National Guard thread

National Guard thread

Any guardsmen on here tonight? The last /MEG/ thread had some anons talking about special forces units in the guard and I want to talk about it

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>whats OCS like for the guard, can I pick my MOS or is it like active duty where they put me where they want
>want is their SF group like? Not to sound like an ass but I cant imagine the Nat Guard doing much operating 1 weekend a month
>what is the guard like really? Some guys in school do it and they all swore to me it was shit and just wait to go active
>how easy/hard is it to switch to active if I hate the weekend warrior thing
>are there intel jobs like 35L in the guard?
>does each state have a SF guard group
>what are some sweet benefits and sign on bonuses I should look at
>Ill be done with school soon, aside from OCS or if I dont want OCS what else can having a degree do for me?

is it wrong that Im interested in the guard SF, but deep down would be ashamed because I wanted to be an active duty ranger in the 75th and Id feel like im letting myself down?

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National girls is a dead end path. Have fun pulling strings.

then go 11x option 40 bro. SF and 75th do two incredibly different jobs. if you're interested in the doorkicking, go to the 75th. there are enough guys joining group that only give a shit about DA.

No. You understand the difference and know one is shameful and the other isn’t.

My biggest gripe is learning a different language. Ive tried before in high school and college and I really struggle with it. How much do they install learning a new language in SF groups?

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It’s extremely important to be able to pick up foreign languages quickly. Especially in SF and moreso in higher level communities.

National Guard SF is still SF, it just deploys once every two or three years instead of annually. That said, SF is a completely different mission than Rangers so idk why you're torn about it.

I'm pretty sure you have to pass language training to even get in dude.

language learning isn't that difficult but the way languages are taught in higher education is retarded. I spent a year in community college learning arabic. I've learned more in two weeks having lunch with some lebanese dude than I did in school. the language learning is SWCS is incredibly immersive. also once you have one down, learning a second non-native language is easy as fuck.

Find a state that has it, if it’s close go for it, but if you wash out it’s 11x for you

Protip: whenever someone says weekend warrior disparagingly they’re usually a POG

Also NG has been deploying more than AD lately, and still get sent to Afghanistan

It's kinda hard to say NG SF is deploying more on a macrolevel but NG SF allows guys to deploy pretty fucking consistently if they want it. You got ODA level deployments, company level deployments, deployments augmenting AD SF, deployments augmenting other NG SF ODAs.

>mfw i did my time as a 35N and got out and now I learn theres and SF guard unit in this state with open slots for 35N
>considering it to scratch my SIGINT itch

The rangers are fucking gay

They need intel guys. 19th and 20th group are both expanding their MI detachments.

Yeah it would be 19th group, sucky thing is there's a NG armory like 2 blocks from my apartment but it's some shit unit and the SF unit is like an hour and a half away down by my old unit

19th just had tryouts.

Enjoy moving to California.

I just want to get the fuck out of my small town. the mundane routine of it all is starting to get to me.
I promised myself I would go active duty just to GTFO, (and because ive always wanted it) but the nat guard seems like a decent option too.

Im just worried im going to miss a good opportunity because I want some naive childish thing

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>Im just worried im going to miss a good opportunity because I want some naive childish thing
Then join your states NG then

How important is red-green color discrimination for Infantry? Will you get outright denied with red-green color deficiency?

Let me give you some advice as someone who felt the same way after receiving really shitty Spanish lessons in high school. Find a difficult language that interests you, Arabic, or Mandarin, or Russian or whatever and throw yourself into it. If you can learn one really difficult language, you can learn other languages easily. The study skills to learn and the kind of abstract thinking necessary is absolutely transferable. I learned Arabic in college because I'm a fucking nut job and afterwards learning Spanish on my own has been a cake walk. I know it seems like odd advice, but you might have just not been interested or had shitty teachers or whatever but you do have the intelligence necessary with the right courses. Also, don't bother with Rosetta Stone bull shit. You're better off spending that money on courses at a community college. Rosetta Stone and Babel and the like are only useful for brushing up and supplementary study.

>Will you get outright denied with red-green color deficiency?
it may limit your career options

I only would if I could get into a SF group. Otherwise I know people in the guard that say its shit and I should just suck it up and do active, at least it will be quicker and I wont be stuck doing weekend drills

This. They won't say no outright, especially cause they're still hurting for numbers.

somebody answer my questions pls

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Air Force National Guard looks pretty cool. Of course, I'm in my late 20's, out of shape, and I've spent way too much time on Jow Forums to pass military background checks- but anybody younger than me in a better position to join, might want to consider it. When we get fires in my state, which yes, is a yearly occurrence, Air National Guard flies sorties, dropping water on the fires and fire retardant in front of them. It may not be something some HSLD operator does, but they actually do directly defend American lives and homes.

Army National Guard doesn't deploy much here, but I'm pretty sure they serve their purposes if shit goes down. The Coast Guard goes out and saves people. The point is I think guys in active duty talk down to them a lot, but the Guard services serve valuable purposes and I don't think they get the recognition they deserve.

>I'm in my late 20's
you're not too old, just join

>I'm in my late 20's
Cutoff is 35
>out of shape
That's all of the Air Force national Guard and most of the Air Force
>I've spent way too much time on Jow Forums to pass military background checks
Buddy that doesn't matter, plenty of folks here are active duty or were. I was in an NSA battalion and had TS/SCI and I spend damn near every other day here

>whats OCS like for the guard, can I pick my MOS
>want is their SF group like?
same as other SF literally they even deploy more sometimes
>what is the guard like really?
depends on your career
>how easy/hard is it to switch to active if I hate the weekend warrior thing
again depends on your career
>are there intel jobs like 35L in the guard?
>does each state have a SF guard group
>what are some sweet benefits and sign on bonuses I should look at
Texas Guard offers CCW
>Ill be done with school soon, aside from OCS or if I dont want OCS what else can having a degree do for me?
more money and the chance to pursue a Masters or PhD


I have mild asthma, can I get in?

don't tell anyone

The moment I go down from an asthma attack in training, I’m pretty sure everyone would know and I’d have a pretty hefty legal battle afterwards.

Don't be a bitch, breathe better. Basic isn't fucking hard. It's literally the easiest school in the Army after Air Assault school

what about ADHD

literally no one will know it unless you tell them

Fucking don't tell anyone, I was diagnosed and still joined. Once you're in you can get meds for it if you claim it just started and get diagnosed "for the first time" by your pcm

dumb frogposter

For infantry, not very. As long as you can tell the difference between red and green, you're good to go. I've got a convenient list from the army of colorblind friendly fields if you want it

Arguably important for being airborne

Maybe, but you can go SF and be colorblind, and since airborne is required, deuteranopia can't be that important

>natty guard
At least you're not a fucking reservist but you guys are still weekend warrior faggots.

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eat a dick and make Revengeance 2 Kojima

>mfw NG on border mission
>supposed to be volunteer only
>thats what you get for signing a contract without thinking
>at least the food is good

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You can learn the language, I'm sure. But teaching in a different language is a central mission of SF so maybe think twice about SF vs. 75th

>t. POG

>natty guard infantry
>never deployed
>do literally nothing
S-Still infantry you P-POG!

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dumb frogposter

rangers >>>>>green berets

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