Serbia dindu nuffin edition.
Old thread:
Buyer’s guide:pastebin.com/YdEkhdva

Attached: 40AB24F7-1B64-4464-8314-FEFC175E019B.jpg (736x587, 152K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 2017ACC0-CCDF-4CA5-89C9-D078FCBE9B32.jpg (4032x3024, 2.99M)

Is this normal on AKs? I found posts on other AK forums that said as long as the gun functioned and the sights weren't canted it's fine.

Attached: 20180730_221950.jpg (2576x1932, 1.09M)

Waiting on my tanker mags and slabside. Tfw spent enough on various mags and accessories that I coulda bought a wasr

Attached: A7F06992-C756-4A91-BEFF-3531652840D7.jpg (1024x563, 103K)

>/akg/ capitalized
>buyers guide in the OP
This isn't the correct thread format. Someone make a proper one.

>implying anyone who’s not autistic really cares.

Attached: 2B2A79C6-767C-44D7-A63C-3BBC8F1008C2.jpg (1008x1024, 172K)

What's wrong with it?

Why is that meme so high res everytime I see it it has that weird mid 2000s blur to it

heyyy, anybody want to throw me a boner and sell me a bulgy fsb?

Attached: 20180728_172215.jpg (3264x2448, 821K)

also will this cunt fit on a standard bulgy 24mm muzzle thread?


Attached: bigbadaboom.jpg (750x501, 104K)