Why is it sold out everywhere lads? i want to cowboy larp and .410/45lc sounds so fun

why is it sold out everywhere lads? i want to cowboy larp and .410/45lc sounds so fun

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>gay little r*ddit cowboyshit autism gun
Laughing my fucking ass off. What a fucking waste of money. How fucking dumb are you?

Stupid faggot.

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>if you dont like guns that i like youre from reddit
sure is summer

>s-summerfag! i-it's not a gay reddit gun I promise!

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>cowboy guns are reddit
how fucking new can you be? unless wgws took his trip off again

>butt-cowboy guns aren't the epitome of reddit basedboy guns
Fresh off the boat huh kid? That's alright bud just remember to lurk moar before posting something retarded next time.

>lever action guns are reddit
the next thing youll say is revolvers are only used by fudds

>no loading gate
.410 is meant for a single shot.

>the next thing youll say is revolvers are only used by fudds

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gunbroker.com/All/search?Keywords=Henry .410

Oh, go stick your basic bitch glock in your mouth.
Fucking summer trash zoomers.

>That 30yo boomer that tries to justify his shitty purchase by yelling at people on a Cantonese bug collecting forum

>t. 15 year old noguns who thinks he's cool for browsing the scary weapon site
Can't you at least shit up Jow Forums? That's where your friends are going, even when it's not summer

Bet those autistic cunts who use revolvers shoot like odelay votay

Is that pig latin?

They're sold out because they're low demand so they didn't produce many to begin with. Winchester did it, marlin did it ages ago as well, but .410s in general are a very niche gun


What's lode tvo?

Just get an AR

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>being this pretentiously new

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What is the 444 Marlin and the open secret that the 410 shells chamber.

.444 was good enough for LRRPers then it's good enough for LARPers

Because .45-70 is objectively better

It’s not better at being a bird gun

.410 the best shotgun for hunting, and actually having anything left to eat after you shoot it.

12 gauge is better and more affordable. Break and, some pumps and lever guns are time correct too.

I dont understand the allure of 410, might as well shoot birdshot out of a real shotgun capable of taking a real load, hayyyyyyy.

Deer? Moose? Elk? Shit i'd like to see you kill a goose with a .410.

Give some links to stories that sounds interesting

you obviously are not aware of the near endless load variety available for the 12 gauge.

some autistic opr8r spent his whole stateside liberty scouring gun stores for a .444 Marlin to "bust bunkers". Killed a lot of people during his deployment as a LRRP. His only friends were the Montagnards and a dog he adopted, too wierd for his comrades to like. Disappeared into the Cambodian jungle one recon and was never recovered.

you can hunt duck to hogs with a 12 gauge , as simple as changing the ammo.

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>stop liking what I don't like