Dumbest weapons of ww2 and the cold war

Dumbest weapons of ww2 and the cold war

Every country from small arms to planes

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Can any wehraboos, or preferably actual history people tell me if they ever really considered shit like the ratte as a conceivable thing?

Even Hitler himself liked it (go figure), but IIRC it was Speer who canned it in 1943.

The ratte probably would have been effective against the Russians if they had the air superiority and gasoline to actually field the fucking thing

From what I understand it was mainly intended for coastal defense and wasn't supposed to fight other tanks.

The whole story of nazi germany is full of "if" and "would have been"

>Nazi Germany would have been great if Hitler wasn't such a Fucking lunatic

those german mini subs where they drugged up the crews massively thinking it would help them handle the hellish conditions and when they trialled them in combat they all just vanished never to be seen again. That has to be the ultimate fail

>>Nazi Germany would have been great if Hitler wasn't such a Fucking lunatic
But....probably not even unless you like compulsory shorts and a lot of group shouting

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