Post knives
Post knives
>OTF switchblade
Sure, why not?
>No karambit
>says the guy who didnt post a karambit
With all that shit you could've bought 1-3 decent knives instead of ending up with a fleamarket stands inventory.
2 randalls, 4 ek's, more barks than a dog...flea market. lol ok dude, if you say so. post your knifes homie.
Uhh... some of those are really nice knives. Post your collection.
You and I share similar tastes. I salute you.
Are you 15?
Nope. More than twice that.
>bunch of no names and fudd tier knives made in china
Yeah, whoa, guess I was mistaken there buddy!
Randall is in Florida, Bark river is in Michigan. Bench made is in Oregon, EK was in Virginia. Post your knifes plz.
>Post knives
Muh Benchmades.
>no drunk makeout scene with kim
Missed opportunity with the movie
In before the sebenza cunt comes in and shits up the thread.
Guys, I can't decide between an ESEE 5 and an ESEE 6. It really just boils down to, should I get a knife that is 3/16 inch thick or 4/16 ? Everything else is literally equal; After getting an aftermarket kydex sheath for the ESEE 6, it would come out to the exact same price as the ESEE 5.
Inb4 >batoning , I do not really care about chopping wood or batoning with a knife. Also don't care about using a knife for fighting. I just want a knife for SHTF, something that will be a good multipurpose tool.
- virtually unbreakable due to being so thick; you could stab the thing into a fucking car and proceed to pry the door open
- not as good at slicing, and also harder to sharpen especially later in the knife's life, because it is so thick.
- the 3/16 thickness, combined with the full flat grind, make it significantly weaker than the ESEE 5
- easier to sharpen, better slicing
Is a 3/16 thick knife strong enough for moderate prying?
get the laser strike.
Pretty good taste, you should add a flipper or two to spice things up though.
nice letter opener.
>Sebenza is derived from the Zulu word meaning "Work''
Pre Knives
Why Scott dumped Best Girl for a blue-haired thot I have no idea.
If you don't care about batoning wood, def go with the 6. I own both, the 5 I got for pure baton chop chop. Get the esee 6 with the modded handle, feels 100x better than the original.
I wasn't considering that one because I want a knife with a blade 5 inches or more, and I'm also not a fan of the handle on the laser strike. There is almost nothing there to prevent your hand from slipping up onto the blade
Is that a full Emerson, or the Kershaw Emerson?
Because I got a Kershaw Emerson and the steel is so soft on that mother fucker
you call that a knife?
>when your mall ninja showes
>he didn't preorder the $600 karambit
I wasn't considering that one because I want a knife with a blade 5 inches or more, and I'm also not a fan of the handle on the laser strike. There is almost nothing there to prevent your hand from slipping up onto the blade. But otherwise I do like it, especially the shape, it's a true drop point with the tip right at the center. Though the ferro rod in the handle seems like kind of a gimmick
I don't care about batoning, but that's because I live in an urban environment and I wouldn't be innawoods at all in a SHTF situation. Something in my gut tells me a knife thick enough to stab through sheet metal or pry crates open would be more important than slicing, but maybe I've just watched too much tv in my life
Git gud faggot.
Top is my Wilson Survival knife, once my dads when he was serving and now mine. The stains along the edge are from the oil used last time it was serviced - it doesnt get used much.
Bottom is my Type 2 AKM bayonet, issued to the Yugoslavian forces and used in a certain big massacre. It smells of glorious cosmoline.
Correction, phone decided to flip the image. So bottom is top and top is bottom.
Nice Ek
>but maybe I've just watched too much tv in my life
Bingo. You think you'll stay in the city and scavenge and fight zombies? The first thing you will do is get the fuck out of the city and into some obscure woodland area. Either that or stay in the city to get robbed of whatever knife you choose, or lynched for no reason at all because that's what city folks do when SHTF
>I don't care about batoning,
No shit, hence why I said if you don't care for it, go for the 6. Sure the glass breaker is nice, it's pretty much a sharpen crow bar, but If you are prepping, you should be carrying a small pry tool already and not rely on your knife for that.
Don't get an esee get a real knife and a pry bar.
>go to woodland
Easier said than done. I would only try if it was a true end-of-the-world type situation. If there was any chance of the government restoring order within a month, it is smarter to stay put where you live.
>just carry an additional tool
Typical. I'm not going to strap 11 different things to my legs, and if it's SHTF time, I don't need the ideal tool for every single situation. That's the entire point of a knife: jack of all trades, master of none.
>"get a real knife"
Only a ka-bar fanboy would say such a thing. Yeah let me get le ebic kabar ebic marines edition huge piece of crap, with the signature shitty kabar powder coat, stick tang, fucking LEATHER handle (retarded), and clip point designed for stabbing so retards can pretend they're a badass as if knife fights are not utterly futile and to be avoided at all costs
Or even if you're not talking about kabar, I would like you to name one thing wrong with the quality of ESEE 3, 4, 5, or 6 aside from the price
Kabars suck too, esees are literally barony chop chop market knives. If you want something for shtf you need to pick of you want it for utility, fighting, bushcraft etc. Esee is the worst choice for an all rounder because they're pretty much purpose made for fags who want half machetes half knives. Esees aren't shit for what they are, I do think they are aboit a third more than they should be but I'm just saying for your purposes get something else.
