>tfw you have Crohn's Disease and can't join up with the military
>tfw what you're afraid that when you get to the afterlife your warrior ancestors will be disappointed, and turn their faces from you
>tfw you have Crohn's Disease and can't join up with the military
>tfw what you're afraid that when you get to the afterlife your warrior ancestors will be disappointed, and turn their faces from you
>and can't join up with the military
congrats you arent wasting your life
mfw i medically lied through meps
Only thing worth going to war for these days is Jesus.
Do you think there's ever going to be a new Crusade user?
>>tfw what you're afraid that when you get to the afterlife your warrior ancestors will be disappointed
Tell them to go fuck themselves, their genetics is what gave you the Chrohn's in the first place
Yes, and in the most strange of places, Africa. It's so perfectly set up, Subsaharan Africa is mostly Christian, Northern Africa is mostly Muslim, where the two meet each other violence ensues, and they absolutely hate each other and the Christians are getting tired of the Muslim's shit. The real wildcard is figuring out how Chinese involvement in Africa will affect the whole thing (since Christianity is on the rise in China I'm feeling positive about it).
Same but I have autism, I'm just glad I can still shoot and own guns.
What do you mean? Isn't Op posting on Jow Forums?
Yeah but nobody cares about those monkeys
>implying your ancestors weren't all peasant shepherdcucks
Catholics and Protestants are heretics.
same here. one of my grandfathers signed the declaration of independence and sacrificed one of his kids to a torturous death for america and all i do is shitpost on an anime website and play video games while braindead liberals take away our rights
We all are user, god help us. We all are
joining army is not only way to be a warrior. you need to know that
Catholics and MOST protestants are.
Anabaptists are where it's at, mane
This. Majority of folks come from a long line of farmers and similar lifestyles. You aren't right descendant of a warrior king.
But YOU can be that warrior king;)
pick at least two
>t. Heretic
Oh user, don't be a party POOPER!
fuck dude are you me?
lmfao not OP but also suffer from crohns.
doctors told me and my parents it was genetic even though i am the only one in the family to show signs of it
>recessive genes
are often recessed.
nope, not even my grandparents are showing/showed signs of it. also by family i mean including extended family
same. but with ulcerative colitis. I have a jpouch now though. But hey, I'm in college now instead of enlisting, and people tell me that it's a better option. Hooray genetics, amirite?
More likely your dad isn't your biological dad...
I can trace my families military history back to the seven years war...
It's literally the white variant of 'we wuz kangz' mentality
>impying people of low birth couldn't be warriors too
OP here. When I say warrior ancestors I'm including people like my great grandpa who was a soldier in the Great War, and my grandpa who was a pilot in the RAF during World War 2. Or all the men who marched in the ranks of the various British armies that fought during the medieval and early modern eras. They were all warriors even if they made their living as farmers and whatnot. Though in my case my family lived on the coast for most of its history so we were more likely fishermen rather than farmers.
How do I become a warrior without joining the military?
You're enough of an autist I'm glad you're not in my friend
>on k
you repeat yourself
Dont be a fag user. Start bulking and go innawoods with a milsurp rifle and beyonette. Charge a bear or something equally impressive. Stab first then kill it however you deem fit. You now have the respect and admiration of your peers and ancestors for being ballsy enough to engage a bear in cqb.
Suck it up. I want to join the reserves but I can't because I'm deaf in one ear. It sucks but that's how it is.
Don't feel too bad. I was in for a couple years and all they did was send me on humanitarian missions. Joining up doesn't guarantee you'll deploy unless you go SF.
>wants to get paid near minimum wage, ruin his body, and risk dying for globalism.
Bowelets should neck thenselves
I just threw up a little
Do you mean be a mercenary or something?
yes. somewhere in middle east asia like...
I care about them. Don't matter what their skin or IQ is, every soul saved is a victory
What about Pentecostals?
>Crohn's Disease
>warrior ancestors
ya'll niggas done went full retard.
I would be more concerned about your ancestors hating you for masturbating to anime characters all the time
i have masturbated to much worse than that
Might be fine if it weren't for the speaking in tongues shit
But user, speaking in tongues is right there in the Bible. It ain't even considered all that rare.
My family is from the soviet union so theres a chance one of them were sent to the eastern front or even afghanistan
Join the FFL or buy a one way ticket to syria or some shit
B*ptist detected
>buy a one way ticket to syria
AKA how to get on every government watchlist known to man
baptists are protestants
Wait until you find out in some states a CCW license cannot work with a medical pot license. Pot on down time basically removing much of your Crohn's symptoms would make you top notch. You sit there wondering why, when all the military guys get drunk as hell nightly and smoke tobacco when they can.
That only means you have fucked up on your genetic lottery
>not fucking it first, then somehow teaching it CQB
Jow Forums fucks guns. check.
Jow Forums fucks itself. check.
Jow Forums fucks traps. check.
Jow Forums fucks deer. check.
Jow Forums contemplates fucking fictional T-Rex. check.
Jow Forums ponders fucking skinwalkers. check
yep, nope, I think this is the first bear fucker. or did I miss that?
Israel and International Jewry, you mean.
>Jow Forums contemplates fucking fictional T-Rex. check.
>Jow Forums ponders fucking skinwalkers. check
Tell me more.
Your great grandpa would probably rather not have a “warrior afterlife” if it meant being involved in the great massacre and falling asleep to artillery shells every fucking night during his teenage years
Don’t be foolish
Fighting is exciting but at the end of the day you could die or WORSE
>How do I become a warrior without joining the military?
Train your body and mind to a state befitting a warrior, the best warriors are never called to combat for their enemies know they will lose.
why do so many richfags have this disease lmao
it probably comes from your diet as a spoiled fuck
They'll be happy you didn't die in a desert for some jew
If you want to be a warrior, don't enter the military. Your grandfathers fought for good causes and the defense of their country. If they wanted you to go to war at all (which I'm sure they don't) they wouldn't want you to go to the middle east to fight for the Saudis and oil. That is, if you even get deployed. You sound British, their military is really in a bad state. Don't enter the military yet. Your time will come.
lord no
>t. Faggot who's ineligible to serve
>our country has compulsatory military service for almost no pay
>three months after I was done with it I was diagnosed with Crohn's
Fuck me.
I am eligible, but why would I risk my life for literally nothing? The only people who join to serve their country at this point are retards falling for a ruse, the smart ones kook for the benefits.
School shooting is a way to go
I'm Canadian, but I figured I could still join the British army since I'm part of the Commonwealth. Why is the British military in a bad state? Is it worse that the Canadian military? Also how does it compare to the American military?
>wanting the L85 as a service rifle
fucking gross dude.
I worry that I'll regret not enlisting when it's too late to do so. I'm very conflicted about the idea. I want to die fighting for a heroic cause, not from a heart disease dying alone in a single bedroom apartment. I cannot find a single just conflict to fight for though.