>he thinks a 7-8lb rifle is considered heavy
He thinks a 7-8lb rifle is considered heavy
It is retard. The vast majority of what you do with a rifle is lug it around. Zero excuse, especially with modern materials for 7 pound stock AR's.
But what about modded rifles?
My first rifle was an M1 Garand
Get used to it, faggot
this fucking thing is over 9 lbs as is !!!
explain this bullshit !!
Are you mad that i started hunting with a revolver because im sick of lugging my grandpas 30-06 around the woods for miles?
Have you ever carred a 10 pound gun for 10 hours? How about three days?
How about 15 months with 600rds of ammo faggot
My beefy boy is 13 lbs with no accessories. Typical of an AK battle rifle.
M2 gunner here.
My bitch was 86 pounds.
How old were you when you realized guns were a meme? I was 16 and kicking ass in highschool. Some nerdy LOSER tried shoot up the school, but I punched him in the face, then threw his gun right back at him, and he tried to shoot me but he was too slow, so I headbutted him and he dropped his gun and he was pleading for his life, so I picked up his gun and handed it back to him, and he tried to shoot me again but TOO SLOW! I head-butted him again, and he was feelin' pretty sour.
These days I carry sixteen pistols in my jacket. They're for protection. Not MY protection, but the protection of anyone who want to fuck with me. when I see a mugging in action, I literally throw guns at the criminals, and while they're distracted trying to size up the situation, you guessed it, HEAD BUTT! Right in the chest, because I don't believe in striking below the belt.
So fa/k/kots? Why don't you try and shoot ME? Feelin' lucky ya bunch punkers?
Heh poopy
>shit rail
>shit barrel
>shit optic
Field m2 Gunner? I thought m2's were only mounted since the 70s. And LMGs were exclusively used in the field.
Throughout history there have been armies that train beyond the requirements of campaigning. Hoplites would train with heavier spears than they actually carried, roman legionaries would train with wicker shields heavier than those they actually carried.
I understand the whole "a soldier should be fighting the battle not his equipment" perspective, but there's a threshold where training a little harder to have essential additional capability when it matters is something armies have understood since time immemorial.
TDLR... train harder, get fitter, whine less, it's for your own good, all of it.
The grunt has spoken. PoGs can get the fuck out .
all those people are dead now too fagot whats ur point
Go back to your containment board you /arg/ fag
aaand you're illiterate.
>be me
>have 7-8 pound cock
>dicklets complaining about the weight of their rifles
I'll instruct you on how to build a rifle boy.
Good if you go mid length, carbine just means you beat the gun to death faster.
>Gov profile
No grenade launcher=No use, get a heavy barrel
Why? There are durable and smaller options, going full Comp M4 is fucking retarded.
It's not even a comp m4 you retarded kike
Bet you were glad it was made out of aluminum/polymer and not billet steel huh.
Like my guns with a little meat on them
watch less garand thumb fampai
Did you carry it with you on 20 mile hikes?
I like your LMG barrel.
For when the gass of kikes.
8 pounds is where a rifle starts to get heavy. Take an AR for instance, most people can't hold that out one handed and shoot it that way at 8 pounds. If you get a lighter pistol version, people can do that one handed. If it's too heavy to hold with one hand, it's probably getting to be a bit heavy for a rifle in my opinion.
>I bought a heavy outdated gun once
Wow, incredible argument buddy.
Most fighting rifles today are 8-9lbs loaded and with needed accessories attached.
Imagine being this bitchmade, lol. I bet youre a boot that complains about shinsplints and other made up owchie-wowchies too.
Does GT actually shit talk Aimpoints?
Christ almighty, weight is everything for a soldier. The upper limit on how much weight you can effectively carry for anyone in good shape isn't muscle but joint failure.
No to mention the lighter you are the faster you can move, you don't want more weight because even if you can carry it you'll slow yourself down. That why you get stories of Operators doing shit like cutting toothbrushes in half to save on weight. Saving on weight with modern materials was the entire philosophy of the M16. If you just want to punch holes in paper every once in a while do whatever you want. But if you actually think excessively heavy guns are OK for combat use then you are actually retarded.
How did you get an ak to be that weight? mines only 8lbs or so
>he think 14 lb rifle is heavy
glad someone said it. I always see faggots on here that post a 9lb rifle with no sling. Everybody knows damn well that thing has never left the range.
>tfw 10 pound AR
I just go by unloaded weight. If you get into it being loaded there's a shit ton of other things to carry and I just don't even want to know how much it fucking weights I'm going to bitch about it anyway.
>Wood Furniture
>t. has a .7 inch microcock and larps on chinese towel-folding forums to make himself feel better
No wood fore end. If you're gonna bubba it go all in.
