
So assuming it’s actually gonna happen. What’s your load out as a volunteer in the Great California liberal/commie hunt?

>Hard mode using only Cali legal weapons!

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Other urls found in this thread:

so now there's going to be an independent nation in between california and the rest of the US?

IMO switch it, all the cancer is in the yellow anyways

Just to be clear. The American Indians can have the whole state when we’re done. As long as they don’t interfere.

Only if Texas secedes too and they go to war with each other.

Going hard mode...

I'll use my M4v11 equiped with a KaliKey.
Keep my shots in the 300-500m range.

Calexit was deemed unconstitutional so the courts killed it before they could get enough signatures on their petition to put it to vote.

I mean I hate to tell you this but shit's dead as fuck. Even if they DID get enough votes for their petition, even if the petition was allowed to go through, they'd still have to put it to a referendum vote which they'd never get. ON TOP OF THAT - They'd need to change the part in their state constitution that California is an inseparable part of the united states. AND THEN AFTER THAT they'd need to make an amendment to the US constitution.

They were at step one and the courts ruled it was unconstitutional

Shh, don’t rain on my parade

>Calexit was deemed unconstitutional
It won't stand up in SCOTUS if it gets that far. Not unless they also plan to give West Virginia back to Virginia, because that already set the precedent for the constitutionality of a region seceding from the state, but staying in the union.

Calexit was about seceding from the union, not establishing a new state.

What you're discussing is still on the table and headed for the polls this november. I think. Don't quote me on that one because I could be woefully uninformed.

Unlike Calexit, the california split may have legs. That wacky water restriction law that recently came into effect is going to make a LOT of people unhappy with california's leadership and want their own that's separate from the rest of the state. There's also no small number of people in california who are sick of their crazy metropolitan population deciding how everyone else in the state should be expected to live.

On top of that is the housing crisis going on in California right now. Any one of those, singularly, could significantly sway voters. But all three are on the forefront of voters' minds right now and they're not happy about any of them. With the latest hullabaloo about 3d-printed guns, gun control is on everyone's mind as well.

Though if you ask me, my personal opinion is that the housing and water crises are probably far more effective to persuade voters to split off from california

Hypothetically speaking, what would a Cali split end up looking like?

No ports... it's fucked.

I hope we do split off. I can't wait to get away from the bigoted flyover states.

Fuck Trump and fuck you, OP.

I believe the ballot proposal is drawn up like image related. California and Northern California still end up with LA and San Francisco. Where they draw the lines here may be the biggest obstacle to the bill. Because more than a few people don't want anything to do with those metro areas.

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I thought it was the splitting up of CA that got shitcanned by the courts, not Calexit.

Could have been, but as of 2 weeks ago they got enough signatures to head to the ballot in November.

Calexit was in the process of collecting signatures for a petition to be formally discussed before being voted on in 2020 at the earliest. Again, I couldn't tell you how far along they were, but polls did not show a lot of support for calexit.

Whereas (source is CNN, take with a grain of salt) of June 18th, Cal 3 is headed to the ballots in November.

It already got swept off the table by the elites.

Fuck it, I'll vote for it

Wikipedia says it's halted by the courts for review

an independent CA would quickly be absorbed into mexico or maybe even china.

Nice false flag Jow Forums

Here's a more recent article from fox news from july 2nd.

AAAAAND here's a link to OP's image:

Apparently there's a new campaign they're working on.

If I were in California? I know I would. So Cal is being dominated by northern california's massive metro area and it's killing them. You stand a good chance to get away from california's cookiness and salvaging at least some of the state from the poor leadership that's currently running the state into the ground.

But not surprisingly, democrats have the most to lose from this. Southern california would become a swing state. And the idea of losing their grip on southern California would really hurt a democratic bid to the president.

Ah. I stand corrected then. From what I understand, the decision right now is whether to pass the ballot initiative as an amendment or revision. Should it get enough votes, even. Not surprised they want to stall it though.

the chad Saddam,
AKS + trillby and fly neck scarf.
that look has killed degenerates since 1991

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they don't want it because they believe that it will affect future voting and halt California votes being used in future pollings because there isn't a system in place to make it efficient.

funnily enough I always hear from flyover state bros that they fear CA splitting into 3 states will mean more blue senators...

Thing is, I believe within a generation, Southern California would be able to defeat the soft handed LA/Hollywood Elites and turn the state red.

San Diego County may be blue, but they recognize Illegal immigration is problem. With so much military personnel there, American Patriotism may bloom wildly if SoCal throws away the chains linking it to Frisco and Sack

Hey man, it's not fair if it's justCalifornia.

