Daily reminder that aluminum doesn’t belong in quality guns

Daily reminder that aluminum doesn’t belong in quality guns.

Aluminum is the nigger of metals.

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>aluminum steals, robs, murders, and rapes
As far as I can tell, steel was used more often for those purposes than aluminum.

Aluminum literally has millions of more uses than niggers.

Doesn't rust. Yes it can corrode, but leave a piece of bare aluminum and a piece of bare steel outside for 1 year and see which looks better. Corrosion can be prevented and mitigated easily just like rust can in steel. A little care and consideration for the aluminum will make it last essentially forever.

>the nigger of metals
that would be tin

>chimps out when it touches water
>keeps chimping until it consumes itself and everything around it

Caesium is literally the nigger of metals

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Daily? You're gonna do this every day?

>fudd lore hurr aluminum too weak
Boomer faggots like you will be at the rope before the niggers since you may as well be using nigger logic

it has a milion uses ?

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>boomer falls for GM lies

It's time to stop posting, OP.

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Fuck you, where else am I to find a greater strength to weight ratio for my festivus pole

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>feats of strength

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>Daily reminder that aluminum doesn’t belong in quality guns.
t: Someone who's never left the house with a gun and doesn't understand the importance of saving weight when carrying something around for a long time.

fuck yeah!
>t. polymer masterrace

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“Quality” doesn’t mean “light enough to carried by basedboys”, goy.

I'm a welder specializing in aluminum and I concur.

Steel dindunuffin take that back you aluminigger

It’s time to go back to

Carbon fiber is literally hitler

francium is such a nigger it wipes its self out violently as soon as it comes into existance.
francium are the niggest element

>airing of grievances

>Aluminum is the nigger of metals.

Am I to understand that most of our planes are built out of niggers?

>t. refused to wrestle his father
Do you even Festivus?

No, plastic is the lowest tier material. There is no material cheaper than plastic except air.

tfw you will never react as strongly to anything as an alkali metal reacts to existing

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Walking home today, some fucker bumped into me and instantly started talking shit about aluminum being the best metal. I tried to remain calm and explain to him that iron was actually the best metal, but he wouldn't take a hint. He started throwing around words like "rust" and I lost it. Punched him right in his aluminum loving fuck face.

I hate aluminum so goddamn much.

I love this pasta

>talking shit about iron
>didn't clear leather

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Steel= forged Iron hammered to form by a dummy

Aluminum= designing cast and blends of boiling alloys by engineers!

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K you're good at feeding a stick....thanks

It's not the 40s anymore faggot

Valid point.


Source: Chemistry
Fun video tho