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New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:

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First for Truedo 2019 majority

Second for handguns are getting banned in Canada

first for 3d printed receivers

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As a Canadian having the information to do that is a felony.

WTF is up with this heat ...

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truedo sounds like a good goy

No it's not. If you have a possession and acquisition license, you can manufacture firearms for personal use that your license covers.

Global warming brah
Not paying enough carbon tax. I bet you don’t even reuse toilet paper, people like you are the reason the earth is dying

eat dicks faggot, knowledge is not illegal, books are not illegal and blueprints are not illegal. stupid should be illegal

We're coming for all your restricted semi-autos :D

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Incorrect. An ar-15 has the ability to turn into a full auto m-16.
That’s why 80% ar lowers are prohib

Can't even hide it in lakes and rivers!

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Moron, 80% AR lowers are made prohibited to own or sell based on a bulletin that represents RCMP's (((OPINION))). It is not law. Also, producing AR lowers by yourself is completed legal. Selling or possessing 80% AR Lowers are prohibited, but a completed AR Lower by yourself is not. So turn your 80% to a completed one, or make one from a block from scratch.

Hahaha hello newfag. Any AR-15 lower can be machined to become a M-16 lower and access full auto trigger group. So let's ban ALL AR lowers. Oh wait, that's not what happened.

theres nothing 80% about a 3d printed lower, as long as no 3rd hole its GTG

There was a guy named Ludy who tried a theory like that.
Spoiler he want to jail

How are you going to take peoples guns if everyone here is noguns, i myself only own airsoft

So will they actually ban handgats?

There are in fact many ar-15 lowers that are prohibited
Dlask made one even

you have to go back

Eventually all guns effective past 100m will be banned an we'll have open borders

Are you suggesting they are checking every AR lower? RCMP doesn't even have enough resources to call all character references, let alone check all ARs.

Opinion is as good as law once the fall hits
You can screech autistly all you want but the last election proved you are not the majority.
Your not even in contending
You are the all seeing all dancing shit of the world

Turning an AR-15 lower to a M-16 with full auto trigger group and third hole for second sear is already illegal. Your point is invalid.

I’m suggesting as they get around to it they ban them as they come up.

Probably not


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Go back to Jow Forumsonguardforthee you fucking faggot.

>north sylva has had my rifle for 3~ weeks now
>they probably haven't even looked at it

Gun control and the vocal majority have proven that making things double illegal is perfectly ok

It doesn't make a difference. If somebody wanted to make a full auto M-16, they can do that with ANY existing, totally legal AR-15 lowers. If one has the ability to mill an 80% receiver, they have the ability to mill a 100% completed AR-15 receiver.

Also, it's irrelevant**

184 Seats or 54.4%

That’s what matters

LUTY was a BONG breaking BONGRIA law
try again


Metal working equipment will become regulated

Your mom will soon be regulated too.

You don’t follow concepts very well eh

You just need basic shop tools to make sten

the concept of full auto being illegal does not elude me. the concept of knowledge is power eludes many

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Muffler tubes will be serialized and regulated

Nice to see the shills and trolls are out in full force after clogging up the last thread. This batch can't even write correctly.

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>too many bullets for this thread

It's a special magazine. Forced single stack with pistol magazine markings on the other side :)

And yes, somebody at some point DID bring a G36 into Canada classified as a pistol. There's a FRT file for it.

Don't lie, you stole pic from HK thread!

Airsoft is illegal

This is already the case in many countries for this reason

That's not what matters. What matters is that Liberals DO NOT represent a majority opinion in Canada despite what the media would have you believe. We're fairly divided between progressives and conservatives in Canada, much like the US, just overall origin point (centre) is more left.

I sold mine ages ago, the registry is damaged officer

It really is what matters

Just like the Hillary Shrills skreeching about how she won the popular vote so she should be POTUS but it doesn’t matter.
Winning seats to form a majority government truly is what matters.

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Dubs then trips of truth.

