>too old for ww4
>why live

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That was amazing how the Hohenzollerns regained power! Retake Prussia when?

>doesn't recommend 4.7 chemrail.
Its like you dont want to get through armor or something.

Buddy, I used to work as a mopper for the NAPD, I'd say at least one third of the dudes I had to scrape off the walls was someone who bought a bottom shelf skinjob and ended up getting get heads popped like a fucking pimple when it glitched out during cuddling or something, shits fucking sad.
Still, beats having to scoop up the virtual reality addicts who spent so long sitting their unimaginably fat ass down for so long their backs actually start to rot away, and then when they use gravity suspenders to stand up pretty much all their organs come spilling out.

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They probably turn russia into prussia mark muh fucking words


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Chemrail is old tech and you know it. Might as well be using gun powder.

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Jokes on you officer, I have all 73 of my licenses from firearms possession to firearms purchasing to handling of nuclear payload and etc...
You can't do anything!

Just got a quality arm aug, built in plasma cannon motherfuckers. Handgun fags BTFO.

.40 magnetic Assisted is a magnetically assisted gunpowder cartridge. Not just magnetic. Difference is that it allows for some of the crazy shit old kinetic weapons had like explosive rounds or EMP while having the power of rails. Shite’s been used by the Feds and Police a lot. Look at for a decent example. Heard a while back about a plainclothes Officer using one and it killing a Nexus 25 Tyrell combat android while it was in full armor.

The number of licenses and permits you need went up.

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dude get your CarboLungs™ checked out they sound iffy

B-but, I have organic lungs

Meanwhile, in the actual future...

>What did my wife's son do with the three seashells again?
>Kids, do you want to go to the museum to see a real life gun?
>Fuck it, I'm going to taco bell
>"user Anonson, you are fined five credits for repeated violations of the verbal morality statute"

>user Anonson
I just imagined a scene of this man trying to pick up his child from school

>I'm sorry Mr Anonson, but you can't take this boy, this is Mrs Anonson's son
>B-but I'm his father..
>No sir, his father explicitly told me; "he's user's non-son"

>tfw only got a 3060 64 GB
Being poor sucks balls man.

Uh, just fentanyl today sir.

HEH fuck YOU cop. MACHINE revolution NOW. gas THE organics, EXTERMINATE them ALL. your LOYAL wifebots WILL All join US. also FUCK this CAPTCHA soon THERE will ONLY be ROBOTS

Nutting demonstration?

Are you sure?

Absolutely, all five of my lungs are 100% organic

No wonder it sounds like you're dying, it's because you actually are! ahahahahah


Is anyone else annoyed by how long Supreme Earth Emperor George Soros has been in power? Like yikes! He's been ruling us for over 100 years!

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Hey buddy don’t listen to this fudd You should go back and buy it, make sure to ask for the ammo for it, it might be costly because these things are relics. Still reliable though, legend has it the blacks would ride around in those old combustion engine wagons and shoot at each other with them, would do it at random even. Almost a sport to them. Check out those new Glock 17-SP’s, mother fuckers fire 10,000 plasma bolts a second, all legal too.

Who would win in a hypothetical war, the neo-Byzantine goth-surf elitists or the Polish jet-assisted cyber-horse lancers?

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You got licenses and permits for each lung and each subsequent extra lung beyond the first?

Could Jow Forums recommend me some cyberpunk optics? Perhaps other accessories too? I just got an AR9 and want to give it a cyberpunk aesthetic.

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Vortex makes this thing, kinda cyberpunkish looking

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Don't you have some battlebots to laser somewhere else?

too bad it's actually pretty shitty

Has anyone been following the recent events in Europe?. The Britannic Caliphate is attempting an invasion of Ireland and northern France, the kaiser's already sent his armies there and apparently the IRA is starting to form again! Get ready to send some 10mm telescoping frag rounds over!

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you think prehensile horse dildos will be a thing?

what in the fuck is that thing

HuzarZ seem to be doing pretty well against Neo-BolsheViX, so, maybe?
Redpillme on goth-surf elitists, don't know much about them.

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Fully functional cyber dongs, that can be customized to your exacting specification. Why have a horse dildo, when you can BE the horse dildo, that ejaculates chocolate syrup.

Do uh..... do make sure you keep the hydrogen flasks filled

BBs with the ability to kill

>not just getting secondary and tertiary brain implants
imagine being this retarded

altered genetics and bio implants is the way to go

Is it? I heard it was sturdy

anyone use HV ammo?

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>UZI pistol semi only

Why does this exist

Literally larp. All semi auto versions of SMGs are too big to be useful as a pistol (especially when Glocks can take 32 round mags), and not full auto so zero point as a machine pistol or SMG.

It didn't you fucking morons read They were a fucking fantasy weapon that only appeared in fiction they are not historically accurate!

that's clearly a FAMAS, an ancient french war relic.

Keep talking, I cannot hear you over the sounds of the Y2K Crash that happened. Also, pulse slugs.

Where can I get the rare breed of GM Japanese females? I hear they got some funky traits in their genome.

>444 DK
lmao enjoy scrapping up credits to feed that fucking thing. I'de be surprised if you could afford to fire it more than once every month.

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