Annnndd ITS GONE!

Cody BTFO!

Attached: FeDuRuLgUnCoNtRoL.jpg (571x244, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:[ZIPPED]!qNcDUJrT!wVzbt6pWi4oJW2Vox4N8kDQcce8kBpBbc_5IMpo1ps4

Shit. Anyone save the files? Or is that now illegal? I didn't manage to get them in time.

Oops whatever you do dont go here

Attached: 1517482486800.jpg (850x942, 169K)

I managed to snag the VZ 58, 1911, and Beretta M9 files

Oh boy SCOTUS is gonna have a field day with this one.

i got all of them yesterday, including the liberator.

Nevermind, don't need them after all.

Post them

Oh, look what I found!

but those a cad files not 3d printer files, i don't think those were ever illegal

Has anyone tried to print and fire this thing?

Attached: Partisan_Revolver_V2.0_3D_Print_Kit_Gun.png (800x600, 66K)[ZIPPED]
There you go Jow Forumslansmen

>Aint clicking that shit, nigga

Old. v4.8_(Ishikawa) has been out for like two years.

Do *NOT* click on this link

Cant the judge only delay it?

DefCad pack:
FOSSCAD pack:!qNcDUJrT!wVzbt6pWi4oJW2Vox4N8kDQcce8kBpBbc_5IMpo1ps4

Well, aren't you a dear? Thank you.

Hypothetically speaking, if a guy were to want to purchase a 3D printer capable of printing a durable, nice looking lower for educational purposes only and was willing to spend several thousand dollars on said printer because of reasons.. which one might he buy?

Didn't we just literally have a lawsuit that ruled these files could be released?

Something is wrong with the legal system if a judge has this much power.

Also how is there always some liberal faggot judge waiting in the wings to stop any pro-trump or pro-gun decision, where are the judges when California bans shit?

federal vs state judges

by "3D printer files" do you mean .stl files?

whats the name of the type of file a 3d printer's set of instructions are stored in?

I only got the vz.58 cause its all i wanted, already have the liberator files.

whatever you do, don't go to ( and upload the stp files.

stl files typically hold the model, which is fed into a slicer that spits out gcode files. stl files are what places like thingiverse distribute because gcode files are mostly printer specific.

a downloaded more from the archive but i snagged the vz.58 seconds before they shut it down.

Cody Wilson is either an idiot, or he wants to be a test case that goes to the Supreme Court. If you reach a settlement with the government to release your 3D printed pistol plans, then release them right away. Don’t announce that you’re going to do it in two weeks, giving your opponents plenty of time to find a friendly judge who’ll shut you down.

For the record, I suspect that he former is the case, and he wants to go to the Supreme Court. Getting caught was part of his plan all along.

Attached: big_1483549931_image.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

for you

No survivors

You suspect a man that is militantly anti-government and has been baiting and fighting the government for years, is looking to get in a fight with the government?

Goddam, Sherlock.

i have nearly all the mirrors on here

feel free to post shit in there too

wtf did anyone get a chance to download shit?


yes literally look at my post above ytours

He totally did this on purpose. Why do you think he didn't immediately publish everything as soon as the first injunction was dropped? Why do you think he's set a specific date and made a big deal out of it? He thought he could bait the ninth circuit into letting this go to the Supreme Court but the government called his bluff, so now he's going to try and bait 'em into doing it again, so that hopefully it gets there by the time kavanaugh is in and this becomes the law of the land

There was no ruling. The government dropped the case precisely so that there would not be a ruling.

Literally google DEFCAD files and there are links everywhere

Cory already won, the Streisand effect is in full throttle

whats the legality in america of dloading?

100% fine. but vpn just in case

Do you guys think an inch pattern FAL file might exist?

lmao yeah right. have you heard this guy talk? theres no way hes smart enough, he cant even perform a simple oral debate with a CNN thot after she gives him layup after layup of material for him to slamdunk. watch it all go right over his head. no, hes an open book and like he clearly states in the interview the law is on his side. unless you are a retard anyone can see that its true. i cant comment on why he didnt publish his site before but im sure his lawyers gave him advice about holding off until the case was fully settled and appeals were run out, or perhaps he had technical shortcomings and was working his front and backend.

How is a lower judge allowed to overrule the SCOTUS.

code is speech

Attached: free speech flag.gif (1920x1080, 18K)

This shit
Don't know why on earth you would give them even a small chance to race you against the clock

Because the case was dropped, not settled. If it was settled it would be end of story.

how is the supreme court allowed to drop or ignore cases literally every fucking time when they pertend to guns and the 2nd amendment


Because who's gonna challenge them? They're the highest court in the land.

Well they can chose to deny an appeal, just like every other court can, because that's how our judicial system works.
They chose to drop this case because they didn't want to set precedent and, after a long stalemate, they started losing footing fast once ITAR got btfo'd. It was a matter of time before they lost altogether.

>i cant comment on why he didnt publish his site before

Because NOW he can make loss of earnings part of his case.

the case was about itar restrictions and it had nothing to do with scotus. This shit has been getting spammed to hell and back idk how you people cant keep up

Not a huge surprise

Attached: armed goyim.jpg (1179x825, 284K)

The files I got are for solidworks. But here is the torrent


>we knew
>so they shut it down

The memes continue to become real.

He did release them right away, I was able to downloaded them over the weekend.


Where do I find those cad files?


>what is a joke
You know Jews can see your memes, too, right?

Attached: 1519695921197.png (1903x1203, 2.15M)

Putting a flag or Star besides a name doesn't make it true.
That's called propaganda.

