Binary triggers

If this is true how come we have so many Nugget owners and commie larpers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

because they probably identify as the last of the male sacrifices for the glorious movement of communism

The mentally ill shouldn't be allowed to own guns

Because gender and sex are apparently two different things. Gender is what you identify as whereas sex is what your genitals are. According to my branch atf agent.

t. Works at gunstore


Wow the ATF does something right


how else are they supposed to shot them selves with out a gun you double nigger.

Nice to see the 4473 is actually stopping the mentally ill from buying firearms.

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Yeah but how does the state determine who is and isn't mentally ill

seems like the ill are determining it themselves by checking neither

More enemies of the ATF? Sounds like good news to me


t. statist cuck

Lol yeah. I'm not talking about specifically this. But in the grand scheme of things making legislature on things like this are mighty slippery.
Keep it to preventing those who have been involuntarily institutionalized from purchasing and that's it.

Kek, based

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Potatoes, schizos, anyone who needs happy pills to keep their brain chemicals in check.

yeah, enemies of the ATF that can't even be bothered to check a box in order to get a gun
about as useful as the retards in Hawaii both registering their firearms and getting medical marijuana permits

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The exception that proves the rule

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Precedents like this allow the state to invent reasons why you shouldn't own a gun.
Like that bill that made elderly people who had to have their finances handled by someone else ineligable for gun ownership that was shot down by Trump.

>Hurp durp let's just restrict guns
>I'm sure the government won't just expand what ever condition keeps people from owning them onto the masses.

Then that means the Forefathers were statists because they wouldn't let niggers, fags, or the mentally ill own guns either.

The founding fathers didn't anticipate this level of jewery from the grabbers.

That's because none of those were considered people by society when that happened.
Now that society has deemed them "people", the same standards used to prevent them from owning guns can be used on the rest of us.

So the solution is to do as the Forefathers intended and stop classifying them as people again.

Yes but good luck with that.

Day of the Sword soon

Why not now? Larping does nothing. Nobody is planning anything. DO.

>Nobody is planning anything.

Oh yes definitely. Absolutely nothing going on here Officer. All loyal servants of Israel and the State here!

then how will autist on Jow Forums get guns

I have incredible doubt that anything happening on private channels will come to fruition. I'm not a kike I'm just skeptical of it all. The corrupt roots are planted way too deep in western society

As a tranny, I kinda wondered how this would work now that I've changed some of my legal information. My driver's license says female, but social security and birth certificate are still listed as male. Does the ATF even give a shit which one you choose? You just have to pick one? According to the article, apparently they don't give a fuck either way, which makes Question 6 redundant. At least my concerns about getting delayed for an irregularity between ID and SS or something won't actually be an issue.

Define mental illness, grabber. You throw a term around like that, you create a slippery slope towards total disarmament. Danger to self or others (suicide, homicide, violence) or psychosis (schizos, hallucination) should be the limit and determined only in court through due process. Give grabbers an inch and they'll determine anyone who wants a gun for self defense is considered a paranoid delusional maniac with homicidal fantasies.

>he fell for the transitioning meme
Yikes. VR and mail order cute clothes are now, you didn't have to permanntly fuck up your life for this.

>Define mental illness
Gender Dysphoria
Drug use (HRT)
Self mutilation (sex change ops)

The point was to elaborate why that brand of mental illness should prohibit someone from owning a gun. It doesn't directly indicate violent psychosis.

>doesn't directly indicate violent psychosis.
>self-harm isn't violence
>not being able to distinguish the reality of your body isn't psychosis

>not getting the fucking point
The most a tranny is going to do is kill itself, so there's no reason they shouldn't be allowed to be armed. They don't pose inherent threats to others. If you don't want them to he armed just because you despise them, that's fine, but it makes you a grabber in some form.

>how does the state determine who is and isn't mentally ill
Being confused about your gender might be the first clue

Yes, we've established that this is mental illness.
Why does this type of mental illness make you unfit to own a gun?

I can't wait for you to have an emotional meltdown and kill yourself like all the other subhuman tranny scum.

>The most a tranny is going to do is kill itself
pic related

>Why does this type of mental illness make you unfit to own a gun?
Because it commonly comes with self-harm and drug abuse

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How's that boot taste?

They're just going to use it on themselves. The poor gun will be forever lost in an evidence locker to be needlessly fingerfucked by sweaty overweight policemen.