I really wish Jow Forums had more than a 4mb limit, ever since I got a new phone, I can’t post half the pics I take with out trying to shit they up to fit the limit.
What y’all carrying today? I’ve got my Kershaw Premium Skyline, first time I’ve carried a Skyline in a long time.
>half machetes half knives
So your complaint is the length? I don't understand, anywhere from 5 to 7 inches is standard size for a general "survival knife" and every knife manufacturer makes knives in that range. ESEE knives are not unique, they are simply high-quality
Please anons help me.
Some time ago I was reading a book and I can't recall it's name, things I know:
-it was about many uses of a knive
-it was writen by some soldier if I don't remember wrong.
I didn't want to start a thread just for this.
pic unrelated
What's that Spyderco in your pic called?
The first Spyderco I've seen that I actually like the look of...
Looks like the ed schemp tuff, but I could be mistaken.
why you post fefe
About 40% of my collection
Stop posting you fucking retard
At least it's not an out-the-urethra switchcannon.
What's the best blade tip for a belt knife?
Nice Fred Perrin custom. I'd pick up one of his Spydie productions but the autism hole in a fixed blade turns me off.
Fefe has high quality clip-point claws and stinger
They're big heavy knives with a 50 degree bevel made out of a sub par steel for the price. The machete thing comes from the fact they are meant for chopping and batoning. They aren't that high quality for the price point, the main issue here however is for the use you describi don't think they'll work for you.
It's not a custom, It's the first run of spyderco, that didnt have a hole.
I dont have any other spydercos for that same reason, I hate the stupid hole.
If you're in Yurop it's for sale. I dont like it.
That seems to be the new CuckeReeve version, with the dotted grip and no serrations. Top tier knife but shit heat treatment, edge rolls like crazy.
Cucked Reeve started offering more options, when Chris' wife divorced him and took his company with her, cucking him out of his job.
I'm very tempted. Do you have discord?
You're still not making any sense. The steel is 1095, very standard for any knives, there is not really any more-expensive steel that one would expect in a more expensive knife. Nor is the bevel any different from any other brand, the bevel really can't vary that much for a given thickness. You say esee isn't good for my purpose but my purpose is to have "a general survival knife strong enough for moderate prying". Again, esee knives are not unique, the only differentiating factor is the quality control and manufacturing standards really
email me at Spanishanonbst@
It's an email I have for buyselltrade in the chans.
It's extensively used in the kitchen, and comes with dings in the spine, a recurrent factory defect. Comes with a mini tek-lok.
Just finished Eye of the Needle by Ken Follett. Great book, nice movie. But that's not the thing.
Thing is that I think of buying a stiletto, like Die Nadel had. In the movie it's a strange OTF knife, which is, probably. a movie prop and not a real knife.
But Die Nadel from the book uses a fixed-blade stiletto, hidden in the sheath up his left sleeve. Got any ideas which kind of a stiletto could it be? Any IRL prototypes?
I thought about OSS sleeve dagger. Can there be any other variants?
Got it. I'll get in touch this weekend.
How am I not making sense? You're the one who came here asking for advice and I'm giving it to you. 1095 is a normal but for $100+ you can do a lot better when it comes to edge retention etc. especially for survival. Esees are thick and wide not as useful as many other knives with thinner blades and lower angled bevels. Even with a thick knife you still shouldn't pry with it.
I'm saying this because if you want a tool for shtf especially you want it to last, get a pry bar and a higher mora or puuko or something.
Winkler Knives makes a spike at around 70$ I think
You're not making sense because "esee" is a brand, not a certain blade geometry. All brands make all blade geometries, "thick and wide" is a nonsensical criticism of esee or any other brand for that matter. And literally name a type of steel that is purported to be more knife-suitable than 1095.
Maybe I'll get a pry bar but it's time for you to admit you have nothing against esee, you just felt like talking some shit about a popular brand
Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? All of esees main knives have the exact same design, the only major differences are size. When people say esee for their main survival knife I automatically assume it's the esee 3/4/5/6
I bet they don't ship to Russia.
Though their knives are pretty cool.
Rheinleder has or can get them, it's a german store
Yeah and the esee 3 for example has a blade length under 4 inches and thickness of .125 inches. And wait til I tell you about the Izula...
Fury makes those in stainless steel and zytel. There's also the Cold Steel Delta Dart.
Who said izula? I'm making a reasonable assumption your main shtf knife isn't going to be a fucking neck knife. almost all of esees flagship knives are the same. And if you're using it for prying it probably isn't the smaller ones. They're big heavy and meant for chopping/batoning. I'm not trying to be a nigger and call you a retard, I'm just trying to give you advice because you clearly don't know what you're looking for.
We must be speaking different languages friendo, I'm about to fucking throw my computer. Ok, let's get this straight, we are talking about esee knives that fall within a blade length of 5 to 7 inches. You are saying "esee makes their 5-to-7 inch knives thicker and wider than other brands do for their 5-to-7 inch knives." Which is false. The esee 5 is thick yes, but other brands make .25 inch thick knives too. Everything else in esee's lineup is 3/16 (EXTREMELY common across brands) or even .125.
