>be me
>be a submachine gun made of stamped sheet metal
>fire .45 ACP rounds
>become difficult to acquire despite lower calibre
M3 Grease Gun
Other urls found in this thread:
With cheaper CNC machines and 3D printing it could easily become a trip to the hardware store and a weekend in the garage.
We are living in the future.
>also fire only as a fully automatic weapon
>lower calibre
lol, brits
0.45 of an inch is lower than 0.22 of an inch
>CNC machines are sold in hardware stores.
Friend, I wanna know what hardware stores you go to, because that sound fucking awesome.
>Meme makes no sense
>Greentext makes no sense
>OP being a Faggot as usual
I should have known
>cheaper CNC
Good luck getting your shit finishes, out of tolerance dimensions, gouging, and tool breaks.
>3D printing
Good luck having warped walls, shitty material strength, and absurdly out of tolerance dimensions.
You can't buy a CNC machine at harbor freight. A drill press and a shitty movable vice isn't a CNC machine and all that cheap grizzly shit on ebay isn't any better.
>out of tolerance
>grease gun
sounds pretty authentic to me.