>one fucking example
We're approaching "think of the children" levels of grabber rhetoric.
He showed extensive evidence of a wide variety of mental disorders on top of being a tranny. Again, most trannies are going to harm themselves at most.

I guess nobody should own a gun for self defense for that exact reason, then.

>Implying anyone on Jow Forums owns guns

>most trannies are going to harm themselves at most.
Fine you've convinced me, let them have guns keke

>Gender Dysphoria
Where to even classify it is questionable and up for debate. It has been moved from the mental disorder listings and into the sexual health disorder listings. Though, it's technically a neurological disorder. None of the symptoms of GD make a person disqualified from gun ownership.

>drug use
lol it's not even a drug. It's a prescription sex hormone. That argument would be like trying to ban anyone on a pain management pill from gun ownership, or hell, anyone who drinks alcohol.

>self mutilation
Implying we mutilate ourselves like cutters. We go to professional cosmetic surgeons. Should anyone who gets a boob job or nose job have their guns taken away? Isn't this "mutilation"? Or only things you don't like, like a good little gun grabber?

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>because it commonly comes with self-harm and drug abuse
So fucking what? You obviously don't care if they hurt themselves

If you're still alive you can get it back. With a nice healthy crust of patina.

It really depends on how niggerly your local police are.

>It's a prescription sex hormone
Buying chinese hormons online isn't a prescription

>Should anyone who gets a boob job or nose job have their guns taken away? Isn't this "mutilation"?

>You obviously don't care if they hurt themselves
Ofcourse I do, if they kill themselves where will I find feminine benis

Based tranny.

Let the tranny retards own them so they can shoot themselves en masse so we can finally be rid of them.

so people shouldnt be allowed to own guns because they have anxiety issues?

>implying I haven't had emotional breakdowns
I keep a loaded shotgun by my bedside for home defense. I cry. I scream. I never even consider the gun, because I'm not suicidal. Secondly, I'd never use the gun to commit suicide if it ever even came to that, because fuck the grabbers.

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As someone currently undergoing probation for cocaine possession with mental health issues, fuck you. Literally the only reason i fought to get that felony dropped to a misdemeanor was so after i serve my time i can get back to collecting guns. Without that hobby, I’d be fucking miserable.
Eat shit bootlicker.

You probably wouldn't be so fucked if you just listened to Do you at least still have your benis?

>hey you see that powdered battery acid?
>shove it up your nose
Unless you were held at gun point and forced to do it against your will I have no sympathy for your addled mind.

>cocaine is battery acid
The drug is fucked but that's not even close.
Why are Jow Forumsniggers the most retarded form of grabbers?

>They don't pose inherent threats to others.

holly shit Jow Forums. is some boogeyman for you, go shoot up school or something

Give me statistics not anecdotes.

>got so triggered it only read the first link

You have to put what your legal sex designation is. If you've had it changed (which actual transsexuals who suffer from gender dysphoria and just want to be a normal person of the opposite sex almost always do), then you still put what your legal designation is.
>TL;DR there is no such thing as genderqueer, and third wave feminists simply don't understand how to fill out legal paperwork

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You're very clearly in the upper right political meme quadrant so it was a really, really safe guess. Also all "Jow Forums boogeyman" posters are always Jow Forumsniggers.

>Without that hobby, I’d be fucking miserable.
Just do some more cocaine then.

I literally would have killed myself if I didn't transition when I did. I'm not a crossdressing anime fetishist like most traps you'd find on /lgbt/. Nobody except autists would seriously consider "cute clothes" and VR an option for gender dysphoria. I have a legitimate medical diagnosis, a medical doctor and real prescriptions for hormones. I still have a benis, but not for long. Also my emotional fuckery is not from the dysphoria. Transition has alleviated most of it. My fuckery comes from PTSD and social phobia because I've been a victim of violent crimes in the past. Which is the reason I understand the importance of the 2nd Amendment better than most and appreciate the fact I live in the only country on Earth with that right.

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I'm not the tranny. I just find anecdotes and specific isolated examples fucking useless when it comes to discussing discourse.

>gungrabbing Jow Forumsfags shitting up Jow Forums yet again.

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Metaphor, remember, the thing you learned about in middle school? Use what's left of your brain cells please.

