Serbia dindu nuffin edition.
Old thread:
Isaac Thomas
Jayden Miller
Joseph Kelly
Is this normal on AKs? I found posts on other AK forums that said as long as the gun functioned and the sights weren't canted it's fine.
Kayden Cox
Waiting on my tanker mags and slabside. Tfw spent enough on various mags and accessories that I coulda bought a wasr
Michael Reed
>/akg/ capitalized
>buyers guide in the OP
This isn't the correct thread format. Someone make a proper one.
David Thompson
>implying anyone who’s not autistic really cares.
Ayden Ross
What's wrong with it?
Julian Brown
Why is that meme so high res everytime I see it it has that weird mid 2000s blur to it
Joseph Flores
heyyy, anybody want to throw me a boner and sell me a bulgy fsb?
Nathaniel Smith
also will this cunt fit on a standard bulgy 24mm muzzle thread?