>he doesn't use silenced grenades
>hurr durr muh oz equals lbs that means that a shitty tiny 9lb rifle is way too much for my girly bitchboi strength
Shut the fuck up faggot. Theres a huge difference between advocating stripping useless weight and maintaining light gear for extra ammo/sustainment/mission specific equipment and crying that your already tiny rifle weighs an extra lb or 2.
If I can carry a 50lb daypack, a SAW, and 600 rounds of linked plus another 200 for the 240 gunners on a 12 hour patrol in Sangin, and still run and gun, your whiny faggot ass can carry your faggot M4 with all those boo-hoo-heavy issue rails and accessories.
Fucking crybaby homo.
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
>Quad rail
Found your problem
>his guns are made of plastic
Please tell me what pressure bearing parts of an AR-15 is made of plastic.
Again, it doesn't matter that you can carry all that weight around, because if you were even a few pounds lighter you would be able to move faster and farther or you could just carry something else useful. Weight is very important, especially on a rifle which you need to manipulate and aim even in awkward positions. Can you aim a 9lb rifle? Sure, but you could do it faster and better if it was 6lb. 2lb saved on a rifle lets you carry 2lb more of ammunition, food, gear, or whatever you need. It doesn't matter if you could carry 1000lb on your back, you would still be faster if it was only 500lb.
Every modern military recognizes this and they keep taking steps to improve the weight situation it's not something you can argue, which is why instead of offering some type of counterpoint like:
>Well heavy barrels can really help in an extended firefight
You said:
>I carried heavy stuff once
I'm guessing that's the reason your not in charge of modern military doctrine, sweetie.
The wood stock and grip, plus metal handguards are an original configuration, not a bubba just cause it has optics tossed on
Feel free to present an actual argument anytime now.
Kek, headbutt the bullet back at them while you're at it.
that was a mean thing to say
>quad rail
>barrel the size of my dick
It's a saiga 308 with a reinforced receiver, thick barrel, bigger bcg and bolt. It just weighs 13 lbs.
only milspec is good enough for a real Himouto
There's nothing good about being an autistic, annoying, self centered, destructive parasite who is an absolute useless stain on society and your family that only gets away with everything because your brother is a spineless cuck and you're a cute girl.
>complaining about people with aimpoints and RAS m4's
Yeah and I could run a 5k in crocs, but why the fuck would I when there’s far better footwear to do so?
Why would you carry a rifle or anything else that was heavier than necessary and therefore suboptimal?
you dont even know her.
she has freinds that love her and care about her
and she loves her freinds
and she loves her brother
and she cares about them
and she wants them to be happy
you dont even know her
Suck my nuts hamster nigger. Your waifu a shit.
you know, people that go hiking are extremely hardcore about literally everything. They shave oz's off of shit. Like, a toothbrush to it's head.
Saving as much weight as you can on anything is the way to go. There is no fucking reason to be carrying 70lbs of fucking gear.
no thank you gay man
stop offering your nuts to other men
thats gay you homo
No one cares faggot. No one here will thank you for your service. And you didn’t have to carry it in the field
>The wood stock and grip, plus metal handguards are an original configuration
You mean the original configuration you bought it in?
>86 pounds.
Everyone knows saw gunners were the fat slow retarded pack mules. Pro tip: they don’t give belt fed weapons and heavy things to people who are good shots, good leaders, fast, or otherwise good or competent at anything.
They gave you the heavy shit because you’re a god damn retard and the only thing retards are good for is carrying heavy things and posturing for cool points on a Tibetan cookie cutting social forum
Shhh, we need someone to carry the machine gun
Holy shit man. Pic related is 8 lbs fully loaded. What could you possibly have on that gun to give it so much weight? Is it just that massive barrel?
it's just a standard 16" govt profile barrel
i didn't think they're that much heavier
maybe there is something wrong with the scale i'm using to weigh it
Yeah also probably something wrong with mine. The gun weighs a lot and the scale doesn't even register weight unless I put some on with my foot first.
Quad rail, optic with mount, backup iron sight, full magazine (1 lb).
People don't want to admit, but an AR fully equipped is usually going to be in the 9 lb range.
Yeah I guess a quad rail would add some good weight to a gun. I'm just surprised it weighs less than my 24 incher.
No, it came with plastic furniture, I was going for the earlier G1 look, just missing the correct flash hider.
This image is very aesthetic.
You misspelled Sanhok there keyboard Jow Forumsommando
shit, you forgot to thank that keyboard warrior for his eservice
You could try being less salty, gramps.
The SAW gunner does half of the killing by himself you fucking nigger.
Holy shit. Normally I like wood and metal. Mixing it with polymer is a mistake. You gotta go all in on one or the other man.