Therefore you are bashing esee for a retarded reason, don't even bring up the steel again because that is even more retarded
Couldn't find one.
> Cold Steel Delta Dart
Sweet, affordable, but not steel. Cold Zy-Ex.
It's not just thickness it's how that thickness relates to the glade geometry, esee makes particularly wide edges on thick knives. 5 to 7 inch knives is the market and specific product line you said you were looking into which is why everything I've said thus far has been speaking as if that were the exclusive esees you are looking at which is once again reasonable considering you mentioned prying. I'm jit bashing esee, but if you say "I'm looking into an esee" then say "I don't baton" I'm going to suggest you reconsider.
Not him, but get a Wilson Survival knife. Theres a place in Scotland that makes them to the original specification.
They are good, hard wearing, utilitarian and last.
The dagger with added swagger.
The correct esee is the 3
She's Chinese.
Jow Forums knifefags, I need advice. I want to buy a good quality knife for every day use. Going into the medical field (hospital setting) so I can't carry a hatchet.
As said, it is a Spyderco Tuff. All around my all time favorite knife, can’t really say why... maybe the nostalgia of it.
When I first started to really get into knives, the only company I really knew was Cold Steel, but I kept hearing people talk about Spyderco, so I looked at their catalog and I saw the most expensive knife they made was the brand new (this was years ago) Shemp Tuff... it was like $450 or something (of course MSRP not retail) and I thought my $20 knives were fancy.
I finally got it years later near the end of its production.
Sorry for the ramble.
the fuck is the point of the tacticool parabraid?
been seeing this a lot lately and seems useless
I have that middle boi on my person.
Phoneposting from an ambulance in Maine.
Best bet is just to resize them to a standard size, with very few exceptions 1000 pixels on the long side is all you need to get an image across, and Jow Forums's servers suck so anything bigger takes forever to load anyway. People can also open the EXIF data on photos that come straight from a phone and get GPS data. I usually use real cameras for photos I post here, but when I do for whatever reason post a phone shot I usually just email the photos to myself and then resize and strip EXIF on my PC.
I have a glock knife with a part in the middle that seems to not have an edge in it, all I have is a Sharpmaker and a harbor freight diamond sharpener how do I fix.
Adds extra grip length I guess
> not really any more-expensive steel that one would expect
>the bevel really can't vary that much for a given thickness
>the bevel really can't vary that much for a given thickness
Eeeee, not really taking sides, I think Esee is a pretty good brand, but not with out problems, many of which a lot of brands don't get right at lower or higher price points... But god damn I cringed hard at those comments.
1095 is like bum fuck basic standard, I want at lest that, steel for an innawoods knife. I don't think it's bad for the price point, as long as there is a good heat treatment and temper, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to more modern steels like A2, CPM-3V, D2, 5160, ect...
And edge geometry is everything. IMO most innawoods knives are way too thick behind the edge, Ontario, Becker, and TOPs being some of the worst offenders, but Esee, Cold Steel, and even upper brands like BRK are not supper. Brands that absolutely nail it; Blackheart Knives, Gavkoos work, and all Rocksteads (not really innawoods), granted they are all expensive af.
I'm in the mood to get a new knife and I've got some money burning a hole in my pocket. Pic related are my main EDCs, I mostly carry the Sebenza lately. I'd like to stay in the same size range as these (under 3", for legal reasons) and I'm thinking I can spend $250-350. Any ideas?
Has anyone bought one of those knives and memeSheathes from Geissele?
Seems really expensive. Granted, I don't know shit about knives.
Interesting looking through knives that fit your description using the BladeHQ search... But really nothing stood out to me... I'm just not into sub 3" (honestly sub 3.5" most the time) folders. The only ones I have considered are a few Almars, and the Lionsteel you have already. If you find something, let us know.
Kind of vomited a little reading all of that. I'm not a hater on supper expensive knives, I get it, and I've got plenty on my list... But I flat out do not see how this knife would even justify $400 really.
And "Sheath of the future" really makes me sick, congrats, they milled out a block of aluminum to fit a knife blade... just like the Japanese have been doing with wood for thousands of years... Aluminum sheaths are not even a new idea.
Yeah, it's kind of rough finding interesting knives that fit the 3" limit. It's one of the many things that suck about living in SoCal. Seems like there's more if I step it up to $450 or so but that feels like spending too much money on a frivolous thing.
found an article that has 5 reasons why 'fobs' are a thing:
1. extra security
>only applies to full length lanyard
2. personalization
3. 'quick /easier access'
>what is pocket clip
4. grip length
>why buy compact in first place
5. increased visibility
>innawoods knives
I never liked them until I got my Sebenza and gave the stock one a try. It's just a convenient way of pulling the knife out of your pocket, you can just grab the lanyard instead of sticking your fingers down into your pocket or whatever. It's not a must-have but it's a nice "luxury" feature. I didn't like the way the stock one stuck up all the time, though, so I made one out of this thin tricolor utility cord I found at a local store.