Magazine pouches as protection

How much protection will these provide from modern small arms (5.56x45mm, 5.54x39mm and 7.62x39mm namely)?

I know they cover stuff all vitals compared too vests and are less than ideal as real protection, but is it something even worth a consideration assuming you have no access to body armor or are travelling light as possible?

for the sake of argument assume they're double stacked with magazines and covering the chest are like pic related.

I'd guess that they'd stop you from getting the severe fragmentation/yawing effects of modern high velocity rounds and might leave you with at least a slightly more manageable wound if you're super lucky they may even deflect an incoming bullet, whats the Jow Forumsonsensus?

Attached: nickelsvc-WU1.jpg (700x481, 73K)

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sorry for my reddit spacing btw, im a shameless phone poster it just feels better

demolition ranch did a video on this. Kinda neat go check it out.

sweet thanks man i will

>How much protection will these provide from modern small arms (5.56x45mm, 5.54x39mm and 7.62x39mm namely)?

sounds like someone needs to go watch

You gonna back that claim friendo?

None. You'd have to be very fucking lucky to have a fucking full magazine and it's pouch stop one of those rounds. An FK Brno round will punch through one, go through you and then out the back. And that's only travelling at 2000fps from a handgun.

Post video.

Here's MAC talking about the BRNO.

>How much protection will these provide from modern small arms (5.56x45mm, 5.54x39mm and 7.62x39mm namely)?

Absolutely none

Attached: brs.jpg (700x393, 75K)

I know this is basically fuddlore but I remember seeing a D-Day documentary and some old dude was talking about how a German round hit the loaded magazine of his M1 and stopped the bullet.
Maybe double stacked 30-06 in a sheet metal case, covered in walnut offers more protection than an AK mag

He neglected to mention the round killed the dude in front of him before he caught it.

>More manageable wound
You don’t know how gunshots work do you?

or that it was a ricochet

There's always the veteran stories about how something stopped a bullet - a gun, a bible, a crucifix, a helmet. And the stories may well be true. But it is rarely verifiable how far the bullet had traveled, or what it had hit previously during the flight.

Title of the video? I can't find anything on his page about shooting magazines.



1. theyre shooting at like 50 yards
2. the magazines are shot individually not 2 side by side like OP said, so literally half the protection provided
3. even despite this the video shows the mags stop bullets penetrating IIIA that otherwise would have and with the 5.56 rounds it shows that it causes them to fragment BEFORE hitting the body which would significantly reduce the wound profiles atleast and probably reduce them too 22 tier wounds at any moderate-long ranges if not out right stop them (assuming double stacked mag pouches)

watch this video and take into account what a said Basically its less then ideal protection but its better then nothing and will stop or deflect bullets in the right conditions
Heres another good

which shows some success stopping or deflecting bullets, or improving the qualities of soft armor (all tests at under 100 meters i might add) at longer range I would assume the number of deflections and stoppages achieved would increase dramatically

Attached: AK-Gear.jpg (600x400, 54K)

oh i get it your an idiot who thinks getting shot by a 22 isnt getting shot
mags are the same as nothing in terms of protection

Considering the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of rounds that are fired in major wars, it is entirely plausible that 1 in a million type crazy things happen with bullets.

Works great against 9mm's

Attached: image.jpg (885x516, 57K)

I think it's in some random video I can't find it either. But I distinctly rember him shooting full magazines with various guns to see what happens.

>How much protection will these provide from modern small arms (5.56x45mm, 5.54x39mm and 7.62x39mm namely)?

Metal AK mags have been known to turn into body armor at distance.

>oh i get it your an idiot who thinks getting shot by a 22 isnt getting shot
No but between that and a good old fashioned 5.56mm wound i know what I'd choose, its a bad day either way but one is an icepick wound you (((might)))) survive, the other is a fist sized hole you probably won't survive

>mags are the same as nothing in terms of protection

>So they had two complete penetrations, one deflected bullet and one failure to penetrate.
>the magazines worn over an armor plate can be a consistent obstacle on the bullet’s path to make it fail to penetrate an armor that it would penetrate with close to 100% probability if not hitting the magazines first.
This is the result of two of the tests in the link I provided (carried out at under 100 meters too top). But yeah man im sure you would achieve the same deflections, stoppages and faliures to penetrate soft vest with thin air too, as a matter of fact you should go prove them all wrong and try it yourself.

>German round hit the loaded magazine of his M1
Get the fuck out of here with that tardation.

Lol the M1 has an internal magazine

There was a picture someone posted a while back about a guy who got hit by a 308 round in his glock through the magwell. It didn't do anything at all to stop it.

Next to nothing. Maybe stop 22LR but that's it.

TheWoundChannel did a video on shooting mags attached to a plate carrier and what normally would go through the plate didn't go through the plate after it hit the mags, not sure if this helps you or not though.

OPs question quite explicitly states no access to body armour. In which case, loaded mags offer no protection. As has been pointed out several times already. The rounds he listed would easily go through the mags, the contents of the mags, out the back and into the meaty thing behind.

Where they do offer protection is in front of armour where the mags act almost like reactive armour on tanks, to destroy or slow down the projectile enough before it can penetrate the main armour of the tank/plate behind the reactive armour.

The only way you might survive being shot with nothing but loaded mags for protection is from a ricochet were the projectile has already fractured and split or its energy dissipated enough that the mags are enough to stop the projectile or fragments of projectile. Which is the same principle reactive armour works on.


A Ukrainian company did a test shooting through two steel ak mags(side by side) and of the four shots they fired at the mags (at a close range of 30 meters) two fully penetrated, but one was well deflected to the side and another one failed to penetrate both mags (pic related).

In combat with more extended ranges, weird angles, random variables like interfering foliage etc. its not unfeasible that mags can deflect and occasionally stop bullets and not just in the complete "fluke" bible or random cellphone in a pocket kind of way.

Attached: p_20160608_115725.jpg (650x365, 50K)

heres the deflection shot. I know its not a clean central hit too the mag, but you can't deny the fact that it would be enough to stop the bullet from finding its mark when it otherwise would have

Attached: Can-Magazines-Stop-Bullets-8.jpg (600x337, 50K)

a closer detail of the deflected bullets path

Attached: Can-Magazines-Stop-Bullets-7.jpg (750x421, 117K)

Here, hold this loaded m-4 mag in front of your heart while I shoot it with an AK....


It's time to stop.

Attached: 411120-m1-garand.jpg (3264x1840, 1.07M)

You are noguns

Are we not going to point out how this VC is holding an AK-74

Attached: images (1).jpg (228x221, 6K)

You know the NVA had 74's later right? They fought a whole fucking war with China burgerclaps don't remember.

M1 carbine?