>just want to be a normal person of the opposite sex

>you're a NAHTZEEEEE
t. drug addled leftist

i am not even the one you were spazzing out at, but please tell me more about your mental illnesses and how owning guns will help you out and is totally not put in danger you and everyone around you

>I want to chop off my own dick, but I'm totally mentally stable enough to own guns
lol those same quack "doctors" would have prescribed you an icepick to the frontal lobe forty years ago.

>I still have a benis, but not for long.
Enjoy your 3 times a day trip to the AGDQ dilation station

Yeah I wasn't talking about meme traps either. I genuinely do not believe gender dysphoria is a real thing.
Are you denying your obvious authoritarian rhetoric?

I'm still stuck on how self harm makes you dangerous to others.

>I'm not a crossdressing anime fetishist like most traps you'd find on /lgbt/.
>Im not like the other trannies
Wow, you actually do have the brain of a female kek. Maybe transitioning was the right step

Nobody called you a nazi you fucking retard

This kind of stuff makes 'common sense gun laws' not sound so much of a bad thing.
I'm not about discriminating trannies, but if someone is so mentally ill they can't decide their gender chances are people encouraging them to make those decisions are probably making them do worse things. Straw purchases as well. Maybe if they're not doing it themselves, they're making others do it for them. Faggots that are boasting about getting traps on here are probably into some real fucked up legal shit the ATF should crack down on. If they don't it gives stuff like 'ghost guns' a bad name, it gets associated with straw purchases. These decisions get derided so much common sense isn't so common. Good thing some actual common sense is being common.

>Danger to self or others
Anyone who supports socialist politics is by default a danger to themself and others.

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You might go allah trapbar on someone who misgenders you. Also, why should we put guns in the hands of clinically suicidal people?

>using a gun
>shielding yourself
What even are words?

Non-binary retards just do it to make themselves seem special. They're vain assholes that have no place in being taken seriously.
Yes, I expect all the trannies who don't make it past their 35th birthdays to create a country that enslaves and starves its populace. Who said anything about socialism anyway?
Also wouldn't that exclude a fuckton of normie retards as well?

>you might go allah trapbar on someone who misgenders you.
>put guns in the hands of people
Good thing this isn't a socialist state where we distribute products to people whether they buy it or not.

Icepick lobotomies are not a cure to anything. Frying somebody's brain and turning them into a vegetable to cure a disorder is like having a termite infestation in your house, so you burn it to the ground. Problem solved lol. Psychology has come a long way in we have a better understanding of how to properly treat different conditions. We used to exorcise epileptics because retards like you thought it was demonic possession. You disregard medical science because of your bias. I know you don't give a shit either way. You're just another gun grabber.

Well that's just like, your opinion, man.

It doesn't, but the point is disarmament. We'll proudly throw around vague terms like "mental illness" while never explaining what that means because it just justifies the government being authorized to kick in more doors.

Meant to say the first green text isn't a thing that happens.

Lol'd out loud at the thread title.

You're missing the point. Back then, icepick lobotomies was called "science." Now, injecting men with estrogen and chopping their dicks off to feed into their delusions is called "science."
Tranny Phantom begs to differ.

Meme ghostboy was an isolated instance that involved a cocktail of mental illness. He is not even close to the norm.
Also how does being injected with estrogen and chopping off your dick make you dangerous?

>not being friends with chill center-right-wing trannies
I pity you. Best range buddies I've ever had.

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The last time I was at my local gun store for a transfer there was a tranny there buying a .300 blackout ar pistol. I have no idea how they filled out their form but they either lied or swallowed their pride and walked out with their new memegun.

>He is not even close to the norm.
There's a norm?
>Also how does being injected with estrogen and chopping off your dick make you dangerous?
A man who's lost his dick has nothing else to lose.
Do they suck you off after every range session or something?

>Randy Stair
I guess all socially awkward white kids with no girlfriends should be forbidden from owning guns, following the same logic.

>there's a norm?
Yeah mostly just depression
>a man who's lost his dick has nothing else to lose.
You'd expect a significant percentage of trannies to go out to commit homocides then, no?

>can't see value in people with different backgrounds unless they are sucking dick
How long have you been single, user? Who hurt you?

stupid "shall not" cucks. Some people are dangerous with firearms you retard. Its people who want to defend themselves that deserve the rights to have guns.