What's the best mask for when shtf?

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Anything that doesn't use eastern bloc or chinese filters. Bonus points if relatively modern

I maintain that thebest poverty mask is a jee pee five with FP-5 filter

Whichever is the cheapest, you are not going to use it in any realistic SHTF scenario anyways. An even better solution would be to quit larping and spend the money on more food/water/other essentials instead.

None, unless you want to be shot on sight

SHTF is a meme pushed by merchants. Similar to the boomer meme and Monster.

Something that feeds off nato filters

Israeli masks are cheap, fit well, and work with NATO filters. If you want Soviet aesthetics though buy any Soviet mask you like and get a normalized hose for it, the Chinese make normalized hoses.

Millhouse halloween mask

mask isnt much use if you dont also have a mopp suit. that stuff isnt meant for you to linger in a contaminated area. it'd probably be better to just die if shit is so fucked up that you need to wear mopp on a regular basis

>something that feeds nato
you're better off with industrial gas mask that got threaded in rd40 , they can fit both NATO and GOST cans, and if you're looking for a MOPP suit , get a decent military mask , that isnt silicone

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You do realize the industrial accidents happen.
Trains, trucks haul toxic liquids they can and do have accidents.
Power plants have accidents, fires and spills.
It doesn't need to be the end of the whole world just yours if your unlucky.
Gas masks and filters can and do save lives.
Will they save yours? not if you don't have one.

avon fm12/s10
comfy + aesthetic
or any of MSA's new-ish stuff, like the Millennium

Must own

Attached: blue-eyes-anime-mask.jpg (1750x2500, 346K)


>Yugo M2
>US M40
>Or basically anything with NATO threads
Use C2A1 and FP5 Filters goy!

You don’t need one. If big brother is gassing you, you need a full suit to survive; most likely you’re dead. If riot squads are hitting you with gas, then a standard air filter will work. Same if you’re in some kind of fire/volcano natural disaster. If the smoke is so thick you need oxygen, you’re already dead.

Holy fuck I would love to make propaganda videos in one of these

>Yugo M2
fuck yea

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>Some ISIS dude cuts some guy's head off with an axe while wearing this

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I think a Firefighter Gasmask would do the job quite well.
Pic related.

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Fuckin A, this shit is the dumbest larp of all the larps.
If actual serious chemical and biological weapons are being used, even a full surplus NBC suit or MOPP 4 wont help you much as the newer stuff is designed caustic specifically to chew through that shit.
If you seriously think you should be prepared for wildfire/volcanic smoke, why doesn't your bugout kit have a Dräger? No surplus respirator is specifically oxygen-deficient rated and even if they were, you got the wrong filter.
Like, Ive nothing against larping Stalker; but people who unironically think their Polish GP5 is going to be anything other than dead weight in a survival situation seriously need to reevaluate themselves.

those arent exactly gas masks though

SCBAs are not gas masks.

Gas masks do have other uses beside warfare.
Gas masks are for those situations where you may find the air harmful to breath.
Sure in most cases you could just use a cloth, rag or other makeshift item.
Masks are a tool in the tool box, just because you don't see it as a need doesn't mean they wouldn't be a good idea.
Moving the infected or dead things ill take the mask over a rag any day.

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Personally I've got an isreali one that takes standard nato filters, if you're actually gonna need filters you're gonna want them to be common and nato filters are the most common ones

What is Jow Forums opinion on fibreglass ?

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I need a filter for my gp5 that won't give me cancer.

What do?

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Just use the original one that came with the mask. Asbestos ain't going to kill you unless you go full retard and eat it or something.

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That's all I need to hear.

What are the masks that the SAS use? or is that movie/vidya bs

I've heard that GP-7 filters are safe but not sure

M50 is what they use, though you're probably talking about the old S6/S10/FM12s which they used in all the public ninja suit stuff they're known for.

What's the best respirator for smoke/ash? Doubt I'll need nbc stuff.

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>those retarded dallas masks
fuckin trash

Breathing it in is enough to permanently fuck up your lungs.

Sunptoms pop up after 6-10 years.

Particle assuming the air is otherwise breathing safe and has enough oxygen in it.
Otherwise get an escape hood.