What do you do with all your gun locks Jow Forums? I must have around 5 or 6 of these now. Wonder if I can sell them

What do you do with all your gun locks Jow Forums? I must have around 5 or 6 of these now. Wonder if I can sell them

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I shove the wire part up my urethra.

Do you run it through your asshole and lock it?

connect them all together and make a melee tool!

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they make okay bike locks. they are easy to pick into but normal bikelocks are faster to pick and people know what they look like. gunlock on a bike confuses people. wtf is that is much better than ey let me borrow that pen so i can borrow that bike.

I got one go these locks with my over/under shotgun.

Think about that for a second.

I use mine in my gym locker

I lost the key to mine, so I bashed it off with a hammer

They're only a few bucks each so probably not even worth trying to sell. I actually use one, I keep my grandpa's deer rifle on the wall and it's a relatively unobtrusive way of keeping people from fucking with it.

Now I'm trying to imagine how you'd even use that. I guess maybe you could loop it around the outside a couple of times and keep the action from opening enough to load? Or just put it behind the trigger if there's room.

Nah it's just an ATI gun. Cheap crap, retarded company. Double fires kinda frequently.

>I was forced to buy one for a stripped lower receiver.

If you ride a motorcycle, use it to lock your helmet to the bike.

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I have kids too young to understand guns and I don’t have a gun safe (yet) so I use them on the ones I happen not to be carrying at the time.

Turned them into bondage gear.

Figure eight it through the trigger guard so the action won't close
Best I can do

> not for resale

What a blatant example of cronyism. These pieces of shit play the "but what about muh children?"-card and all they want to do is sell these stupid locks. Wouldn't surprise me, if they have a state guaranteed monopoly.

Why not resale? What if my gone broke and I don't need it anymore? Someone else could use it TO SAFE THE FUCKING CHILDREN! But then the "Project Child Safe" company doesn't make money.

Btw, such statements are not legally binding. Once it's yours, it's yours.

Pic related. The only answer to such idiocies.

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Trash that lock, save a Glock.

Same here. The other 88 I have are just in a duffel bag in my closet

this and I use another for a bike lock

>Why not resale?
because they dont sell those they give em away for free. you can go to a courthouse or police station and ask for them. gunstores will force you to buy locks but those are never the project childsafe ones its some other brand.

put it through where the locking lugs go.

And there you have your state enforced monopoly.

They don't give them away for free. They are payed with tax payers money, i.e. guaranteed income for this bullshit company.

except its not a monopoly since other gunlocks exist.
what youve got is only a govt contract.which is always bullshit that's the whole point of govt contracts. you cant cherry pick project childsafe as an affront when its business as usual.

give the gun back Jamal

Hi Rod.

I drop them into the bucket with the other locks I use for lockpicking practice.

I hate these damn locks so bad. I live in California and I have to have a new unopened lock complete with a receipt for it dated within so many days otherwise I cant leave the gun store with the gun I bought (and waited 10 days for).

I don't have any, I don't know what I'd do with them if I did.

You use them to look your guns so your child doesnt blow his brains out. Oh wait, that doesnt matter because you alt right incels will never breed and will die alone

go back to plebbit 2/10 bait

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already lost 1 kid to them killing themselves. allowing them to find loaded guns and play with them is survival of the fittest and weeds out the ones that disobey my teachings of "don't play with guns"

>not using them to detain qt traps in the rape basement
>the absolute state of Jow Forums

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don't need to worry about the quality of your bike lock if you don't need to worry about niggers stealing it

Are you ok?

I locked my bike up with mine since it was so light and I had it. now it's stolen. at least it was cheap.

The one that comes with the 10/22 Takedown is a legit padlock and genuinely really nice. I used it to lock up my POD when I moved last year. Still have it. Good stuff.

you live in california dont you?

My country legally requires me to use them

use a safe affidavit instead

Came here to say this.

I use mine at the gym on other people’s lockers

Every handgun I've ever bought came with one for free, inside the packaging. And no, I live in Idaho you stupid cunt

Ha i do the same with my shoei but i also throw it in a soft helmet bag without the shoei logo. Over $700 helmet. Kinda scares me everytime i do it but im not about to go hiking or into a concert with that thing