Lnnawoods thread

h8, r8, masterb8.

Attached: result.jpg (680x650, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: edc.jpg (680x650, 130K)

Attached: if i got the time to pack extra.jpg (680x650, 169K)

Attached: recce.jpg (680x650, 158K)

Attached: pantherfuzz.jpg (680x650, 141K)

Attached: captainbogroll.jpg (680x650, 101K)

Attached: Innawoods 2.jpg (680x650, 166K)


Attached: innawoods.jpg (680x650, 165K)

Attached: innawoods 2.jpg (680x650, 175K)


Attached: innawoods 3.jpg (680x650, 134K)


Attached: innawoods 4.jpg (680x650, 144K)

Update, poorfag home defense in Cali.

Attached: Home Defense3.jpg (673x642, 207K)

Attached: innaroyale.ver1.jpg (680x650, 158K)

Attached: result.jpg (680x650, 163K)

damnable site doesnt work for me


Attached: result.jpg (680x650, 193K)

Does not work with Chrome, try Firefox or IE

Attached: merc1.jpg (680x650, 173K)

ooga booga

Attached: result.jpg (680x650, 126K)

Attached: Screenshot_20170721-061204.png (1280x720, 515K)

Attached: shft.jpg (680x650, 180K)

I'mma need a sauce on this one.

doesn't work on chrome due to supurb scripting and site maintenance

spasiba Jow Forumsomrade

Attached: result.jpg (680x650, 175K)

Attached: winter kit.png (680x651, 718K)

Attached: 80's CBRN.jpg (680x650, 173K)

It can work with Chrome, check for an icon on the right side of the URL bar and let it enable unsafe scripts. Also check on the left side of the bar and see if Javascript/flash are enabled.

Attached: Winter.jpg (680x650, 170K)

First time I've used Innawoods for a long while, am I forgetting anything?

Attached: Canuck Innawoods.jpg (680x650, 171K)

Damn, thanks a million user

Is that a s&w victory?

Attached: 20180727_003628.jpg (3264x2448, 2.46M)

Attached: stompy.jpg (680x650, 148K)

innacity scavenger post SHTF

Attached: result.jpg (680x650, 157K)

I'm not sure what the model is based off, but I think it's based on the Browning Buckmark Hunter model. At least I consider it to be a Buckmark.

Sweet Victory you got there, though. Would you recommend it? I've grown tired of Ruger MK III; and plan to purchase a proper .22 soon. I'm tied between the Buckmark (field target and contour), and the Victory.

Yeah i recommend it, good shoot for its price point, super easy to strip and swap out parts

Only thing is its picky about ammo, although if you run federal or cci youll be fine

I do not own any weapons.

Attached: innacity.jpg (1615x1438, 1.42M)

You can purchase firearms illegally but if you're law abiding citizen then get out of city and look for hunting store.

I'm not actually interested in owning a gun. I just think Jow Forums is a magical place.

I felt really lazy and didn't want to finish this.

Attached: 1502087903802.jpg (680x650, 150K)

Have this together at all times.

Attached: result.jpg (680x650, 160K)

Attached: innawoods needs more stuff.jpg (680x650, 173K)

Attached: EDC day off.jpg (360x650, 91K)

Attached: Hard mode SHTF.jpg (680x650, 153K)

fuck food.

Attached: strict_necessary.jpg (680x650, 166K)

R8, m8s.

Attached: dank.jpg (680x650, 157K)

you lost your both arm in afghanistan?

1/10 untenable. you should have a backpack for all those weiners, and either the gasmask or the aviators should be pocketed.

No lighter, no bottle opener. But I won't discriminate against your disability.

Attached: FartKontrol.png (726x469, 348K)

I’m a phone poster so here’s my riot loadout.

Attached: F053B7A3-2CA3-497A-B853-DB45DE5FCF54.png (1242x2208, 3.13M)

theres innawoods app for phone

Krokodil made me forget backpack :(((

Yes but I’m also very lazy

Attached: DESTROY.jpg (680x650, 162K)

Is this enough Dakka?

*kids burning in the background*

Attached: Assad soldier.jpg (680x650, 130K)

going raid for 24 hours

Attached: Screenshot_20180801-234215.png (1280x720, 569K)


Attached: result.jpg (680x650, 141K)


Attached: result2.jpg (680x650, 127K)

Attached: 20180801_235457.png (790x720, 515K)

The pills are estrogen and anti androgens, the liquid bottles are lube, the tank round is for fun not shooting. Same with the duct tape and rope.

>Not pictured, full lingerie set, makeup, earrings

Didn't bother packing food or water, will just suck sick for that

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-01-08-58-38.png (2560x1440, 1.65M)

Dick* not sick, dann autocorrect