Whole US should split up. Let everyone do their own thing, without dictating others.

There's no way San Francisco will not want to be in the same state as LA.

As much as I want to see the three state option actually happen:
>55 electoral votes
>20% guaranteed every election, no matter what
>willingly losing that so everyone outside of LA can stop dealing with faggot laws and policies
They'll kill this any way they can.

No it will never happen and none of you want it in Three pieces. All any of this will do is give Democrats more Seats within the Government and more Electoral College votes.

Also fuck Prairie Niggers.

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>anything other than welfare queens

>stemming flow of illegals

>flyover state bros
I hope you die in a vat of rotting avocados

>Southern California would be able to defeat the soft handed LA/Hollywood Elites and turn the state red.
>San Diego County may be blue, but they recognize Illegal immigration is problem.
IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER IF THEY REALIZE ITS A PROBLEM, within 10 years the place will be nothing but illegals and their legalized children that are 100% sympathetic to illegals, you might over-run LA, Hollywood, and SF but its going to be socialist type of red influx not conservative at all.

Your states demographics literally can not be fixed, you're fucked both long and short term. It will never get better, not even to the point you can brush it off complacently.

Call the rest of the nation fly-over states, good at least that means I keep my rights and keep from becoming literally Venezuela 2.0

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m16 (if i magically could fucken get one, till they become available to civvies gonna have to stick with ar15),+colt 1911

This. Most of the proposed plans just create two more blue states like

Honestly I think if you're in southern california, you'd want to break away from california as it is right now, and it would probably be a swing state. Yeah, you'd have another blue state on top of California, but California would lose some of its guaranteed electoral votes that are most assuredly going to remain blue if they stay together.

Though I'm not sure how many more electoral votes they would gain or lose.

in addition to gaining two-four more perpetually blue Senate seats

lol imagine having a fire fight in the middle of one of those massive forest fires.

I see it going the other way. Today’s illegals will have legal kids. Those kids will face an influx of more illegals that want their jobs and property.
Watch the descendents of illegals become vehemently opposed to future immigration.
And even more opposed to Mexican interference in us states.

You haven't really spent any time around Mexicans, have you?

Yeah. Probably.
Sucks to be in California I imagine right now. It's either GTFO or stay on a sinking, flaming ship.

Actually I have. Third and fourth gen mexamericans. Most of them have no sympathy for border jumpers.

They don’t live anywhere near the border states so maybe that’s why.

This three state measure is the most autistic thing I've ever seen in my life.
>Norcal, the most right wing part of the state gets Sac and San Fran
>Central gets Silicon Valley and LA
>South is so fucking bursting with illegals it doesn't even matter
The only thing that would come out of this is 4 more democrat senators. There's only one solution and it's pic related. The rest of the state can be given back to Mexico

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Lmao. It doesn't matter whether they're legal or illegal. Legal hispanics are a net financial negative and vote almost unanimously blue, just like their illegal counterparts. The "being a legal citizen means they aren't a leech" meme needs to die. On average, legal hispanics take out significantly more than they put in.

But its not tho. Seccession has only been deemed illegal by Right of Conquest, not the Constitution. Unless theres an amendment Im forgetting

No. Those faggots don't get the whole coastline. Split it norcal/socal

Which means the problem is welfare existing, not the Hispanics you stupid fuck.

The California constitution has something in it about how it's an inseparable part of the US.

Texas V. White ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional, yeah?

and you can't make welfare not exist. Hispanics come in and vote overwhelmingly for leftist policies and a bigger welfare state. So yes, Hispanics are the problem

It was deliberately structured to create 3 blue states, user

Exactly. That's why we need Jefferson

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you may be thinking of Sherman V Atlanta, user

I moved to the Central Valley in April. Can confirm politically it's Red, Pro 2A, and they are livid with the water rules bullshit.

To keep this /k - right now all I have with me is my PPQ, Browning BPS, and M24 Mauser.

Father is making a road trip out and bringing the rest of my goodies I left behind, now that I know a majority of people here despise Sacramento and love the 2A...and Dairy Cows.

Going shooting in the National Forest this weekend, as a matter of fact.

Keep it /k

>you can't make welfare not exist

Separating Silicon Valley and SF is ridiculous.

SF and SJ are one single urban area. They even more or less share an integrated set of public transport systems.

Took a moment for that to register but that got a smile out of me.

You can't make welfare not exist as a concept. People will come in and vote to implement it.

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What're the water rules? That ranchers and farmers can't suck the aquifers completely dry? Do they bitch about illegal immigrants while employing hundreds of them?

California Republicans deserve far worse than what they're getting.

I'm sorry, was there a /k related question hiding in there?

