How does Iran keep their Tomcats up?

How does Iran keep their Tomcats up?

Attached: IRIAF-F-14.jpg (2200x1467, 480K)

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with jet fuel

human sacrifices to the Jow Forumsube



Something to do with jet engines and wind I'd imagine.

cannibalizing the worn ones to keep a handful flying, and probably reverse engineering the simpler parts

Attached: IRIAFTomcat.jpg (1024x683, 58K)

They cannibalize any that don't work or break down for parts for the rest of them.

It was rumored that they were going to phase-in AL-31 turbofans (used by Flankers) as the TF-30s wore out.

I'll give Iran some credit, F-14s are maintenance whores and they stuck with them longer than the US Navy did.

Attached: Iran_Air_Force_Grumman_F-14A_Tomcat_Sharifi.jpg (1024x681, 213K)

This. It's a combination of necessity, domestic production, scratch building, duct tape and baling wire, and replacement with alternative parts. Worth it though, one of the best aircraft to operate. Expensive as fuck too.

They don't have to deal with constant carrier landings and takeoffs, which cause significantly more wear and tear on the airframes than regular takeoffs and landings. That helps Iran squeeze some more mileage out of them.

Plus, it's not like Iran has anything better to replace them.

>tfw you will probably never see dogfights with f15 and f16 against Iranian Tomcats in your lifetime, they are all breaking down as we peak.

There will never be dogfights between Western Air Forces and the IRIAF. Any combat would be BVR AMRAAM or Meteor spam. The Iranians would never even get to the merge.

>You will probably never become an ace pilot by hunting down rogue F-14s and retiring them like some sort of twisted aviation bladerunner shit show
Military pilot shortage please still be around when I'm done with school.

Attached: 1482608000185.jpg (385x387, 17K)

by poking them whenever they're about to fall asleep

They never use them! They "seal-a-meal" their entire inventory for a rainy day!

Attached: 877F1A73-2D12-4F50-AF61-AA0C8BB803D5-243-00000027A2F9FF4D.jpg (571x720, 76K)

>You will never defend gracemaria in a f22

Not well. They had about 20 operational ones left in 2007. It's probably about 10 now.

Since 2012 no more than 2 Iranian F-14's have been seen together at any given time, and they stopped giving them individual serial numbers. It's obvious what's going on.

By not really ever flying them.

At this point they just a symbol for Iran to say "lel, look how stupid and weak the burgers are for giving their enemy equipment, we sure pulled one over on them".

with chinese and russians making parts

It would be nice to have a Super Hornet shoot down at least one of the before they get shelved permanently for being the hangar queens that they are.

They don't keep all of them up any more.