Propaganda is a two way street.
Jow Forumsproganda is just as garbage as left propaganda.

>what is controlled opposition

Attached: unhappy merchant.png (1598x802, 898K)

this word always stirs up thoughts of Resident Evil

Attached: RE.jpg (600x300, 50K)

this is exactly what he wanted. supreme court time.

Once we win, you'll be able to buy a barrel and bolt, and print the rest. Reliable homemade semiautomatic firearms, my body is ready.

>go to use my phone to look up defcad.
Does the state government provide for my phone bill? Do they pay Verizon the shekels? This fucking disgusts and enrages me to the point of wanting to religion of peace a fed ex. I pay my fucking internet bill, when I type something in I don’t want the fucking faggot government telling me what I can view.

>buy a barrel and bolt, and print the rest
AR-15/AR-10 barrel, barrel extension, bolt, and firing pin.
100% 3d printed receiver, FCG, and bolt carrier.
Straight pull bolt-action (or ultra-short-throw turn-bolt) rifle.


Poast your DEFCAD folder.
>PA here, shit sux

Attached: unknown-1.png (1343x455, 83K)

All this does is make people more curious and want to print them.

>everything has to be an AR
ugh. No. If the goal is to make as much of the gun as possible at home, while getting reliable function, then straight blowback is in order. Think "9mm SMG", where you buy the bolt, barrel, and springs.

Print out 20 of them, assemble, done. You have now armed your entire neighborhood

the pirate bay has a few bulk DefDist torrents that were uploaded yesterday.

>straight blowback is in order. Think "9mm SMG", where you buy the bolt, barrel, and springs.
>Print out 20 of them, assemble, done. You have now armed your entire neighborhood

Attached: ERECTION.jpg (1800x3200, 1.53M)

But you're not really making less of the gun at home for using an AR-10 barrel, just using a more complicated and expensive barrel. The barrel extension really doesn't count because it's only a separate piece for manufacturing convenience -- you always buy the barrel with extension pre-installed.

If I'm buying purpose-made gun parts in the first place, I'm a lot more interested in the idea of a moderately accurate .308 bolt-action rifle than some bullet hose I could just as well make with plumbing pipe for a barrel.

What's the next step in his master plan?

Crashing the judiciary...
[spoiler]...with no survivors[/spoiler]

Securing Dr. Pavel

listen to some of his interviews. He is more about just generally shaking things up and challenging the status quo openly and forcing a national discussion and debate on the matters.
everything being said in this thread, he wants it to be discused on a national public level

i dont think he had any illusions of ulimtate success or victory in the courts. he is intetested in pushing the topic and forcing debate and maybe eventuallly see some decisions and action

*Fire rises*

anti-gun control joos
>Jared Kushner
>Ben Shapiro
>Milo Yianooopooolos
Yeah those are some real pro 2A warriors right there

Most of the people in your pic aren't even in office. They're talking heads.

You knoe the large majority of jews in office are virulently anti freedom. Then you got groups like the ADL.

Just fuck off to Israel. No one cares if your jew feels get hurt on Jow Forums.

Very simple process user. Make dual citizenship illegal, disallow foreign entities to own US property and companies, end US financial aid to ALL Countries. I didn't ask for my tax dollars to be spent.

Fuck. Yes. Please. America is for Americans.

>>Ben Shapiro
I don't want to shill, but I've never heard him utter a bad word about 2A and gun ownership.
In fact few days ago, he called out Trump on his retarded lol3dprinting stance.

It's a good idea, but that doesn't help with jews, since they have a law of return. So they can basically turn up an embassy and then they're off to Israel.

It’s intentional. We’ve got 24/7 ShareBlue shills posting a lot of the more retarded shit you’re seeing. They’re muddying the waters, posting about 3 different streams of fake news.

They’re in full panic mode. If this doesn’t get quashed hard, gun control becomes obsolete overnight. Just wait until this gets a little traction in UK and Australia. That’s why the hysteria, if it goes viral there’s going to be outbreaks of freedom all over the globe.

Thing is though is that American Cuckservatives don't stretch their muscles to tell Israel what to do because "muh holohoax" . Reality is that at any point, a president could make a secret deal with Bibi and tell him to deny """ people""" like Feinstein, Soros, Bloomberg etc entry if they ever come and turn them over to Hamas if they get entry anyways.
owo what's this? Even the pro-Liberty kikes admit that gun control is fueled entirely by Jews. Quit denying reality, Shlomo. You can't escape the truth.

Attached: 1526175784632.jpg (349x202, 28K)

I've talked to Imura and he told me it's meant to be milled, not printed.

>outbreaks of freedom all over the globe.
user please.
penis can only become so erect.

You want to really arm the people? Find a way to start mass-producing the OG Liberator, and start leaving them anywhere you can with a box of 10 rounds.
Even if the cops pick them all up, there will still be that voice in the back of their head that says "what if we didn't find them all?".
Psychological warfare yo.

Attached: 1529605156259.jpg (1280x957, 297K)

This is a great way to get the 4th amendment suspended.

Nah the liberals love the 4th amendment more than they hate the second because they think the 4th exists purely to protect minorities. They'd rather see the US devolve into the thunderdome before they let police harass their precious minorities.

I want to download the files but I use windows 10 as my OS. Which is basically spyware. How fucked am I if I download these files?

the files are perfectly legal.
everything about the site was designed to be unambiguously legal, yet still trigger lefties

me thinks he just did it for the money

is how you say, like something from pre 2000 web2.0.
jew watch dot com I think.
they never learn.