Can confirm, they didn't call my references or my wife

>Wasting trips dragging burger politics into this.

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Same, none of my references, my guarantor, nor my current SO or my ex wife were called.

Me again, I saw the two guns you guys thought I may be interested in, but I want a plastic mall ninja gun. I've got a mall ninja sks, and then my other 9 guns are all hunting looking guns. Diversity is our strength or something

CZ 512 Tactical

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So assuming Jason Kenny and the Alberta conservative party kicks out Notley and the NDP, how will Ontario, Alberta, and Saskatchewan affect the carbon tax implementation?

long mag is long

You realize it’s not the same person calling references and inspecting firearms

>be RCMP
>new assignment tasked with control
>first day handed a phone and a gun
>told to alternate 1 phone call then inspect gun
>continue as needed

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I hope they kick up enough of a fuss that it doesn't get done in time for the election. I am tired of paying so much tax and having so little to show for it.

There are 5, 10, 15, and 25 round mags, as well as drum mags.

why is it so damn long though??

Obviously, but its likely safe to say if one division is understaffed the other is as well

What is? The magazine?

The Firearms Program a limited funding that has to be managed within the CFP and distributed. If one department is underfunded, it is safe to assume the rest are too, and they have said so as much.

If I'm going that look I want this

Single stack 22s are long bois.

The pps 41 is simpler than the sten. It's mostly made of mild sheet metal, you can hammer it around a round bar or pipe to bend it into shape. The sten needs threading in the barrel for the bushing, which requires specific size of pipe or ability to make that size.

looks way longer than the bx25s i turned into the rcmp though

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What a responsible thing to do hello citizen. I've been working on turning in all my brass into the rcmp as well to prevent gun violence.

How much are the drums

Firearms that are new to Canada need to be aproved that includes different manufactures.
That’s why it takes fucking forever for a new gun to come to Canada
And there are people out there that will go to the police if they feel someone is importing things that arnt what they say they are.
Case in point the Swiss arms fiasco

There was also a list of ar-15 lowers that went from restricted to prohibited last year I think it was.

I dont think you understand how a sten works. Its simple fucking shit, take uour time and you can make it completely with a dremel and shitty wall outlet welder and a drill press.

I did it

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Now put it in an airsoft ak body

you spent $200? woweee


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first gun? enjoy buddy

Nobody told me skeet shooting was so fucking hard

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it isn't, auto 5s are just crappy guns for that

They don’t exist. He’s full of shit.

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proud of you user.

Buy the cheapest 870 you can find and you'll do better with it than that gun. I have an AR style shotty, can't hit shit, pick up my old bead sight 870, hit nearly everything

Why is that

I'm assuming because it's easier to point shoot with a bead sight and the ergonomics of an 870 vs the irons and ergonomics of an AR-shotty

I don't think so
the dollar is so weak right now :(
thanks. going to grab a steel gong next and practice with it on crown land. Then, I will look into getting a scope with aluminum rings.

Is it possible to import a firearm ?
The rifle Im looking for already has an FRT and is sold in canada but Im just curious in how that works

I'm talking about the Auto 5. Why is it inherently shit for skeet shooting

from where?

From the USA, then yes. A couple ways. Buy one from irunguns or custom import through aztech armory

My main clay gun is my Auto-5 and I hardly ever miss
What the fuck are you guys on about

What kind of sights do you have? If you have to aim you'll never do well with skeet. With any bird type targets you want to point your gun, which is why you want a bead

I was shooting a 12" steel gong at 200m with my b22v last weekend. Quite fun with a 10x optic

What are you looking to buy

what is the difference between skeet and trap shooting? I looked it up, but I'm still confused

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You didn't look very hard

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you're right. I just looked at the first thing that popped up when I googled it. Thanks though, that clears it up

Trap flies away from you, skeet flys sideways past you

From FAMAE I think tactical import imports from them

FAMAE. No idea if I want the 540 of one of the Smgs

A dude who convincingly resembles a woman, except for the genitalia.

What you do to the trap.