Go start a thread on /pol if you want to know more. I'll answer hop over there and answer, I promise!

>letting people vote
democracy is a soft variant of communism

I think we can all leave the sucking completely dry to you and your mother.

>People will come in and vote to implement it.

not if you get rid of voting by limiting the franchise

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Meh, SCOTUS will give us back our gun rights, it’s only a matter of time. We have the Constitution on our side.

If you actually think that killing people solely because they have differing opinions than you is an acceptable choice then the Government should take your guns away.

>If you actually think that killing people solely because they have differing opinions than you is an acceptable choice then the Government should take your guns away.
That's exactly what the British said before we shot them all.

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I wish you would. Californians are ruining the one thing California has going for it.

It's pretty amusing the large amount of uppers and stripped lowers the LGS has...

And not a single CA compliance part to be seen.

>What're the water rules?
55 gallons per person, per day.

In 2025, 52.5
By 2030 they want it down to 50.

And no water storage for mountain runoff because NRDC says it will impact the habitat of

You better have a lock down on that southern border if you make it happen. We get enough liberals fleeing California and shitting up our state as it is.

Still giving Democrats at least 2 more guaranteed Senators.

Well that's nothing new. You haven't been able to store rainwater either according to the feds.

What ever happened to the NCR? Where it was coastal LA, Sac, and SF taking the coast and staying California, while the reasonable parts of the state became NCR?

Tried to keep it /k and relevant since I live in CA and all, but just another shitty /pol thread.

Fuck this, I'm out.

>gunning down Commiefornians
Stop I can only get so erect. I have a few for the noguns among us.

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Seems fair. Rename it to Casinofornia.

The only strictly Jow Forums thing to discuss about California is how fucked the laws are and that's even Jow Forums according to the sticky.

If Jow Forums starts gunning down Californians it means you too dumbass doesn't matter if you own guns

>modern day welfare is the reason every Hispanic country and every Hispanic neighborhood in the US are shitholes
I cannot wait til the moment you deluded civnat lolberts have to finally live among these people instead of paying a premium to live far away from them. When you guys finally have to lie in the bed you made and there's a Somali and a Mexican already lying in it. The look of horror and the cognitive dissonance on your stupid smug faces will almost be worth our country turning into Brazil.

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I have water rules, straw ban, curfew (yeah even over 18), plastic grocery bag ban, no oil based paints, smog, fixed blade knife ban, window tint laws, all the gun stuff, 11% sales tax after city, county and state,

I had to buy $15,000 solar panels because HOA said to...

HBD notwithstanding, I've never seen as much entitlement as from chicanos.

That just makes cali 3 liberal states instead of one big one

>southern california is north of california

Native nation would prob join the US as soon as the ink was dry. Not even hard decsion by them

did you have a flash hider on the fal?

>They were at step one and the courts ruled it was unconstitutional
Even though it fucking isn't.

Texas V White. Secession is unconstitutional.
On top of that:
Article 3 section 1 of the state's constitution states explicitly,
"The State of California is an inseparable part of the United States of America, and the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land."

Notes - Inseparable.

desu a lot of mexicans are not that bad, especially the ones who aren't 100% Aztec

Somalis though... not so much.

>country will soon be a majority group that votes for less freedom of speech and less gun rights in every country every time
>at least I don't think they feel very entitled! Surely I'll get to keep my guns!

.50 beowulf AR

Yeah I did, I have a brake coming in the mail

At least some of them can read English. That makes them better than you.

Why do flyovers get so triggered when you point out they're from a flyover state?

>Great California liberal/commie hunt
I’m neither liberal nor a commie
>11% sales tax after city, county and state
Wtf where is this so I can never buy anything there

Ayyy, looks like I am the retard after all. Time to join the cholos.

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>HOA said to

This was your first mistake. Never ever ever ever ever buy a house in a neighborhood that has an HOA. HOAs are possibly the single most un-american thing to ever exist.

>"The State of California is an inseparable part of the United States of America, and the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land."
>Notes - United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
Then why do they constantly shit on it?

>Then why do they constantly shit on it?

No good answer for you, sorry.

Because the leadership isn't American, and don't even pretend to be. They should be charged and convicted of high treason, have their citizenship revoked, and sentenced to death or exile, preferably both. Shoot them in the back of the head, exile their corpses to that garbage island in the pacific, then bill their families for the bullet and medical waste disposal.


Why do costal fags fuck up my country?

>get two liberal states out of the split instead of just one
Learn 2 politic
Any CAnons reading this: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE support the current shitty 3 way split. It's poison to the balance of America.

Fuck u guys we have critical mass, jts nvr gonna hapn